

wealthy landowners who held political and military power


lower-class citizens (laborers, craftsmen, merchants), did not own land and could not hold political office


bought their way out of slavery, had few rights as citizens, and while able to own property, they were forbidden from owning land and could not hold political office


no political or property rights and acted as laborers in all areas

Act I and Act II

the characters and the conflicts are introduced


contains the turning point in which an irreversible decision determines the action for the rest of the play

Act IV

presents the consequences (both positive and negative) of the events in Act III

Act V

the resolution of conflicts

pathetic fallacy

when nature imitates or mirrors the actions and or mood of a play/ story.


a long speech given by a single character that reveals a character's thoughts, motivation, and emotion to other characters on stage.


a long speech given by a single character that reveals a character's thoughts, motivation, and emotion to the audience and is delivered without the character's knowledge of other characters on stage or without other characters on stage.


a short statement made by a character and directed to the audience to reveal his or her thoughts on another character or action

Tragic Hero

be of noble birth
destined by the gods to destruction or death
wins the audience's admiration and pity
suffers from a tragic flaw, an inherent defect in a character otherwise favored by fortune