Micro: Microbial Growth

Where do microbes get their energy from?

light or food

What is the carbon source for autotrobes?

out of the air


grow in low temps


grow at human body temp


grow in hot temps

pH of acidophiles

very low, <5 (listeria, mold)

pH of yeasts and molds

usually 5-6, moderately acidic

pH of most bacteria

6-9, neutral

What do fermenters produce?


H. Pylori

gram negative rod, grows in the stomach (embeds in the mucosa), forms biofilms. Cleaves urea (finds) and produces CO2 and NH3. Most ulcer are caused by this. Lives in pH 5. Ammonia is the base, CO2 is a weak acid. Lochotricheas

Osmotic pressure

depends on saltiness, sugary environment. Halophiles.

Carbon sources

50% of dry weight of living material. Autotrophs take out of the air (CO2), Heterotrophs eat organic material

Nitrogen sources

14% of dry weight, needs N. Sources are Nitrogen fixation, NH4, NO3, Protein digestion (eat, takes N from food)

Sulfur sources

amino acids, vitamins. H2S, SO4

Phosphorus sources

nucleic acids, phospholipids. PO4, from environment (rocks). Often limiting in nature. Algae blooms= phosphorus release. Sweating also releases phosphorus. Agricultural run-off in the summer from fertilizer that was put down in the soil, runs off to river

Oxygen testing

Uses thioglycolate broth (semisolid). Determines the o2 requirement. 1. Obligate aerobe (most o2 at top). 2. Obligate anaerobe. 3. Facultative anaerobe (bit thicker at top 1/2, growth t/o. Can use o2 but doesn't require). 4. Micoraerophile (little o2) 5.

Oxygen toxicity

Superoxide is very reactive, toxic. Ionic. Peroxide is detox by peroxidase and catalase. Hydroxyl radical is very reactive

Catalase test

o2 makes bubbles. Mix H2O2 and cx. Bubbles are positive

Handling and safety, biosafety level

1- Safest. 4- most dangerous

Defined media

precise chemical composition. No complex organics. Typically used for lab studies. Chemautotrophs most commonly used.

Complex media

very common in medical settings. Variable composition. Protein. Yeast, meat extracts. Salt or boil to kill, take solids from yeast

Enriched media

used for something extra, great. For hard to grow organisms (fastidious). Chocolate agar, Thayer-Martin (for gonorrhea)

Selective media

allows some growth, inhibits others. Slow growers

Sabourad's Dextrose Agar

selective media, for yeast and mold, d/t pH


selective, gram positives, toxic to gram negatives- ETOH d/t membrane dissolving. Gram + not affected d/t thick peptidoglycan walls

Differential media

tells you about bacteria by the way it looks. Determines identify. Uses substrate, detects end product

Mannitol Salt Agar

selective and differential. Skin microbes, staph. High salt inhibits most bacteria. Staph ferments to mannitol

Blood agar

sheep blood. Hemolysis, blood breaking. Alpha (partial RBC destruction), beta (complete RBC destruction), gamma (absence of hemolysis)

Bile-Esculin Agar

Selective and differential. Enterococcus, streptococcus= can tell these apart. Bile salts are toxic to cells, except intestinal cells

MacConkey's Agar

tells intestinal pathogens. Selective and differential Ferments lactose, indicator is pink. Does not ferment lactose, indicator colorless. Crystal violet is toxic to gram +

Anaerobic cultures

control the inner atmosphere. Uses reducing media, anaerobic jars. Controls the inner atmosphere, rids o2 from chambers

Special cultures

used for CA cells, easy to grow cells.


bent, spiral rods. Gram negative. Common cause of food poisoning. Must have the right amount of o2.


streak method. Dilution method. Isolates organism, take inoculating loop and heat to sterilize. Get dime sized specimen on plate, sterilize loop again and streak x 4. Sterilize again, then go through streaks again x 4. Cover as much area as possible. Will


bacteria you want to keep. Regrow before they die. Deep freezing and freeze-drying (pulls off moisture)


produces chemical signal, if only one there won't be much. If several (surrounded by it's own kind), there will be several made. They lyse themselves. Determined by how much of a chemical signal is sent and received.

Cell division

Binary fission, budding (asym. division), Mitosis (eukaryotes), generation time (time from one replication to the next).

Growth phases

Lag (couple hours to acclimate themselves to new environment.)
Log (exponential, reach full potential, q 25 minutes)
Stationary: overcrowded, runs out of food

Counting bacteria

Direct counts: Worst way. counting chamber, obvious
Turbidity: cloudiness, shine light through
Plate counts: best way to count living, counted in CFU's

Plate count

plate of 2 live bacteria will multiply too much. Track down to a manageable number (20-200), 10 fold dilution