EAP SPEECH 3- Adjectives to Describe People

A person will not share things and wants everything for himself is ___.


A person that accepts new ideas and is flexible to change is ______.


A person that likes to tell others what to do is ________.


A person that is very selective about things like what foods she eats, what clothes she wears, who she hangs out with
with is a ______________ person. (
to spend time with, socialize with)


A person that likes to show that she has expensive clothes, a lot of money, or think she is very high class is _____.


A person that wants to know everything about your personal business and asks a lot of personal questions is_________.

nosy ... NOT noisy

A person thinks he or she is the best and is better than everyone else is ______.


A person that will not change his ideas or the way he does things is _____.


A person that does not concentrate on what he is doing, loses things, and puts things in the wrong places and daydreams is________.

absent-minded forgetful

A person that is in a bad mood and crabby is ______.

grouchy (grumpy)

A person that doesn't accept new ideas is _____.

narrow-minded, closed-minded

A person that does things behind your back in a secret way is _____.


A person a person that takes advantage of other people and has rude and inappropriate behavior is ____________.


A person that leaves their belongings all over the place and does things quickly without care is ________.


A child whose parents give him everything he wants, and he doesn't appreciate it is ____________.

spoiled (brat)

A person that listens when you have a problem and does not criticize or judge you is __________.


A person that expects a lot of himself and others is _____.


A person that is easy to get along with*
and does not get upset or offended easily is a _________ person. (
*have good personal relationship with)
