Exam 2

In linguistic anthropology, the structure of a language refers to:

All of the related subsystems of any language, including phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.

As discussed in our textbook, anthropologists interested in non-verbal communication will most likely study the following

Haptics, Chronemics, Proxemics, and Kinesics.

The part of grammar that has to do with the arrangement of words to form phrases and sentences is called:


The difference between free morphemes and words is:

Free morphemes are units of meaning that consist of a single morpheme, and that may stand alone as words. Words are the smallest parts of a sentence that can be said alone and still retain their meaning, and may consist of more than one morpheme.

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis refers to:

The hypothesis that perceptions and understandings of time, space, and matter are determined by the structure of language.

The smallest significant unit of sound in a language is known as:

A phoneme

The major subsistence strategies pursued around the world include all of the following, EXCEPT:


The subsistence strategy that relies on the care of domesticated animals for their meat and milk, and involves a complex interaction between the land, the people, and the animals is called:


The subsistence strategy that relies on the simple cultivation of plants with non-mechanized tools, and without the use of animals, plows, or irrigation is called:


The subsistence strategy that has been pursued the longest in human history, relies on food naturally available in the environment, and is the most efficient way of making of living is called:


The ways in which societies transform the material resources of the environment into food, clothing, and shelter is called:

Subsistence strategy

Which social institution functions to regulate sexual access between humans, create a stable familial structure in which to raise children, and establish ties between different human groups?


In most societies around the world, the most important relationship established through marriage is the relationship between ___________.

Kin groups

Which one of the following terms refers to the rules specifying that a person must marry outside a particular group?


The type of labor force needed in industrial societies includes all EXCEPT one of the following.

Individuals with obligations and responsibilities within their extended families and larger kin groups.

Agriculture is generally associated with all EXCEPT which one of the following?

Increase in social equality across the society

Which one of the following is the LEAST LIKELY explanation for the origin of incest taboos?

Avoids inbreeding

Hypothetical case example: A young husband had an unfortunate encounter with a crocodile as he was herding his cows along the banks of the Nile River. As custom dictated, his brother subsequently married the bereaved widow, adding her to his polygynous ho

The levirate

The marriage practice that involves one woman being simultaneously married to multiple husbands is known as _________.


The marriage practice that involves one man being simultaneously married to multiple wives is known as _________.
