Literary Devices: Plot & Point of View


The sequence of events in a story

Steps in Plot Charting:

Steps in Plot Charting:


The part of the story that introduces the characters and the setting, and also provides any relevant background details.

Inciting Force (Initial Conflict)

The event that causes the story to "go". Without an inciting force, there is no story.

Rising Action

The series of events that leads up to the climax.


Usually the highest point of tension; usually major turning point/ the point of no return; almost always toward the end of the story.

Falling Action

The events that occur after climax; the loose ends of story are generally tied up in falling action.

Conclusion/ Resolution

The state of the characters at the end of the story.



Point of View

The view from which the story is told; determined by the narrator.


The "being" telling the story.

1st Person Narrator

A narrator that is also a character in the story (usually the main character); the narrator also participates in the events in the story.

3rd Person Narrator

A narrator that is not a character in the story; narrator doesn't participate in story; they just report what people do or say.

Types of 3rd Person Narrator

Types of 3rd Person Narrator


All knowing; can say not only what people are doing or saying but also what everyone is thinking and feeling.

Limited Omniscient

All knowing, but only for one character; can report what everyone is saying and doing, but only report thoughts or feelings of one character.


No mind-reading capabilities; can only report what the characters are doing or saying.