T/F Film start Gene Wilder died on the 29th of August, 2016 at the age of 83 from complications from Alzheimer's Disease. 83 was considered his functional age.


T/F Gerontophobia refers to discrimination against older adults in employment, housing, and access to medical care.


T/F Most of the world's population is aging, and in the future, most of the growth in the # of elderly persons will take place in developing countries, more than half of it in Asia.


T/F Ageism refers to the reverence with which some less developed societies view their elders.


T/F As societies progress through the demographic transition their population tends to become younger.


T/F Exponential growth of the worlds population began about 1,000 years ago


T/F Thomas Malthus argued that "war, vice, and misery" would be the inevitable outcome of geometric growth of population and an arithmetic growth of food supply


T/F Education is an endogenous influence on the life course


T/F A large number of older adult living in a community invariably results in high elderly population concentration


T/F Compared to the nation as a whole, KY has an exceptionally low percentage of Baby Boomers (persons born between 1946-1964)-far below the national average.


T/F The population pyramid of an aging population tends to become broader at the top.


T/F In the current breakdown of old age into the phases of young-old, old-old, and oldest-old, Gene Wilder, at 83 years of age, would have been considered a member of the oldest-old population.


T/F The blue eyes Andrea inherited from her mother would be considered an exogenous influence on her life course.


T/F The fastest growing age group in the U.S. population is people 85 and older.


T/F Violet Moses Brown (Jamaica) who was born March 10, 1900, is now the oldest person on the planet.


Angela told her daughters that although she was 87, during a recent check-up, her doctor had informed her that she had the respiratory function of a 40 year old. This would be an example of Angela's:
a. experimental age
b. chronological age
c. functional

c. functional age

Angela graduated from college at 19, received her MBA at 21, and had 4 children by the time she was 25 years of age. Such achievements represent an "off time" departure from expected:
a. chronological age
b. social age
c. biological age
d. behavioral/ment

b. social age

An average person aged 65 has a life expectancy of 19.3 years more. What is this person's maximum possible life span?
a. 19.3 yrs
b. 78.8 yrs
c. 84.3 yrs
d. 93.6 yrs
e. around 120

e. around 120

Research indicates that people who are 82 years of age have a felt age of about 71 years. This is an example of:
a. chronological age
b. biological age
c. functional age
d. third age
e. subjective age

e. subjective age

Demographers consider replacement population to be a fertility level of:
a. 1 child per couple
b. 1.3 children per couple
c. 2.3 children per couple
d. 2.9 children per couple
e. less than 3.0 children per couple

c. 2.3 children per couple

The bubble of experienced space surrounding each person's body that when invaded by another person causes a sense of discomfort and embarrassment is termed:
a. personal space
b. social space
c. private space
d. body space
e. life space

a. personal space

Older adults who are beginning to experience the effects of chronic ailments and need assistance from family or community services known as:
a. frail elderly
b. vulnerable elderly
c. impaired elderly
d. sick elderly
e. fragile elderly

a. personal space

Over the past 100 yrs, life expectancy has increased considerably. Which of the following is NOT an explanation for this phenomenon.
a. control of infectious diseases
b. improved preventative care
c. advancements in birth control
d. better sanitation
e. r

c. advancements in birth control

Margaret Morganroth Gullette in a book entitled Agewise argued we are "aged by culture" because of a societally pervasive:
a. decline ideology
b. fear of death
c. respect for the elderly
d. distrust of older adults
e. belief in the potential for growth in

a. decline ideology

An emerging life stage, running roughly from ages 50-75, made possible by our longer life expectancy; grants us a life bonus of 30 yrs not available to us in previous generations is called the:

third age

According to Rowe & Kahn "successful aging" involves 3 components. These are:

avoid disease and disability, engagement with life, and high cognitive and physical function

Describe 3 challenges presented to society by the aging of the Baby Boom population.

addressing labor force changes, providing and paying for the appropriate models of long-term care, and creating environment conducive to an aging population

Psychologist Laura Carstensen in the journal Science argued that as people grow older they tend to differ from young people because they think about time from the perspective of:

the time they have left to live, opposed to viewing a future ahead

What is the population equation?


What does P(t+n) represent in the population equation?

the population at a given time

What does P(t1) represent in the population equation?

the population

What does B represent in the population equation?


What does D represent in the population equation?


What does I represent in the population equation?

immigration in (input)

What does O represent in the population equation?

immigration out (output)

a set of beliefs about the aged, there are 2 types: discrimination and prejudices


a measure showing the number of the dependents age 0-14 and over 65 to the total population aged 15-64

dependency ratio

the number of people 65 or older per 100 people of working age

elderly dependency ratio

the number of people younger than 18 relative to those of working age

child dependency ratio

What are echo boomers?

the children of the baby boomers

What is race or mortality crossover?

Once you get to a certain age, one race has a better chance of living longer than before. For example, when young, white people have a better chance of surviving than black people, but once they become ol der at a certain age, the black person has a bette

among the oldest old, the mortality rate for African Americans falls below that of whites

race crossover

define expected life span

how long an individual can plan to live

define maximum lifespan

the potential a human has to live (120 years)

What are the factors that determine elderly population concentration?

aging in place, migration of the elderly, migration of the non-elderly, and fertility

How does aging in place determine elderly population concentration?

a person lives in the same place, so they grow old and dye in this same place (dying in place)

How does migration of the elderly determine the elderly population concentration?

if people who are all elderly migrate away the concentration will lower, if the elderly people all migrate to the same spot the elderly population will increase

How does migration of the non-elderly determine the elderly population concentration?

the more non-elderly in a place, the lower the population concentration of elderly people; the less non-elderly, the higher the elderly population concentration

How does fertility determine the elderly population concentration?

the higher rate of fertility will increase population with babies, and decrease the elderly population concentration

What is occurring in Stage I in the demographic transition?

high fertility, high and fluctuating death rate, population change is small and fluctuating

What is occurring in Stage II in the demographic transition?

high fertility, falling mortality, accelerating increasing size of population change

What is occurring in Stage III in the demographic transition?

falling fertility, low mortality, slowing increase in size of population

What is occurring in Stage IV in the demographic transition?

low fertility, low mortality, population large and fluctuating in size

What is occurring in Stage V in the demographic transition?

low fertility?, low mortality?, population large and stable (potential decline)?

Describe the manner in which survivorship curves have changed over time?

Rectangularization through the survivorship curve, more people live longer because medical defenses and control of infectious diseases, advances in medical care, improved sanitation and environmental conditions, and preventative/self-care (exercise, brush