Patho Midterm

KEEP A 25-year-old male is in a car accident and sustains a fracture to his left femur with extensive soft tissue injury. The pain associated with the injury is related to:

kinins and prostaglandins

keep? A 35-year-old male is diagnosed with lobar pneumonia (lung infection). Which of the following exudates would be present in highest concentration at the site of this advanced inflammatory response?


KEEP A 3-year-old male is diagnosed with autoimmune-induced type 1 diabetes. Which of the following therapies may help prevent worsening of the disease?

Oral administration of self-antigens

LACEYS Which of the following hypersensitivity reactions does not involve an antibody response?

Type IV

LACEYS A 30-year-old female presents to her physician complaining of fatigue, excessive sweating, and increased appetite. Physical examination reveals protruding eyes, and laboratory testing reveals hyperthyroidism secondary to autoantibody production. Th

Type II hypersensitivity

LACEYS Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an example of:


LACEYS What is the chance that two siblings share both HLA haplotypes, making them a good match for an organ transplant from one to the other?


LACEYS! A 35-year-old male is diagnosed with a hormone-secreting tumor of the adrenal medulla. He experiences elevated blood pressure, pupil dilation, "goose bumps," and excessive sweating of the armpits and hands. Which of the following hormones is the p


LACEYS Stress induces sympathetic stimulation of the adrenal medulla. This causes the secretion of catecholamines, which include:

epinephrine and norepinephrine

LACEYS Stress-induced stimulation of the adrenal cortex causes it to secrete:


LACEYS Stress-induced catecholamine release from the adrenal medulla may result in:

elevated blood pressure

LACEYS A 50-year-old female is diagnosed with a hormone-secreting tumor of the adrenal cortex. Which of the following would be expected?

Increased lipogenesis of face and trunk

KEEP A 45-year-old male presents with persistent, severe stomach pain. Testing reveals a peptic ulcer. Further laboratory tests reveal the presence of Helicobacter pylori. Which of the following is of concern for this patient?

Gastric cancer

LACEYS A 40-year-old female was diagnosed with colorectal cancer, for which she refused treatment. Four years later she returned to her physician. Testing revealed that the cancer had metastasized to the:


KEEP! A 50-year-old female develops breast and colorectal cancers. Which of the following dietary factors most likely would have increased her risk for developing these cancers?


keep? A 15-year-old female is diagnosed with melanoma. Which of the following treatments would most likely be used first?


KEEP? A newborn male is born with heart failure. Three weeks later he receives a heart transplant. Which of the following is he at the highest risk for developing?


LACEYS The predominant phagocyte of early inflammation is the:


KEEP The main site of hematopoiesis in the fetus is the:


keep? Which of the following participate in hematopoiesis?

Colony-stimulating factors

KEEP Hemoglobin contains heme groups that allow it to carry oxygen. How many oxygen molecules can one molecule of hemoglobin carry?


KEEP _____ is an unstable type of hemoglobin that cannot bind with oxygen.


KEEP! Erythropoietin is produced in the:


KEEP Erythrocytes that are _____ contain an abnormally low concentration of hemoglobin.


keep? A 2-year-old malnourished child has vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies. A blood smear would reveal _____ amounts of hemoglobin.


LACEYS Which of the following statements explains why vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies cause anemia?

Red blood cells have a shorter life span.

LACEYS The Schilling test for pernicious anemia involves:

the administration of radioactive cobalamin and the measurement of its excretion in the urine.

LACEYS A 67-year-old female has chronic gastrointestinal bleeding. The primary cause of her anemia is:

iron deficiency.

KEEP A 67-year-old female is admitted to the emergency room with a diagnosis of polycythemia vera. She will most likely complain of:

chest pain

LACEYS A 70-year-old male is brought to the emergency room, where he dies shortly thereafter. Autopsy reveals polycythemia vera. His death was most likely the result of:

cerebral thrombosis

LACEYS A 35-year-old male with hyperthyroidism begins treatment to decrease thyroid activity. Which of the following could result secondary to the treatment?


