Literary Terms Part 2 & 3

main character

the central or important character in the story

minor character

Less important characters in the story; they interact with the main character and help to move the plot along.


A problem or struggle involving two opposing forces in a story (man vs. man; self; nature; supernatural; society; technology/machine).

internal conflict

one that occurs within a character's mind (man vs. self)

external conflict

character pitted against another character or against an outside force (man vs. man, nature, society, supernatural, technology, etc.)


the force working against the protagonist, usually "the villain", but can be a force of nature or a set of circumstances


The central character or hero/heroine


the meaning, moral, or message about life that the writer conveys to the reader. Most themes are not stated in the story, but revealed by one or more of the following: title, important phrases and statements about ideas like courage of freedom; the ways t


a character's emotions, desires, or needs that prompt action


more permanent qualities in a character's personality, such as gentleness or boldness.
*both traits and motives cause a character to act or react to situations and other characters


the reason why a character acts, thinks, or feels a certain way


Hints that suggest future events in a story

Figuretive language

Language enriched by word meanings and figures of speech (i.e. Similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, etc.)