Pathophysiology - Digestive System

ingestion, digestion, and absorption

The digestive system regulates the ______, ______, and _____ of food and nutrients.

alimentary canal

The ________ processes, transports, and disposes of the products of digestion.

abdominal pain

When problems develop in the digestive system, the patient may develop ________.

alimentary canal, accessory organs

The digestive system is comprised of the _________ and _________ or digestion.

endocrine, exocrine enzymes

The accessory organs secrete ______ and _______ essential to digestion and absorption of nutrients.

liver, gallbladder, pancreas, salivary glands

The four accessory organs are:


Candidiasis of the oral muscosa involving the mouth, tongue, palate, and gums.

HIV, chemotherapy

________ and ________ can cause thrush.


Thrush usually occurs in patient who become _______.

antifungal, 14 days

Thrush is treated with ______ medications for ______.

squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma

What are two types of oral cancer?

lips, cheek mucosa, anterior tongue, floor of mouth, hard palate, gingiva

Where are six places you can get oral cancer?

squamous cell

More than 90% of oral cancers are ______ cancers.


This is the most common location of oral cancer.

alcohol, smoking, snuff

_______, _______, and using ____ causes 80% of oral cancers.


Oral cancers occur more often in _____.


Diagnosis of oral cancer is often made by a _______.


Diagnosis is confirmed by ______.


_________ is a common treatment of oral cancer.

gastroesophageal reflux disease



The regurgitation of stomach and duodenal contents into the esophagus.

burning sensation

GERD can cause a ________ in the chest and mouth.

erosive esophagus, bleeding, scarring, pulmonary aspiration

Chronic GERD attacks can lead to ______ with ______, ______ of the esophagus, and _________.

overeating, pregnancy, weight gain

These are three causes of GERD.

lower esophageal sphincter, abdominal pressure.

GERD is associated with the relaxation of the _______ or increase in ____________.

medications, food

Certain ________ and _______ contribute to GERD symptoms.

bed, 6 inches

Treatment for GERD involves raising the _____, ______.

light meal, nothing, three hours

To treat GERD, eat only a ______ and ______, ______ before bedtime.

antacids, H2 receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitors

Medications to treat GERD include: ________, ________, and ________.

tagamet, zantac, pepcid

What are three types of H2 receptor antagonists?

nexium, prevacid, prolosec

What are three types of proton pump inhibitors?

laparoscopic nissen fundoplication

During the procedure, the upper curve of the stomach is wrapped around the esophagus and is sutured in place.

esophageal varices

Varicose veins of the esophagus.

rupture, massive hemorrhage

No symptoms of esophageal varices develop until they _____ and cause _________.

pressure, veins

Varices are the result of an increase in _____ within the ______ of the esophagus.

venous return, liver

In esophageal varices, increase of pressure develops when the ______ to the ______ is obstructed.


Esophageal varices is a common complication of _______.

portal hypertension

This is often associated with esophageal varices.


Inflammation/injury of the tissue of the esophagus.


This often accompanies esophagitis.

corrosive esophagitis

Severe inflammation of the esophagus resulting from the ingestion of a caustic chemical that causes tissue damage.


Treatment of esophagitis includes a _____ diet.


_________ are common way to decrease inflammation from esophagitis.

squamous cell, adenocarcinomas

Esophageal cancers are ________ carcinomas or ______.


Esophageal cancer arising in the epithelium near the esophagogastric junction are usually _________.

dysphagia, weight loss

A symptom of esophageal cancer is ______ which may cause _______.


A person with esophageal cancer may experience pain and burning behind the ________.

iron deficiency

Which type of anemia often develops with esophageal cancer?

smoking, alcohol, hot beverages

_________, ________, and consistently drinking _______ are risk factors for esophageal cancer.


This type of esophageal cancer is most common in caucasians.

Barrett's esophagus, chronic GERD

These two medical conditions are risk factors for esophageal cancer.


This is needed to confirm diagnosis of esophageal cancer.


These often arise when the protective mucous membrane of the stomach/intestinal tract breaks down.


Patients who experience heartburn, epigastric pain, and fullness are likely to have this.

duodenal ulcer

This it the most common peptic ulcer.

vomitus, stool

With a bleeding ulcer, blood may be seen in the _____ or ______.

h pylori

This type of bacterial infection may cause ulcers and gastritis.

h pylori

This is the most common type of infection worldwide.


This can increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach causing ulcers.

upper gi x-rays, egd

These two tests may be performed to diagnose ulcers.

proton pump inhibitors, H2 antagonists, antacids

These three types of medications are used to treat ulcers.


When H. Pylori is present, _______ are used to treat ulcers.

blaxin, zithromax

These are two types of antibiotics used to treat ulcers.

alcohol, smoking, spicy foods, caffeine

Limit the ingestion of _____, _____, _____, and _____ to treat ulcers.


Inflammation of the stomach lining.


The symptoms of gastritis are similar to ______.

blood, vomitus, stool

A common symptom of gastritis is _____ in _____ or ______.


Chronic gastritis is more common in ______.