LACEYS A 15-year-old male is diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis. The most likely cause is:

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).

LACEYS A 15-year-old male with infectious mononucleosis is being given instructions on how to prevent the spread of this infection to others. Which statement represents a correct instruction?

Do not share drinking glasses or eating utensils

LACEYS A 35-year-old male has enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and a mediastinal mass. He was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma. Which of the following abnormal cells would be expected with this disease?

Reed-Sternberg cell

LACEYS The country with the lowest rate of Hodgkin lymphoma is:


LACEYS A 62-year-old female tells her health care provider she has been experiencing regular night sweats that cause her to wake up drenched. She also remarks that she has been unintentionally losing weight. Physical exam reveals enlarged lymph nodes on h

Hodgkin lymphoma

KEEP In DIC, active bleeding occurs after intravascular clotting because:

clotting factors are depleted

LACEYS A 22-year-old female just delivered a healthy baby girl. She suffered from eclampsia during her pregnancy, and on the second postpartum day she complained of bleeding gums and bruising on her arms and legs. Hematology lab tests indicate that she ha

fibrin degradation products (FDPs).

KEEP A common, life-threatening complication of a thrombus in a deep vein is:

pulmonary embolus

KEEP A 16-month-old female presents with tachycardia, pallor, anorexia, and systolic murmur. Hemoglobin determination indicates a content below _____ g/dl.


LACEYS A 22- year old male is admitted to the ICU with a closed head injury sustained in a motorcycle accident The injury has cxed severe damage to the posterior pituitary. Which of the following complications should be anticipated?

Dehydration from polyuria

KEEP! A side effect of some general anesthetic agents is _____DI.


KEEP! DI, DM, and SIADH share which of the following CM:


KEEP!! A 50-year old male pt presents with polyuria and extreme thirst. He was given exogenous ADH. For which of the following would this be effective

Neurogenic DI

LACEYS A 25-year old male presents with fatigue, constipation, and sexual dysfunction. Tests reveal all pituitary hormones are normal and no masses are appreciated. The most likely cx of his sx is a dysfunction in the:


KEEP!! A 35 year old female with graves dz is admitted to a med-surg unit. Which of the following sx would be expected before tx?

Skin hot and moist, rapid heart rate

LACEYS A 22 year old female has a low level of TSH. This condition would cx ______hypothyroidism.


LACEYS The basal metabolic rate is unusually_____ with hypothyroidism


LACEYS A 3 year old male is dx with congenital hypothyroidism. If left untx, the child would have:

mental retardation and stunted growth

LACEYS A 30 year female was dx with thyroid carcinoma. Lab tests would most likely indicate _________T3 and T4 levels.


KEEP!! A problem associated with chronic hyperparathyroidism is:

Osteoprosis and pathologic fractures

LACEYS A 45 year old with graves dz under went surgical removal of her thyroid gland. During the post op period, her serum calcium was low. The most probable reason for her low serum calcium is :

hypoparathyroidism cxed by surgical injury to the parathyroid glands

LACEYS Hypoparathyroidism is most commonly cxed by:

Parathyroid gland injury

LACEYS A 25 year old male presents to his physician complaining of changes in facial features. CT scans reveals a mass on the anterior pituitary, and the lab tests reveal severely elevated growth hormone. Which of the following would be expected?

Sexual dysfunction

KEEP A 12 year old female is newly dxed with type 1 DM. Which of the following is the most likely cx of her dz?

Immune destruction of the pancreas

KEEP A 12 year old male is newly dxed type 1 DM. Which of the following is most beneficial in confirming the dx?

Fasting plasma glucose levels and glucose tolerance test

LACEYS Management of DM involves glycosylated hemoglobin(HgB A1C) levels. The purpose of this test is to?

