Social Work Chapters 5,6,7,11 Quizzes

T/F Social group memberships help form our values, worldviews and attitudes.


T/F Many of our ideas about the differences between various social groups have been "socially constructed.


T/F It is expected that the population of Americans of Hispanic descent will grow slightly over the next fifty years.


T/F The colonization of the First Nations people promoted white settlers working together with First Nations people to further develop the land.


T/F One social work mandate requires social workers is to practice in a way that respects diversity and is free of discrimination.


T/F Empowerment Practice refers to the practice of encouraging clients to take control over their own environment, giving them decision-making power in their lives.


T/F Self-awareness is an absolute requirement for any social worker who seeks to build cultural competence in his or her practice.


Social Construction" refers to which of the following?

General agreement about how we (our own group) perceive and value members of other social groups

Which of the following most accurately describes the difference between an immigrant and a refugee?

Immigrants come by choice while refugees come to escape persecution

The development of skills that reflects a true understanding of diversity and ability to practice with diverse individuals is known as:

Cultural competence

T/F A case manager is someone who provides therapeutic services such as counseling for addiction.


T/F Community organizing is an example of macro social work practice.


T/F The client-worker relationship is a critical part of social work intervention emphasized in the psychosocial and problem-solving theories.


T/F The strengths perspective focuses on client strengths rather than client problems.


T/F The ecological systems framework focuses on interactions and transactions between people and their surroundings.


T/F Undergraduate (Bachelor degree level) social work education teaches specialized and advanced clinical skills and knowledge.


Which of the following theories emphasizes short-term, immediate intervention?

Crisis intervention

Which of the following is not a component of crisis intervention?

A focus on early life experiences and childhood memories

Alcoholics Anonymous is an example of what type of group?

Self-help group

Which of the following would not be an activity for a social worker engaged in advocacy work?

Leading a support group for survivors of domestic violence

T/F Children often come to the attention of a social worker on their own.


T/F Balancing the value of self-determination is especially complicated when working with children.


T/F Assessment is an on-going process that continues throughout a social worker's involvement with a child or family.


T/F Because they are young, children can never be included in the planning and decision-making regarding the intervention process.


T/F Social workers are not mandated to report an incident of child abuse that they hear about when they are off-duty.


T/F Children are considered vulnerable and in need of special attention and advocacy because they rely on adults to make their needs known to decision makers.


Upon learning that a five year-old child is still sleeping with his or her parents, a social worker should do which of the following?

Take the culture of the family into consideration before judging the situation

Which of the following stages of development is marked by the development of attachment relationships as seen in children's recognition and interaction with their primary caregivers and other significant people in their lives?


As a social worker, when a friend in your neighborhood informs you that her husband is abusing their two children:

You are mandated to report the abuse to the child abuse hotline or authorities in your area

When a case manager listens to a child's wish not to continue visitation with a parent who maltreated her, the case manager is

respecting her self-determination.

T/F The U.S. educational system has long been based on a dominant-culture, middle-class value structure which has resulted in students from many non-dominant groups being placed in remedial classes.


T/F Traditionally schools have been funded solely through income taxes.

FALSE, property taxes

T/F More than half of all school social workers exclusively serve students with disabilities, particularly students with developmental disabilities.


T/F A developmental disability is characterized by a significant difference between a child's overall intelligence and his or her ability to read, write, and/or do mathematical calculations.

FALSE, learning disability

T/F School social workers generally have the same roles and are involved in the same interventions in all states and school districts.


T/F Ethical codes preclude school social workers from getting involved in funding issues.


T/F Social workers can best address serious school-related challenges by focusing on empirically-based prevention and intervention efforts.


School social workers rely on which theory or framework to analyze the transactions between students, teachers, parents, and the school system?

Ecological systems theory

The act of removing a child with a disability from special education classes and placing him or her in one or more regular education classes is known as which of the following?


Which of the following is not part of the IEP process?

Removal of the child from the classroom if they do not meet expected goals.