Chronic use of _______ drugs can cause gastritis.

gastric cancer

Stomach cancer.

gastric cancer

As this disease progresses, the patient may experience weight loss, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dysphagia, and anorexia.


This country has the highest incidence of gastric cancer.


Men are ______ as likely as women to develop gastric cancer.


The high rate of mortality affiliated with gastric cancer is due to the fact the disease is ______ when diagnoses.


The inflammation of the appendix.


This is the treatment of choice for appendicitis.


Untreated appendicitis can lead to _________.

hiatal hernia

Condition where the upper part of the stomach protrudes through the esophageal opening of the diaphragm and into the thoracic cavity.

abdominal hernia

Condition where and organ protrudes through and abnormal opening in the abdominal wall.

open, laparoscopic

Hernias can be treated surgically by either an ____ or _____ approach.

crohns disease

Chronic inflammatory disease of the digestive system.

ileitis, regional enteritis, ileocolitis

Three other names for Crohn's Disase are:

Crohn's Disease

A patient with chronic diarrhea, crampy abdominal pain, anorexia, fever, weight loss, and abdominal fullness may have_____.

symptoms, barium enema, colonoscopy, biopsy

Diagnosis of Crohn's Disease is based on _______, _____, and ______ with a _______.

anticholinergics, narcotics

These are used to relieve cramps and diarrhea associated with Crohn's disease.


If bacterial infection is involved in Crohn's disease, this is used to treat it.

steroids, immunosuppressives

These two types of anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat Crohn's disease.

ulcerative colitis

Chronic inflammatory bowel disease affecting the mucosa and submucosa of rectum and colon.

young adults, women, Jewish

Ulcerative colitis is more common in _____, _____, and ______ population.

ulcerative colitis

People with _____experience intermittent episodes of bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping, weight loss, fever, and malaise.

diarrhea, constipation

With ulcerative colitis, _______ alternates with ______.

clinical picture, stool exam, barium enema, colonoscopy, biopsies

Ulcerative colitis diagnosis is based on ______, ______, ______, and _______ with ______.

well balanced, fat, bulk

People with ulcerative colitis must have a ______ diet with food low in _____ and _____.

anticholenergics, antidiarrheals

Two common medications used to treat ulcerative colitis are:

sulfasalazine, steroids

These two drugs are used to treat inflammatory properties in ulcerative colitis.

diseased portion, colon

To treat ulcerative colitis, the ______ of the _____ maybe removed.


Occurring in the large intestine, and frequently in the sigmoid colon, this condition involves the weakening of the muscular wall of the intestine producing "pouches".


Diverticulosis is more common as the individual become ________.


True or False. Diverticulosis typically causes no signs or symptoms.


Patients who experience abdominal distress with alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation, flatulence, and blood in stool may have _______.

roughage, refined foods

Diverticulosis is thought to be related to a diet low in ______ and higher in _______.

intraabdominal pressure, defecation, pouching

With diverticulosis, higher amount of refined foods increases ________ during ________ eventually leading to ________.


Occurs when one or more of the outpouchings of the large intestine become inflamed and fecal matter becomes trapped.

right lower quadrant, suprapubic area

People with diverticulitis may experience abdominal pain in the _________ or the _________.


A sign of diverticulitis is a possible _____ of the intestine.

adhesions, abscesses, fistulas

Chronic diverticulitis can cause ______, _____, and _____.

ulcerative colitis

Fever, nausea, vomiting, and blood in stool may indicate ________.

sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy

Diagnosis of diverticulitis may be made by a _______ or ________.

barium enema, abdominal x-ray

A ______ or _______ may be performed initially to diagnose diverticulitis.

antibiotics, stool softeners, surgery

Three treatments for diverticulitis include:

colorectal cancer

Cancer that involves any part of the colon or rectum.


Colorectal cancer is the _____ most common cause of cancer death in men and women.

colorectal cancer

A patient who experiences changes in bowel habits, abdominal pain, bloody stools, rectal bleeding, and iron deficiency anemia should be screened for ______.


Risk for developing colorectal cancer _____ with age.


______ of colorectal cancer cases occur after age 50.

polyps, bowel diseases

What are two medical conditions that increase risk of colorectal cancer?


______ history increases risk of colorectal cancer.

colorectal cancer

If a patient smokes, is obese, and consumes alcohol and red meat, they are at higher risk of developing ________.


_______ of the colon are considered to be precursors to colon cancer.

fecal occult

Which lab test diagnoses colorectal cancer?

surgical resection, colostomy

Colorectal cancer is treated through _____ of affected part of colon/rectum. _______ may be performed depending on extent of disease.


Colorectal cancer usually metastizes to the _______.


The five year survival rate for colorectal cancer is _____.


Chronic degenerative irreversible disease of the liver.

scar tissue

With cirrhosis, the liver degenerates with normal liver cells being replaced with ______.


A patient with anorexia, weight loss, ascites, jaundice, easy bleeding, and spider nevi on the face and body may have ______.


Cirrhosis is twice as common in _____.


