PSYC model 3

The ____ motive explains the fact that people want to experience pleasure rather than pain.


_______ are beliefs about the causes used to explain events, situations, and characteristics.


The single best predictor of aggression is ___.


Getting to know other people is a process known as ____.

social cognition

An attitude towards a particular group or member of a particular group, based on characteristics which are assumed to be common to all members of the group defines ___.


Acts of aggression are more likely to occur on hot days when people are feeling irritated and uncomfortable due to ____.

The frustration-aggression hypothesis

___ is a situational factor that influences attraction.


The major factors of interpersonal attraction are

proximity, similarity, and physical attractiveness

Before going into a group discussion about smoking, I believe smoking is unhealthy. After deliberations, I believe smoking should be banned.

group polarization

The tendency to make a dispositional attribution even when a person's behavior was caused by the situation is referred to as ____.

correspondence bias, a fundamental attribution error, the self-serving bias

There is nothing altruistic about reciprocal altruism


We marry "ourselves" or someone we see as ___.

being extraordinary with a small flaw

Information known before a discussion by most people and more strongly influences the group's judgment is known as ___.

common knowledge effect

Men and women are basically alike in terms of personality, cognitive ability and leadership






Stereotype threat


Social Role


Motivations that make us susceptible to social influence involve __.

seek pleasure; avoid pain, be accepted; avoid rejection, believe what is right; avoid believing what is wrong, seek knowledge; avoid ignorance

The fact that when we are in a relationship, we want our cost-benefit to be about the same as our partner's is known as___.


___ occurs when we change our behavior, or act in a way that isn't typical because we are following instructions/ orders from someone we believe to be an authority figure,


The practice of gourmet restaurants charging outrageous amounts to keep their patrons coming back demonstrates the use of this social psychology concept.

cognitive dissonance

The Prisoner's dilemma game illustrates___.

the cost and benefits of cooperation

Approximately___ adults with a mental illness didn't receive mental health services in the previous year.


Comorbidity of disorders refers to the presence of

two or more disorders in one person

These neurotransmitters are associated with the cause and course of major depressive disorder

serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine

A disorder affecting conscious awareness is most likely ___.

a mood disorder

Individuals diagnosed with ___ are likely to feel a sense of emptiness, become easily angered, and maintain intense and unstable relationships.

borderline personality disorder

In the United States, approximately ___ od adults will meet the criteria to be diagnosed with a psychological disorder.


Manic episodes lasting at least 7 days (or those that are so severe that the person needs immediate hospital care); depressive episodes lasting at least 2 weeks (usually) are symptoms of ___.

Bipolar I Disorder

Mental illnesses are common in the United States. Nearly ___ U.S. adults live with a mental illness.

one in five

Clinician's working hypothesis about the condition of the patient is based on ___.

the patient's symptoms

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) was first published in ___.


Shawn has lost interest in her friends, family, and hobbies, she also has difficulty sleeping, Shawn is having symptoms consistent with ___.

a mood disorder

Inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning are characteristic symptoms of ___.

personality disorders

___ is an emotional response to a known or definite threat; ___ is the result of an unknown or vague threat.

fear; anxiety

Excessive, constant, unsubstantiated worry is consistent with ___.

generalized anxiety disorder

The conception of psychological disorders as diseases is referred to as ___.

the medical model

Anxiety disorder is differentiated from "regular" anxiety in all the following ways, except ___.

the effect it has on others

Agoraphobia is a specific phobia including fear of trains and crowded places.


Accepted theories about the etiology of mental illness include all of the following, except ___.

cognitive components

___ are irrational, intrusive, and unwelcome thoughts; ___ are time-consuming mental or physical actions.

obsessions; compulsions

A person diagnosed with an anxiety disorder is most likely to ___.

exhibit maladaptive behaviors in an effort to reduce anxiety

A women with schizophrenia reports hearing voices telling her to travel to Washing D.C. and wait for instructions, These are the symptoms of a/an ___.


Which of the following is NOT a reason that people fail to get treatment for mental illness?

Levels of impairment for people with mental illness are comparable to or higher than those of people with chronic medical issues

Mindfulness meditation is a strategy included in ___ therapy.


___ therapy emphasizes action on the part of the client, as well as complete transparency as to specifics to the treatment.

cognitive behavioral

Psychotherapy focuses on the mind; medical and biological methods focus on the brain and body.


Atypical antipsychotic drugs ___.

actin on both dopamine and serotonin systems

Roger's Client-centered therapy includes the following key concepts

therapeutic alliance, congruence of the ideal and real self, the use of unconditional positive regard

The Eugenics Movement led to the sterilization of more than 60,000 American's to "prevent procreation of confirmed criminals, idiots, imbeciles, rapists, feeble-minded, and epileptics.


Effective treatment options for the fear of heights (acrophobia) include:

cognitive behavioral therapy, virtual reality, exposure therapy, behavioral therapy

Antipsychotic drugs were first used to treat symptoms of ___.


The typical psychotherapy client is better off than three-quarters of untreated individuals.


Examining the failure to reach one's potential reflects the ___ approach; examining one's failure to find meaning in life reflects the ___ approach.

humanistic; existential

An exposure hierarchy is effective in the treatment of ___.

social phobia

Antidepressant medications have the strongest effect on people with ___ depression.


Eclectic psychotherapy ___.

draws on techniques from different forms of therapy

Treatment of anxiety disorders may involve all of the following

an anxiety hierarchy, psychotherapy, and medication, progressive muscle relaxation

The primary goal of ___ therapy is to replace maladaptive behaviors with more effective positive behaviors.


The different psychodynamic therapies all share an emphasis on ___.

developing insight into the unconscious sources of psychological disorders

The ___ perspective of treatment focuses on identifying and modifying distorted thinking and erroneous beliefs.


The common feature of psychotherapy today is ___.

creating a therapeutic relationship

Releasing thousands of individuals from mental institutions describes ___.

the process of deinstitutionalization