GEB 3035

What did Frank Parsons create?

Vocational Bureau

Frank parsons 3 step process

1. Self assessment
2. Study of options
3. Careful reasoning

Career Development

The total constellation of economic, sociological, psychological, educational, physical ,and chance factors that contribute to shape one's career

Career vs. Occupation

Career- Unique to each individual
Occupation- Exist in organizations, separate from what an individual brings

Roes Formula

Outside of control: Economy, family, and chance
Inside of control: Temperament, personality

Frank Parsons

- each choice is separate/ independent
- careful use of reasoning and logic
- "measure twice, cut once

John Holland developed what?

Holland Code

John Holland

- developed personality types

What are processed theorists?

View career problems and decisions as a lifelong, developmental, process of events/ choices that become more complex as one grows older

Who are processes theorists?

1. John Krumboltz
2. David and Anna Tiedman
3. Donald Super

John Krumboltz

- positive self talk
- personal beliefs and expectations

David and Anna Tiedman

Ship - a metaphor for career choice; no horizon to guide the process
-introduced model of DECIDING:
Anticipation (in the mind)
Implementation (behavior actions)

Donal Super

- self concept
-life career rainbow

Information Processing Pyramid Levels and Domains (CIP theory)

1. Metacognition (Executive processing domain)
2. CASVE cycle (Decision-making skill domain)
3. Self-knowledge and Occupational knowledge (Knowledge Domain)

Dr. Ray the "big 6

1. Salary
2. Where will you live
3. Responsibility
4. Growth
5. Stability
6. Do you like it?

Super and Katz

Analyze how work value are involved in career choice
- work saliance

Work saliance

Super and Katz:
How much work matter to the individual

SIGI values

1. High Income
2. Prestige
3. Independence
4. Helping Others
5. Security
6. Variety
7. Leadership
8. Leisure

Rokeachs Values

Terminal Values (prosperous life)
- what will end result look like
Instrumental Values (hard-working)
- ways of acting and behaving

John Holland theory

Interests are another way to describe personality characteristics

Expressed Interests

Interests that are verbally reported

Assessed Interestes


RIASEC types (Holland)


The role of leisure activities



magnifies job activities


enriches beyond the job


offsetting or making up for something

CASVE types

Execution stage
Communication (6-> 1)

CASVE type Communication

External and internal conditions

CASVE type Analysis

Understanding how i make decisions

CASVE type Synthesis

identifying a course of action

CASVE type Valuing

cost and benefits

CASVE type Execution stage

convert thoughts into actions

CASVE type Communication (6 -> 1)

review external and internal demands

Metacognitive skills

an ability to manage one's own thinking and problem solving efforts
"thinking about thinking

What did Drucker develop?

Special purpose institutions

Peter Drucker

creator and inventor of modern management

Schein's Organizational Culture

1. Culture
2. Common experiences
3. Shared Views
4. Group experience

6 ways organizational culture is obsevable

1. regular behaviors
2 norms
3. dominant values
4. philosophy
5. rules
6. feeling

What did Feller and Witchard develop?

New diamond workplace

Core workers make up what percentage?


Ashkenas developed what 4 boundaries?

Vertical boundaries
horizontal boundaries
external boundaries
geographic boundaries

Vertical boundaries

Ideas move slowly upward to decision-makers
-flow from top down

horizontal boundaries

Ideas do not move across functional areas of an organization

external boundaries

Ideas do not flow easily among consumers, suppliers, and planners

geographic boundaries

Ideas do not flow easily across nations and cultures

Hage (1995)

more complex ways of thinking about life are required in the modern world

Who are structured theorists?

1. Parsons
2. Roe
3. Holland