6th Grade Literature: Poetry - Types of Poems


Poetry in which the first letter of each line (when read vertically) spell out a word. The word is usually the subject of the poem. Doesn't have to rhyme.


An ancient Japanese form of poetry that often deal with nature and feelings.. 3 unrhyming lines with a fixed number of syllables.
Line 1: five syllables
Line 2: seven syllables
Line 3: five syllables


An unrhyming 5 line Japanese poem, each line with a fixed number of syllables:
Line 1: five syllables
Line 2: seven syllables
Line 3: five syllables
Line 4: seven syllables
Line 5: seven syllables


Five unrhyming lines, each with a required number of syllables and a specific topic.
Line 1: Title (noun) - 2 syllables
Line 2: Description - 4 syllables
Line 3: Action - 6 syllables
Line 4: Feeling (phrase) - 8 syllables
Line 5: Title (synonym for the ti


Two line poems with a fun and simple rhyming pattern. Each line has the same meter and their endings rhyme with one another. Often humorous.

Diamonte Poems

Diamond shaped poems of 7 lines that are written using the parts of speech.
Line 1: Noun or subject
Line 2: 2 Adjectives
Line 3: 3 'ing' (action) words
Line 4: 4 words aboue the subject
Line 5: 3 'ing' (action) words
Line 6: 2 Adjectives
Line 7: synonym f


Whimsical 5 line poems with a specific rhythm pattern . Lines 1, 2, and 5 rhyme with each other, and lines 3 and 4 rhyme with each other.


Have been called the shortest art form. They use devices associates with poetry: rhyme rhythm, and/or metaphors. They provide vivid imagery to teach a moral lesson.

Shape Poems (Concrete Poems)

Shaped to look like their subjects, the lines are created to look like a picture


Spoken word expression of urban activists that began in the 1960s. In the early 70s "rapping" evolved into spoken rhymes about street life put to the beat of DJ manipulated drum machines and turntables.

Free Verse

Poetry without rules of form, rhyme, rhythm, or meter.


A poem of 14 lines that begins with three coordinate quatrains and end with a couplet. The Couplet usually contains a surprise ending or "turn." William Shakespeare is one of the most famous sonnet writers in history.

Narrative Poems

A poem that tells a story and is usually long. Epics and ballads are narrative poems.


4 line rhyming poem. At least 2 of the 4 lines will rhyme. Poets use letters to express the rhyme pattern or scheme. The 4 types of quatrain are: