CS1 Exam 1 Vocabulary

Literal Value

A value typed directly into code and used as-is


An identifier that is a placeholder for some real value


Giving a variable a name


Giving a variable a value


An instruction to the computer to perform some action


A snippet of code that, when evaluated, results in a single value

Initialization Statement

Identifier = Expression


The parts of a program where a variable can be used

Global Scope

Variables with this are considered bad practice (except in certain circumstances)

Stack Frame

Keep track of variables that are in scope

Call Stack

A collection of Stack Frames of functions that have run


Data which originates inside the program and is sent outside the program


Data which originates outside the program and is used inside the program


A type which is made of one or more characters in an array


A type which is made of numerical characters and represents a number


A type which is either True or False


A special kind of variable that is declared as part of a function


A value the programmer must pass into a function to provide a value for the function's parameters

Recursive Function

A function that calls itself

Recursive Case

The part of the recursive function that does a small amount of work and calls itself

Base Case

The part of a recursive function that decides when the function should stop

Stack Overflow

When you exceed the limit of the number of stack frames that can be added to the call stack

Tail Recursion

A special type of recursion where the recursive call is the last thing the function does


Using a loop to create a function which does small units of work in each iteration


Creating a new string by using the + operatorto combine two or more strings


Creating a new string using a subset of the characters from an existing string using the [ ] operator.

For Loop

A loop which iterates over items in a sequence

While Loop

A loop that iterates until a boolean expression is made false