DIG 2000 Final Exam

What is Net Neutrality?

The internet should be the same for every person.

Who stated this "The Medium is the message?

Marshel Mcclulen

What is a computer?

A device that computes. A computer stores and retrieves data. Manages communication networks. Generates and manipulates text and other stuff.

What does compute mean?

To compute means to solve a complex problem.

What is NEIAC?

Very first digital computer

What did the first computer use?

Vacuum tubes

Who said their was a small market for computers?

Tom Watson. 1943. He was also WRONG. Nobody Knows anything.

What new innovation came out in the 1950s?

Tape Computers

Jon von Neumann

Pixar and 3D animation. Von Neumann Architecture.

What changed the vacuum tube?


How much did an average computer cost in the 1960s?


What is ASCII?

American Standard Code for Information Interchange

What two inventions changed the computer again?

The integrated circuit and the mouse

What company came around in 1970?


What did Intel invent?

The microprocessor

What company made the biggest mistake of the Twentieth Century? and what was that mistake?

Xerox. They invented a lot and didn't do anything about it.

What two individuals invented programming?

Bill gates and Paul Allen

What year was Microsoft invented?


Who invented Microsoft?

Bill Gates

What did Apple release in 1977?

Apple II

What did Apple release in 1979?


What did IBM invent in 1981?

A new operating system.

What year changed everything from Apple?


What was released in 1984 by Apple?

The first Macintosh

What does GUI stand for?

Graphical User Interface

What is analog data?

Analog data measures data through a continuous stream

What is digital data?

Digital data measures data at discreet intervals

What is the smallest information of data the can be stored on a computer?


What is a Bit?

Bit is a 1 and a 0

What is a nibble?

4 bits

What is a byte?

8 bits

What is the amplitude?

The high of the wave

What is frequency?

The rate of change (how close the two points of the wave are to each other)

What is the Mac address?

12 character hardware address

What does IP address mean?

12 character Internet Protocol address

What does DNS stand for?

Domain Name System

What does TCP stand for?

Transmission Control Protocol

What does SMTP stand for?

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SENDING)

What does POP3 stand for?

Post Office Protocol 3 (RECIEVING)

What does HTTP stand for?

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

What does URI stand for?

Uniform Resource Identifier

What does URL stand for?

Uniform Resource Locater

What does LAN stand for?

Local Area Network

What does WAN stand for?

Wide Area Network

What does RAM stand for?

Random Accessed Memory

What does ROM stand for?

Read-Only Memory

What is CLI?

Command-line Interface

What is physical media?

Digital media stored on a piece of hardware

What is the online delivery mode?

Delivering something online using internet

What is the offline delivery mode?

Physically hand someone a hard drive


Linear and non-linear

What is Jon von Neumann's method?

Fetch, decode, and execute.

What are the four sections of the computer?

ALU, Control Unit, memory (RAM and ROM), and the IO

What are the three parts of the computer?

Node, Link, and Hud.

What are the three mediums?

The first medium is one to one, the second medium is one to many, and the third medium is many to many.


Hyper Text Markup Language, Tells the browser how to display the content, and has the ability to be read easily on all types of computers. HTML also contains a ROOT folder. Does not give you the exact structure of the document.
Universal Language


A command inserted in a document that specifies how the document, or a portion of the document, should be formatted.

World Wide Web Consortium

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards.

The Medium is the Message"?

Marshall McLuhan

What are the two types of space?

Deep and Flat

What is Line?

We see lines with contrast of tones. Lines have value. We see planes by two planes intersecting. Virtual lines are lines that you imagine.

What is Shape?

2D art. Circle, Triangle, and the Square. 2D has edges. 3D shapes. Pyramid, Cube, and Sphere. 3D shapes have contour.

What is tone?

Tone - Lightness or darkness of an image. Darkness to hide something is non-coincidence of tone. Lightness to reveal something is coincidence of tone

What is color?

Color is subjective. Hue (Quality), Saturation (Quality), and Brightness (Light and dark).