Monitor long-term serum glucose control

KEEP Hyperglycemia in type 2 DM is a result of:

Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance

KEEP A 19 year old female with type 1 DM was admitted to the hospital with the following lab values: serum glucose: 500mg/dL(high), urine glucose and ketones +4(high); arterial pH7.20(low); Her parents state she has been sick with the "flu" for a week. Wh

Insulin deficiency promotes lipid metabolism and ketone formation

KEEP!! A 55 year old female is admitted to the medical unit for complications of long-term, poorly controlled type 2 DM. Which of the following would be expected in addition to elevated glucose?

Elevated serum lipids

KEEP! Chronic complications of DM such as microvascular and macrovascular dz are primarily r/t?


KEEP Both cushings syndrome and addison dz can manifest with elevated levels of:


KEEP Which of the following alterations would you expect to find in a pt with untreated cushings dz or syndrome?


KEEP Characteristic physical features of individuals with cushings syndrome include:

truncal obesity and thin skin

KEEP A 35 year old female took corticosteriod therapy for several months. Which of the following would be expected?

Type 2 DM

KEEP The most common cx of addison's dz is:

An autoimmune reaction

KEEP!! A 50 year old female presents with light-headedness and overall abnormal feelings.CT scabs reveals an adrenal coritical tumor. Lab tests reveal that the tumor is hormone secreting. Which of the following would be expected?


KEEP Mental status changes and muscle weakness in people with addisons dz are primarily cxed by:


KEEP What is the cx of the hyperpigmentation seen in people with cushings syndrome and addisons dz?

Elevated levels of ATCH

LACEYS A 30 year old female presents with HTN, HA, Tachycardia, impiared glucose tolerance, and weight loss. Which of the following is the most likely dx?


KEEP!!! A 60 year old male presents to his physician complaining of chest pain. He is dx with atherosclerosis. The dz is cx by?

abnormal thickening and hardening of vessel walls

KEEP In general, atherosclerosis is cxed by?

endothelial injury and inflammation

LACEYS Foam cells in a fatty steak are?

macrophages that engulf LDL

LACEYS Normal blood pressure of adults age 18 or older is:

systolic pressure less than 120mm Hg and diastolic pressure less than 80 mm Hg

LACEYS A 50 year old male is dx with orthostatic hypotension. Which of the following would he most likely experience?

Syncope and fainting

KEEP A detached blood clot is called a:


LACEYS A 32 y/o female presents with lower leg pain and redness. An ultrasound reveals venous thrombus. Which of the following could have cx her condition?

Vascular injury and inflammation

KEEP A 28 y/o female presents with severe chest pain and SOB. She is dx with a PE, which most likely originated from the:

deep veins of the legs

LACEYS A 75 y/o obese female presents to her physician c/o edema in the lower extremities Physical exam reveals that she has varicose veins. Which of the following is a possible cx?

Long periods of standing

KEEP! Superior vena cava syndrome is a progressive ______ of the superior vena cava that leads
to venous distention of the upper extremities and head.


KEEP The most common cx of myocardial ischemia?


KEEP A 53 y/o male presents with recurrent chest pain on exertion. He is dx with angina pectoris. The pain he experiences occurs when:

the myocardial oxygen supply has fallen below demand

KEEP!! A 49 y/o male presents to his physician c/o chest pain. EKG reveals ST elevation. He is dx with myocardial ischemia. Which of the following interventions would be most beneficial?

Increase myocardial oxygen supply

KEEP!! A 68 y/o male presents to the ER c/o chest pain. He has a hx of stable angina that now appears to be unstable. He most likely has:

impending myocardial infarction

KEEP! Cardiac cells can withstand ischemic conditions for ____before irreversible cell injury occurs

20 mins

KEEP A 75 y/o male has severe chest pain and dials 911. Lab tests at the hospital reveal elevated levels of creatinine phosphate and lactic dehydrogenase. These elevated levels indicate :


KEEP A 28 y/o female presents to the ER complaining of severe chest pain that worsens with
respiration or lying down. She has a fever, tachycardia, and a friction rub. The most likely cx of these sx is:

acute pericarditis

KEEP!! A 56 y/o male presents to his physician for a checkup. Physical exam reveals edema, hepatomegaly, and muffled heart sounds. Which of the following is a concern?