The most common cause of cirrhosis is _____.

hepatitis, malnutrition, congestive heart failure, toxic chemicals, parasites

Other causes of cirrhosis include (5):

preventing further liver damage

Treatment for cirrhosis surrounds _______.

viral hepatitis

Systemic infection that causes symptoms ranging from mild liver inflammation to severe liver disease with permanent damage.


Which type of hepatitis is transmitted through the fecal-oral route?


Which type of hepatitis is transmitted through the percutaneous and perimucosal route?


Which type of hepatitis is transmitted through the blood?

viral hepatitis

A person with abrupt onset of headache, jaundice, anorexia, malaise, fever, nausea, dark urine, and clay colored stools may have ______.


This type of hepatitis is highly contagious and causes mild liver infections


The treatment for this type of hepatitis is rest, IM injection of immunoglobulin, and isolation


The preventative non-infectious vaccine for hepatitis a.


This type of hepatitis is transmitted through blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and saliva.

unprotected sex, needle exchange

______ and ______ play a large role in the transmission of HBV.

hepatitis B immunoglobulin

This is given to create passive immunity to HBV.


This type of hepatitis can be chronic or acute and is sometimes self-limiting


This type of hepatitis is a widespread epidemic and the most common bloodborne infection in the United States.


This type of hepatitis is transmitted through blood and body fluids.


Half of the individuals with this type of hepatitis are unaware that they are infected.

2 weeks, 6 months

Incubation period for hepatitis C is from _____ to _____.


No cure exists for this type of hepatitis.

liver cancer

Involves a primary tumor of the liver that usually arises in the setting of chronic liver disease.

liver cancer

A patient with this disease usually experiences no other symptoms other than those affiliated with chronic liver disease.

liver cancer

A patient with symptoms of chronic liver disease, as wells as upper abdominal pain, weight loss, and a palpable mass are likely to have:

liver cancer

A person with hepatitis B, cirrhosis, or who has been exposed to toxins are at greater risk of developing:


Liver cancer is usually a ________.

partial resection, eligible, tumor, disease

Treatment for liver cancer is ________ of the liver. Not all patients are ________ due to the extent of ______ or underlying _______.


The 5 year survival rate for liver cancer is ______.


Acute or chronic inflammation of the gallbladder.


Cholecystitis is usually affiliated with _______.


The presence of gallstones or calculi in the bile duct.

insoluble cholesterol, bile salts

Gallstones form from _______ and ______.

calorie, cholesterol

Incidence of gallstones is higher with high _____ and ______ diets.


Usually results from obstruction of the biliary duct caused by stones.


Patients with acute colicky abdominal pain localized in the right upper quadrant with radiation to the right lower scapular region likely have:


Cholecystitis/cholelithtiasis are diagnosed through which radiographic test?


People with gallstones need to eliminate ____ food.

nasogastric tube, cholecystectomy

Cholecystitis/cholelithiasis may be treated by _______ or ________.


Acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas with possible involvement of other organs.


Pancreas becomes inflamed, edematous, hemorrhagic, and necrotic.

acute pancreatitis

Patients with ______ may experience a sudden onset of severe abdominal pain radiating to the back, nausea and vomiting, diaphoresis, and tachycardia.


This type of pancreatitis presents a more vague clincial picture.


A person who has a history of alcoholism, biliary tract disease, trauma, infection, or hyperlipidema may be at greater risk for developing _______.

amylase, lipase, WBC

Patients with pancreatitis will have very high ______ and ______ and elevated _____.


Treatment for pancreatitis is geared toward managing _______.

nothing by mouth, iv therapy, antibiotics

To treat symptoms of pancreatitis, patients are given _______, ______, and/or______.

adenocarcinoma, head

Pancreatic cancer is usually _______ and occurs in the ____ of the pancreas.

pancreatic cancer

This is the fourth leading cause of cancer related deaths in the United States.


Pancreatic cancer occurs twice as often in _____.


Peak incidence of pancreatic cancer is between the ages of ______.

surgical resection

The only potential curative treatment for pancreatic cancer.

pancreas, peripancreatic nodes

Surgical resection is only an option for pancreatic cancer patients with disease confined to ______ and _______.


Only ______ of pancreatic cancer patients are candidates for surgery.


The 5 year survival rate for pancreatic cancer is _______.

celiac disease

Autoimmune disease of the small intestine characterized by malabsorption, gluten intolerance and damage to the small intestine.

celiac disease

Patient with weight loss, anorexia, diarrhea, and large, pale, greasy foul-smelling stools may have:

wheat, barley, rye

With celiac disease, the patient has a negative response to gluten in ____, ____, and ____.

biopsy of small intestine, improvement on gluten-free diet

For a positive diagnosis of celiac disease, one needs a positive _________, and __________.

gluten free diet

Treatment for celiac disease is strict adherence to _______.

abdominal lymphoma, gastrointestinal cancers

Uncontrolled celiac disease puts patients at higher risk for developing _____ and _______.


Cholecystitis is diagnosed through with lab test?

barium enema

Which radiographic study diagnoses colorectal cancer?

sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy

Which visual exams diagnose colorectal cancer?