What is movement?

Replace one still image with another still image. Apparent Movement.

What is Rhythm?

On and Off. Tempo. Something has to happen and not happen to create rhythm.

What is affinity?


What is contrast?


What are depth Qs?

Depth Ques are those things we see that give us a perception of space

What is Perspective?

Perspective is what makes space.

What is a vanishing point?

A vanishing point deals with perspective. There are one, two, and three point perspective.

What is GUI?

Graphical User Interface.

What are paired tags?

Paired tags are tags with beginning and end tags.

What does HTML stand for?

Hyper Text markup Language.

What are tags?

Talls the computer what to do with the specific content within the tag.

What is Command Line Interface?

Interacting with a computer program where the user (or client) issues commands to the program in the form of successive lines of tex

What does XML stand for and what does it do?

Extensible Markup Language and it stores information so that you can share it easily and put it in one place. There is no distinct language, because you make it up as you go.

What does Codex do?

Compression Decompression, The reason we compress is to reduce the file size and send them easier over a network. Formats: JPEG, GIF, PNG, ect...

What is Lossy compression?

Codex takes out the unneeded information

What is Lossless compression?

Compresses it without taking away any of the information

What is Bit Mat Graphics?

Bit mat graphics are graphics that deal with pixels (Scaling up the pixels)
Set image

What are Vector graphics?

Vector graphics are graphics that deals with vectors (Mathematical formula)
Paths, fills, and shapes.

What are the seven visual components?

Space, Line, Shape, Tone, Color, Movement, and Rhythm.

How do you create Flat Space?

Take away and/or control depth Qs.

How to create Deep Space?

Add and/or control depth Qs.

What is a line called on a 2D object?


What is a line called on a 3D object?


What are analog signals?

Analog signals are a continuous stream of information.

What are digital signals?

Digital signals are discrete points and measured.

What is the B�zier Curve?

Deines the curve with four control points.

What are the differences between a relative link (URL) and a absolute link (URL)?

An absolute URL contains more information than a relative URL does. Relative URLs are more convenient because they are shorter and often more portable.

What is an Inline Image?

Inline images stores the information and the image in the document

What is an External Image?

External images don't store the images (Going out to the web).

What are the three building blocks that Bruce Block talks about?

Story, Sound, and Visuals

What is a Motherboard?

The HUB for everything.

What is the Processor?

Processes all of the information

What is the IO?

Input/Output for communicating from the computer to the outside world

What are the two types of memory?

RAM (Random Accessed Memory) and ROM (Read Only Memory)

What is the Control Unit?

Determines what the CPU (Processor) is processing

How fast are computers?

In a computer, things happen at Nano seconds (Billionths of seconds)

What is o'clock?

Of the Clock

What is an Oscillator?

Cuts time into pieces

What was the Mainspring?

The first battery. It was the new Oscillator.

What changed everything in the later 50's/early 60's?

Vacuum tubes

Who stated "The number of transistors placed inexpensively on a chip will double every two years?

Gorden More

What does GUI stand for?

Graphical User Interface

What is Scripting Language?

Controls an existing system. HTML. PHP. ActionScript.

What are the two types of compression?

Lossy and Lossless. Lossy compression loses some of its data. Lossless compressions does not lose any of its data.

What is the difference between analog and digital?

Analog is a continuous stream of data where as Digital is data contained within intervals.

What is a Dither?

Adding noise to a signal

What is a Mini?

Vector for sound

What is spatial perception?

Being able to hear instruments where they are

What changed the vacuum tubes?


what is a variable?

Logical container for values

What is an array?

container for a group of values

What is a function?

An abstraction of script data in one entity.

What is a programming language?

creates and controls the machine. It lets the machine be different things. No limitation expect what the creators make it. java. C++

What are the two types of systems?

Singular user systems (not organized) and Multi user systems (organized)

what changed the mainspring?

Sand or Quartz. When conducted by electricity it vibrates at thousands of times per second.