KEEP!! A 42 y/o female is dx with constrictive pericarditis. She would also have a decreased cardiac output because of:

fibrosis and calcification of the pericardial layers

KEEP!! Many valvular stenosis and regurgitation disorders in adults have a common etiology. Which of the following can result in both types of what valvular dz?

Rheumatic fever or heart dz.

KEEP A 72 y/o female has a hx of HTN and atherosclerosis. An echo reveals backflow of blood into the left ventricle. Which of the following is most likely the dx?

Aortic regurgitation

KEEP!!! A 35 y/o male presents with pulmonary HTN. Testing reveals he is in heart failure. Which of the following is the most likely dx?

Tricuspid regurgitation

KEEP A 65 y/o male with a hx of untreated HTN is now experiencing left heart failure. The mist likely reason is:

Myocardial hypertrophy and ventricular remodeling

KEEP!! A 68 y/o female is experiencing left heart failure. Physical exam reveals elevated blood pressure most likely cx by:

sympathetic nervous system compensated for decreased cardiac output

KEEP A 65 y/o male is dx with chronic pulmonary dz and elevated pumonary vascular resistance. Which of the following heart failures generally results from this condition?


KEEP When a person is in shock, impairment in cellular metabolism is cx by:

inadequate tissue perfusion

KEEP! An 82 y/o female was admitted to the hospital with confusion and severe hypotension. Her body's compensatory mechanisms are increased heart rate, vasoconstriction, and movement of large volumes of interstitial fluid to the vascular compartment. What


LACEYS A 27 y/o male is admitted to a neurologic unit with a complete C-5 spinal cord transection. On inital assessment, he is bradycardic, hypotensive, and hyperventilating. He appears to be going into shock. The most likely mechanism of his shock is:

vasodilation cx by decrease in sympathetic stimulation

LACEYS Neurogenic shock can be cx by any factor that inhibits the:

sympathetic nervous system

LACEYS A 15 y/o male who is allergic to peanuts eats a peanut butter cup. He then goes into anaphylatic shock and develops:

bronchoconstriction, hives or edema, and hypotension

LACEYS A 20 y/o female is being admitted to the hospital with fever and septic shock. Which set of clinical manifestations would you expect her to exhibit?

Low BP, Tachycardia, generalized edema

LACEYS The most common cx of multiple organ dysfucntion syndrome (MODS) is:

septic shock

LACEYS Which organ of the body is often the first to fail in pts with MODS?


LACEYS A 1-month old infant visits her physician for a well baby check. Physical exam reveals decreased cardiac output, hypotension, tachycardia, and loud murmur suggestive of aortic stenosis. Which of the following would be expected with this dx?

ventricular hypertrophy

LACEYS The most common type of renal stone is composed of:


LACEYS The most important factor in renal calculus formation is:

urine pH

LACEYS A 25 y/o female presents with burning urination. She was dx with a UTI. Which of the following organisms ia moat likely infecting her urinary tract?

E. Coli

LACEYS A 35 y/o male received a traumatic brain injury in a MVA. CT scan revealed a lesion above the pontine micturition center. Which of the following would be expected:

Detrusor hyperflexia

keep? A 56 y/o male presents with flank pain and polyuria. Tests reveal that he has an enlarged prostate. Which of the types of RF are most likely to occur?


KEEP A 60 y/o male is dx with RF. Which of the lab values would be most consistent with the dx?

Elevated plasma creatinine level

KEEP!! A 42 y/o female is dx with chronic RF. Tx including restricting:


KEEP! Bone fractures are at risk in chronic RF because:

the kidneys fail to activate vitamin D

LACEYS A 4 y/o male is dx with nephrotic syndrome. Which of the following accompanies this condition?


LACEYS A 5 y/o male was dx with glomerulonephritis. Hx reveals that he had an infection 3 weeks before the onset of this condition. The infection was most likely located in the:


LACEYS Wilms tumors are found in the:
