Linux Book Review for Quiz 4 (Chapters 17-19 in book - not slides)

locate command

tools - This finds files by name the easy way. It performs a rapid database search of pathnames, and then outputs every name that matches a given substring

find command

tools - Search for files the hard way by using a directory hierarchy. This searches a given directory (and its subdirectories) for files based on a variety of attributes. It can be used to identify files that meet specific criteria. It does this through t

xargs command

command - Build and execute command lines from standard input

touch command

command - Change file times

stat command

command - Display file or file system status

Locate Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ locate bin/zip

Locate With Grep Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ locate zip | grep bin

Find Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ find ~

Find with Piping Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ find ~ | wc -l

Find with a type -d test Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ find ~ -type d | wc -l
This type of test used with the find searching will locate only directories

Find with a type -f test Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ find ~ -type f | wc -l
This type of test used with the find searching will locate only regular files

Find Files Testing parameters

Find Test Parameters -
File Type .....Description
b ......................Block special device file
c ......................Character special device file
d ......................Directory
f .......................Regular file
l .......................Symb

Find with -type -name & wildcard Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ find ~ -type f -name "*.JPG" -size +1M | wc -l
In this example, we add the -name test followed by the wildcard pattern. Notice how we enclose it in quotes to prevent pathname expansion by the shell. Next, we add the -size test f

Find with -cmin n Test

Test - Match files or directories whose content or attributes were last modified exactly n minutes ago. To specify less than n minutes ago, use -n, and to specify more than n minutes ago, use +n.

Find with -cnewer file Test

Test - Match files or directories whose contents or attributes were last modified more recently than those of file.

Find with -ctime n Test

Test - Match files or directories whose contents or attributes were last modified n*24 hours ago.

Find with -empty Test

Test - Match empty files and directories.

Find with -group name Test

Test - Match file or directories belonging to group. group may be expressed either as a group name or as a numeric group ID.

Find with -iname pattern Test

Test - Like the -name test but case-insensitive.

Find with -inum n Test

Test - Match files with inode number n. This is helpful for finding all the hard links to a particular inode.

Find with -mtime n Test

Test - Match files or directories whose contents were last modified n*24 hours ago.

Find with -name pattern Test

Test - Match files and directories with the specified wildcard pattern.

Find with -newer file Test

Test - Match files and directories whose contents were modified more recently than the specified file. This is useful when writing shell scripts that perform file backups. Each time
you make a backup, update a file (such as a log) and then use find to det

Find with -nouser Test

Test - Match file and directories that do not belong to a valid user. This can be used to find files belonging to deleted accounts or to detect activity by attackers.

Find with -nogroup Test

Test - Match files and directories that do not belong to a valid group.

Find with -perm mode Test

Test - Match files or directories that have permissions set to the specified mode. mode can be expressed by either octal or symbolic notation.

Find with -samefile name Test

Test - Similar to the -inum test. Match files that share the same inode number as file name.

Find with -size n Test

Test - Match files of size n.

Find with -type c Test

Test - Match files of type c.

Find with -user name Test

Test - Match files or directories belonging to user name. The user may be expressed by a username or by a numeric user ID.

Find with -mmin n Test

Test - Match files or directories whose contents were last modified n minutes ago.

Find with -and Logical Operator Test

Test - Match if the tests on both sides of the operator are true. This can be shortened to -a. Note that when no operator is present, -and is implied by default

Find with -or Logical Operator Test

Test - Match if a test on either side of the operator is true. This can be shortened to -o

Find with -not Logical Operator Test

Test - Match if the test following the operator is false. This can be abbreviated with an exclamation point (!)

Find with ( ) Logical Operator Test

Test - Groups tests and operators together to form larger expressions. This is used to control the precedence of the logical evaluations. By default, find evaluates from left to right. It is often necessary to override the default evaluation order to obta

Find using the -or Logical Operator Example

example - ( expression 1 ) -or ( expression 2 )
Example of Using the ""or"" logical Operator
[me@linuxbox ~]$ find ~ \( -type f -not -perm 0600 \) -or \( -type d-not -perm 0700 \)

Find using the -delete Action

Action - Delete the currently matching file.

Find using the -ls Action

Action - Perform the equivalent of ls -dils on the matching file. Output is sent to standard output.

Find using the -print Action

Action - Output the full pathname of the matching file to standard output. This is the default action if no other action is specified.

Find using the -quit Action

Action - Quit once a match has been made.

Find using the ~ Action Example

Example - find ~
This produced a list of every file and subdirectory contained within our home directory. It produced a list because the -print action is implied if no other action is specified. Thus, our command could also be expressed as follows: find ~

Find using the -delete Action Example

example - find ~ -type f -name '*.bak' -delete
We can use find to delete files that meet certain criteria. For example, to delete files that
have the file extension .bak (which is often used to designate backup files).
In this example, every file in the u

Find using the -print Action Example

example - find ~ -type f -name '*.bak' -print
This command will look for every regular file (-type f) whose name
ends with .bak (-name '*.bak') and will output the relative pathname of each
matching file to standard output (-print).
But this has the ""and

Exec Command

command - exec rm '{}' ';'
This command is an arbitrary command which uses the {} brackets as a symbolic representation of the current
pathname, and the semicolon is a required delimiter indicating the end of the command.
Since the brace and semicolon cha

Find using the -exec Command and the ""-OK"" Action

example - find ~ -type f -name 'foo*' -ok ls -l '{}' ';'
< ls ... /home/me/bin/foo > ? y
-rwxr-xr-x 1 me me 224 2007-10-29 18:44 /home/me/bin/foo
< ls ... /home/me/foo.txt > ? y
-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 0 2016-09-19 12:53 /home/me/foo.txt
In this example, we se

xargs Command

command - command performs an interesting function. It accepts input from standard input and converts it into an argument list for a specified command.

Find using the -xargs Command Example

example - ""find ~ -type f -name 'foo*' -print | xargs ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 me me 224 2007-10-29 18:44 /home/me/bin/foo
-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 0 2016-09-19 12:53 /home/me/foo.txt
Here we see the output of the find command piped into xargs, which, in turn, const

Find using the -depth Option

Option - Direct find to process a directory's files before the directory itself. This option is automatically applied when the -delete action is specified.

Find using the -maxdepth levels Option

Option - Set the maximum number of levels that find will descend into a directory tree when performing tests and actions.

Find using the -mindepth levels Option

Option - Set the minimum number of levels that find will descend into a directory tree before applying tests and actions.

Find using the -mount Option

Option - Direct find not to traverse directories that are mounted on other file systems.

Find using the -noleaf Option

Option - Direct find not to optimize its search based on the assumption that it is searching a Unix-like file system. This is needed when scanning DOS/Windows file systems and CD-ROMs.

gzip & gunzip command

command - Compress or expand files (unzip uncompresses)
GNU Zip; fast, portable; mostpopular; .gz file suffix

bzip2 & bunzip2 command

command - A block sorting file compressor (unzip uncompresses)
BZip; better compression;.bz2 file suffix

compress command

command - Compress or expand files (unzip uncompresses)
traditional unix; .Z file suffix

zip command

command - Package and Compress or expand files (unzip uncompresses)
Windows Zip format; .zip file suffix

uuendode command

command - Compress or expand files (unzip uncompresses)
uuencoded (replaced by MIME)

tar command

command - Tape archiving utility

rsync command

command - Remote file and directory synchronization

Compressing files Definition

Definition - This is the process of removing redundancy from data.
These algorithms (the mathematical techniques used to carry out the compression)
fall into two general categories.
Lossless and Lossy

lossless compression Definition

Definition - This type of compression preserves all the data contained in the original. This is the only one a computer can tolerate (No computer can tolerate lossed data).
This means that when a file is restored from a compressed version, the restored

lossy compression Definition

Definition - This type of compression removes data as the compression is
performed to allow more compression to be applied. When a lossy file is restored,
it does not match the original version; rather, it is a close approximation. Examples of lossy compr

gzip Definition

Definition - This command program is used to compress one or more files. When executed, it replaces the
original file with a compressed version of the original. The corresponding gunzip program is used to restore compressed files to their original, uncomp

gzip & gunzip Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ ls -l /etc > foo.txt
[me@linuxbox ~]$ ls -l foo.*
-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 15738 2018-10-14 07:15 foo.txt
[me@linuxbox ~]$ gzip foo.txt
[me@linuxbox ~]$ ls -l foo.*
-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 3230 2018-10-14 07:15 foo.txt.gz
[me@linuxbox ~]$

gzip -c Option

Option - Write output to standard output and keep the original files.
Long option can be written as followed:

gzip -d Option

Option - Decompress. This causes gzip to act like gunzip.
Long option can be written as followed:

gzip -f Option

Option - Force compression even if a compressed version of the original file already exists.
Long option can be written as followed:

gzip -h Option

Option - Display usage information.
Long option can be written as followed:

gzip -l Option

Option - List compression statistics for each file compressed.
Long option can be written as followed:

gzip -r Option

Option - If one or more arguments on the command line is a directory, recursively compress files contained within them.
Long option can be written as followed:

gzip -t Option

Option - Test the integrity of a compressed file.
Long option can be written as followed:

gzip -v Option

Option - Display verbose messages while compressing.
Long option can be written as followed:

gzip -number Option

Option - Set amount of compression. number is an integer in the range of 1 (fastest, least compression) to 9 (slowest, most compression). The values 1 and 9 may also be expressed as --fast and --best, respectively. The default value is 6.

bzip2 Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ ls -l /etc > foo.txt
[me@linuxbox ~]$ ls -l foo.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 15738 2018-10-17 13:51 foo.txt
[me@linuxbox ~]$ bzip2 foo.txt
[me@linuxbox ~]$ ls -l foo.txt.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 2792 2018-10-17 13:51 foo.txt.bz2

Archiving Definition

Definition - This is a common file-management task often used in conjunction with compression.
It is the process of gathering up many files and bundling them together into a single large file. It is often done as part of system backups. It is also used wh

tar Definition

Definition - This is the classic tool for archiving files.
Its name, short for tape archive, reveals its roots as a tool for making backup tapes.
While it is still used for that traditional task, it is equally adept on other storage devices.
We often see

tar using the -c Mode

Mode - Create an archive from a list of files and/or directories.

tar using the -x Mode

Mode - Extract an archive.

tar using the -r Mode

Mode - Append specified pathnames to the end of an archive.

tar using the -t Mode

Mode - List the contents of an archive.

tar Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ tar cf playground.tar playground
This command creates a tar archive named playground.tar that contains the entire
playground directory hierarchy. We can see that the mode and the f option, which is used
to specify the name of th

tar using the -t Mode Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ tar tf playground.tar
This Example lists the contents of the archive

tar using the -tv Mode Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ tar tvf playground.tar
This Example lists the contents of the archive with extra detailed listing by using the verbose option

tar using the -x Mode Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ mkdir foo
[me@linuxbox ~]$ cd foo
[me@linuxbox foo]$ tar xf ../playground.tar
[me@linuxbox foo]$ ls
This example let's extract the playground in a new location. We will do this by creating a new directory named foo, c

zip Definition

Definition - This program is both a compression tool and an archiver. The file format used by the program is familiar to Windows users, as it reads and writes .zip files. In Linux, however, gzip is the predominant compression program, with bzip2 being a c

zip Command Example

Example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ zip -r playground
In this Example, we include the -r option for recursion. If you dont use the -r, only the playground directory is stored. Although the addition of the extension .zip is automatic,
we will include

unzip Command Example

Example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ cd foo
[me@linuxbox foo]$ unzip ../

rsync Definition

Definition -

rsync Example

Example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ rsync -av playground foo
This command is invoked like this:
rsync options source destination
where source and destination are one of the following:
? A local file or directory
? A remote file or directory in the form of [user@]h

Regular Expressions Definition

Definition - These are symbolic notations used to identify patterns in text. In some ways, they resemble the shell's wildcard method of matching file and pathnames but on a much grander scale. They are supported by many command line tools and by most prog

grep Program Definition

Definition - This is actually derived from the phrase "global regular expression print," so we can see that this program has something to do with regular expressions. In essence, this program searches text files for the occurrence text matching a specifie

grep with ""-i"" option

Option - Ignore case. Do not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters.
Long option can be written as followed:

grep with ""-v"" option

Option - Invert match. Normally, grep prints lines that contain a match.
This option causes grep to print every line that does not contain amatch.
Long option can be written as followed:

grep with ""-c"" option

Option - Print the number of matches (or non-matches if the -v option is also specified) instead of the lines themselves.
Long option can be written as followed:

grep with ""-l"" option

Option - Print the name of each file that contains a match instead of the lines themselves.
Long option can be written as followed:

grep with ""-L"" option

Option - Like the -l option, but print only the names of files that do not contain matches.
Long option can be written as followed:

grep with ""-n"" option

Option - Prefix each matching line with thenumber of the line within the file.
Long option can be written as followed:

grep with ""-h"" option

Option - For multi-file searches, suppress the output of filenames.
Long option can be written as followed:

grep Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ ls /usr/bin | grep zip
This will list all the files in the /usr/bin directory whose names contain the substring zip.

grep with ""-l"" option example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ grep -l bzip dirlist*.txt
In this example, we use this to list the files that contained the matches rather than the matches themselves by using the -l option.

grep with ""-L"" option example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ grep -L bzip dirlist*.txt
In this example, we use this to list only the files that did not contain a match by using the -L option.

