Exploration + Colonization

When was the Age of Exploration?

Most was in the 1400s-1600s

What was the "Age of Exploration

The increased exploration and resulting settlement of the world, by mostly European countries, in the 1400s - 1600s.

The reasons or purposes for EXPLORING the world are many. During this time, they were condensed into the alliterative phrase, "Gold, God, and Glory

The reasons or purposes for EXPLORING the world are many. During this time, they were condensed into the alliterative phrase, "Gold, God, and Glory".


WEALTH gold symbolizes goods, valuable things and control of their production and trade. Examples: spices, silk, tea (and other food stuff), precious metals and stones, enslaved people


A complicated mix of sincere missionary work and opportunism. Some people had a sincere desire to convert the indigenous people to Christianity (Catholic or Protestant depending on the European country doing the colonizing) to "save their souls". Sometime


POWER explorers wanted fame; royalty wanted power, land, and resources; merchants wanted to have the best goods/wares; everyone wanted "bragging rights" and control

Name one invention from the Age of Exploration and how it improved exploration.

Printing Press- It helped spread news quicker.

Name one invention from the Age of Exploration and how exploration helped bring about its creation.

Magnetic Compass helped sailors know where things were in the sea.

What is the Mercator Projection? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator made the first directionally-accurate cylindrical map projection of the globe. It is extremely useful for sailors and navigation; it is not accurate for scale as the land masses get increasingly distorted the farther

What was the Columbian Exchange?

The exchange of goods, people, and ideas set off a chain effect that transformed the way the world traded, traveled, grew food, and manufactured goods. It also led to imperialism, which is the practice of extending the authority of a country by colonizat

Why was it significant at the time?

The exchange of goods between the old world and new world encouraged settlement (colonization) of the new world, increased transportation between the new and old worlds, spread foods and animals around the world, created specialized markets

How does it still impact us today?

Globalization The Colombian Exchange was the first step leading us towards Globalization. Globalization is goods, people, culture, money, religion, language, technology, and all the things - traveling around the world and back - crossing cultural and poli

Exploration led to Colonization. What is colonization?

Going to mostly unsettled area taken over and made more livable
"settling among and establishing control over the indigenous people of an area.

What is imperialism?

To create or expand an empire by taking control of other lands - ruling them both politically and economically.

Although, the U.S. and Japan and other countries outside of this continent created colonies, the empires of which continent did most of the colonizing around the world?


Because the continent above had been colonized by the Roman Empire, what religion did most of these colonizers spread around the world?




How did the colonizers gain control in this area?

#1 - diseases killed huge numbers of indigenous people - leaving the rest more susceptible to violence and persuasion. Also, horses, trickery, religious conversion...



How did the colonizers gain control in this area?

advanced weapons/technology - especially in terms of ships and guns Persuaded local rulers to act as governors for the European Empires.



How did the colonizers gain control in this area?

Sub Saharan Africa was carved up by the European powers at the Berlin Conference in 1884-1885. This led to the "Mad Scramble". However, this divvying up only worked because by this time Europeans had advanced weapons and technology. Also, Europeans were d