Pathophysiology Test 1 chapter 1




function of human body


disorider of a body system


causes of disease
biologic agents- bacteria, virus
physical forces- trauma, burns, radiation
chemical agents- poisons, alcohol

risk factors: predispose to a particular disease
What are congenital defects?

-present at birth
-genetic influence- environmental factor (viral infection in mother, maternal drug use)

risk factors: predispose to a particular disease
What are acquired defects?

-caused by events after birth
-injury, infection, inadequate nutrition, lack of oxygen


events leading to altered state
from etiologic agent to the disease


gross anatomic change
microscopic change


study of cells and body tissue
diagnose (dx) of cancer
lesion is pathologic body organ or tissue
tissue- cells with similiar origin and function

acute disorder

relatively severe, self-limiting

chronic disorder

continuous, long term


not as severe as acute and not as long as chronic

clinical manifestations

the outcome of the condition

signs and symptoms

terms used to describe the structural and functional changes that accompanies a disease


subjective complaint (pain)


objective and noted by observer (fever)


designation of cause of health problem, clinical probability


number of new cases arising in a population at risk (without the disease) during a specific time


measure of existing disease in a population at a given point in time
-number of existing cases/current population

natural history

progression and projected outcome of disease without treatment


probable outcome and prospect of recovery from a disease

nucleus and nucleolus

contains the genetic code essential for function and survival of the cell


protein synthesis

endoplasmic reticulum


golgi complex

function with ER, modifies and packages them into secretory granules or vesicles

lysosomes, peroxisomes

digestive organelles breakdown, remove foreign substances and worn out cell parts


power plants, extract energy from organic compounds


microtubules, microfilaments
maintains cell shape


small compartmentalized protein complexes that are responsible for proteolysis of malformed and misfolded proteins

state four functions of the cell membrane

1. controls the transport of materials from the extracellular fluids to the interior of the cell
2. provides receptors for hormones and other biologically active substances
3. participates in the generation and conduction of electrical currents that occur

red blood cells start out with all the organelles as they mature, they

-lose their lysosomes
-produce hemoglobin
-have small golgi bodies
-have enlarged endoplasmic reticulum

when red blood cells are mature, they

lose their endoplasmic reticulum
lose their mitochondria

by the time a red blood cell is mature, it has lost all but which of the following
-endoplasmic reticulum

hemoglobin- b/c the function of the RBC is to carry oxygen, hemoglobin is an essential component of the cell (each hemoglobin molecule can carry four molecules of oxygen). Lysosomes, ER, and mitochondria all exert some metabolic function in other cells. B

relate the function of ATP to cell metabolism

metabolism and energy is the process where the food we eat is converted to energy for cell function.
Energy is stored as ATP
two paths:
aerobic- most efficient
anerobic- glycolic pathway (without oxygen)


the anaerobic process by which energy is liberated from glucose. It is an important source of energy for cells that lack mitochondria. Glycolysis involves a sequence of reactions that converts glucose to pyruvic acid, with the concomitant production of AT

glycolytic pathway

glycolysis- occurs in cytoplasm
splits carbon glucose molecules
process is anaerobic
-energy liberated from glucose
-does not require oxygen or produce CO2
-pyruvate is converted to lactic acid

aerobic metabolism

supplies 90% of the bodys energy needs, occurs in the cell's mitochondria and requires oxygen.

citric acid cycle

AKA Krebs Cycle or oxidative metabolism
-provides energy through aerobic metabolism (requires O2)
-combines hydrogen and oxygen to form H2O
-occurs in mitochondria and produces ATP
-some reactions produce CO2

beta cells

type of cell in the pancreas
store and release insulin, hormone that controls the level of glucose in the blood
the amount of glucose in the blood will sensor beta cells

ATP is produced in the mitochondria
true or false

true- the krebs cycle occurs in the mitochondria
each krebs cycle produces one molecule of ATP


movement of molecules "downhill" from an area of higher to an area of lower concentration

passive or simple diffusion

molecules move randomly away from the area where they are most concentrated
-the kinetic movement of molecules or ions occurs through a membrane opening or through intermolecular spaces without any interaction with a carrier protein

facilitated diffusion

molecules diffuse across a membrane by passing through a protein; requires assistance or pump
-faciliated diffusion occurs down a concentration gradient; thus, it does not require input of metabolic energy, but it does require a transport protein


diffusion of water molecules

active transport

when cells use energy to move ions against an electrical or chemical gradient
-the active transport system studied in the most detail is the sodium/potassium ATPase membrane pump

vesicular transport

mechanism in which a cell encloses material in a small spherical membranous sac, or vesicle, formed from the plasma membrane.

there are two types of vesicular transport

endocytosis and exocytosis


the process by which cells engulf materials from their surroundings. if the vesicle is small the process is called pinocytosis (cell drinking), if the vesicle is large the process is called phagocytosis (cell eating)

your patient has been given an intravenous solution of water. what will happen to this patients red blood cells

they will burst/lyse- osmosis causes movement from "more watery" to "less watey". Because water is more watery than the RBC, water moves into the cell causing it to expand and burst/lyse

cell communication

a messenger molecule attaches to receptor proteins on cell surfaces

receptor proteins cause cell to respond by

-opening ion channels to let ions in or out
-causing a second molecule to be released inside the cell
-turning on enzymes inside the cell
-stimulating the transcription of genes in the nucleus

ion channel-linked receptors

-involved in the rapid synaptic signaling between electrically excitable cells
-many neurotransmitters mediate this type of signaling by transiently opening or closing ion channels formed by integral proteins in the cell membrane
-this type of signaling i

membrane potential

electrical potential across cell membranes

what is the process for generating and conducting membrane potentials

diffusion of current-carrying ions
-both passive and facilitated diffusion are used to accomplish this

describe the basis for membrane potentials

cells begin with a negative charge:resting membrane potential
stimulus causes some Na+ channels open
Na+ diffuses in, making the cell more positive
At threshold potential, more Na+ channels open
Na+ rushes in, making the cell very positive : depolarizatio

When does an action potential occur?

An action potential occurs when Na+ moves into the cell, making it more positive on the inside (depolarization). When K+ leaves the cell, it becomes less positive (more negative) until it returnes to resting membrane potential (repolarization)

four different tissue types


describe epithelial tissue

forms sheets that cover the bodys outer surface, lines the internal surfaces, and form glandular tissue

describe connective tissue

most abundant tissue in the body
connects and binds or supports the various tissues
its cells produce the extracellular matrix that supports and holds tissues together

describe muscle tissue

primary function contraction
responsible for movement of the body and its parts and for changes in the size and shape of internal organs

describe nervous tissue

distributed throughout the body as an integrated communication system

cell junctions

the junctions between tissue cells are important in governing the shape of the body, transmitting mechanical stresses from one cell to another, and creating pathways for communication.
-cell junctions occur at many points in cell to cell contact, but they

extracellular matrix

tissues are not made up of solely cells. a large part of their volume is made up of an extracellular matrix. matrix is made up of proteins and polysaccharides. two main classes of extracellular macromolecules make up the extracellular matrix: ground subst