Metacharacters Characters

Characters - ^ $ . [ ] { } - ? * + ( ) | \

Literal Characters

Characters - A - Z & 1-9

grep with ""."" metacharacter example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ grep -h '.zip' dirlist*.txt

Metacharacter "." Definition

Definition - This metacharacter is used with grep to match any character. If we include it in a regular expression, it will match any character in that character position.

Metacharacter ""^"" Definition

Definition - This metacharacter is used with grep as an anchor in an regular expression. This means they cause the match to occur only if the regular expression is found at the
beginning of the line.

Metacharacter ""$"" Definition

Definition - This metacharacter is used with grep as an anchor in an regular expression. This means they cause the match to occur only if the regular expression is found at the
end of the line.

"Metacharacter ""[]"" Definition

Definition - This metacharacter is used with grep to match a single character from a specified set of characters. Using this we can specify a set of characters (including characters that would otherwise be interpreted as metacharacters) to be matched.

Metacharacter ""^"" Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ grep -h '^zip' dirlist*.txt

Metacharacter ""$""Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ grep -h 'zip$' dirlist*.txt

Metacharacter ""*"" Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ grep -h '[bg]zip' dirlist*.txt

Literal ""|"" Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ""AAA"" | grep -E 'AAA|BBB'
[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ""BBB"" | grep -E 'AAA|BBB'
[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ""CCC"" | grep -E 'AAA|BBB'
[me@linuxbox ~]$
Here we see the regular expression 'AAA|BBB', which means "match eithe

Metacharacter ""[ ]"" WITH A NEGATION ^ INSIDE Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ grep -h '[^bg]zip' dirlist*.txt

Metacharacter ""[ ]"" WITH A RANGE - INSIDE Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ grep -h '^[A-Z]' dirlist*.txt
[me@linuxbox ~]$ grep -h '^[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXZY]' dirl

Metacharacter ""[]"" WITH A RANGE - IN FRONT BUT INSIDE Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ grep -h '[-AZ]' dirlist*.txt
This will match every filename containing a dash, or an uppercase A or an uppercase Z:

grep used with echo Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ""AAA"" | grep AAA
[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ""BBB"" | grep AAA
[me@linuxbox ~]$
In this Example, using echo with the grep we pipe the output of echo into grep and see the results. When a match occurs, we see it printed out

Alternation Definition

Definition - This is the facility that allows a match to occur from among a set of expressions. Just as a bracket expression allows a single character to match from a set of specified characters, this allows matches from a set of strings or other regular

Metacharacter Quantifier ? Definition

Definition - This quantifier means, in effect, "Make the preceding element optional." Let's say we wanted to check a phone number for validity and we considered a phone number to be valid if it matched either of these two forms, where n is a numeral:

Metacharacter Quantifier ? Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ""(555) 123-4567"" | grep -E '^\(?[0-9][0-9][0-9]
\)? [0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$'
(555) 123-4567
[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ""555 123-4567"" | grep -E '^\(?[0-9][0-9][0-9]\)
? [0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$'

Metacharacter Quantifier * Definition

Definition - This quantifier is used to denote an optional item; however, unlike the ?, the item may occur any number of times, not just once. Let's say we wanted to see whether a string was a sentence; that is, it starts with an uppercase letter, then co

Metacharacter Quantifier * Example

example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ""This works."" | grep -E '[[:upper:]][[:upper:][:lower:] ]*\.'
This works.
[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ""This Works."" | grep -E '[[:upper:]][[:upper:][:lower:] ]*\.'
This Works.
[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ""this does not"" | grep -E

Metacharacter Quantifier + Definition

Definition - This metacharacter quantifier works much like the *, except it requires at least one instance of the preceding element to cause a match. Here is a regular expression that will match only the lines consisting of groups of one or more alphabeti

Metacharacter Quantifier + Example

Example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ""This that"" | grep -E '^([[:alpha:]]+ ?)+$'
This that
[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ""a b c"" | grep -E '^([[:alpha:]]+ ?)+$'
a b c
[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ""a b 9"" | grep -E '^([[:alpha:]]+ ?)+$'
[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ""abc d"" |

Metacharacter Quantifier { } Definition

Definition - This metacharacter quantifier is used to express minimum and maximum numbers of required matches. They may be specified in four possible ways as outlined in Table 19-3.
Specifier ........Meaning
{n} .................Match the preceding elemen

Metacharacter Quantifier { } Example

Example - [me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ""(555) 123-4567"" | grep -E '^\(?[0-9]{3}\)? [0-
(555) 123-4567
[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ""555 123-4567"" | grep -E '^\(?[0-9]{3}\)? [0-9]
555 123-4567
[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ""5555 123-4567"" |