Science test lesson 3 - recent and future space missions

People from different countries have set the goal of working together to __________ human space travel within the solar system


People can reach this goal by sending probes to the _______and _________

sun and moon

Data from probes sent near the _______can hep scientists understand the hazards of solar radiation


by using the information from _______probes,scientist hope to figure out a good place to set up future outposts n the moon


The inner planets are 4 rocky planets closets to the Sun, in order they are

Mercury , venus , earth and mars

Probes to these planets help scientists learn how these planets_________, what geologic__________ are acting on the and whether any of these planets can support_________

formed, forces, life

The outer planets are the four larger planets farthest from the sun in order they are

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and neptune

_________ was once considered an outer planet, but now it is considered an icy dwarf planet


Missions to the outer planets take ________time and are difficult because these planets are so _______from earth

Long, far

Mission to see of the outer planets and to Pluto have used a technique called___________

Gravity assist

Early destinations for human space travel are the Moon and _________


Future visits to the moon will not be __________ as in the past


The mission will be to build a lunar _________ where people can ________ and do research in the harsh lunar environment

Spacecraft, live

Nasa plans to send several more _____to mars to explore sites that might have resources that can support life


the study of life in the universe , including life on earth and the possibility of extra terrestrial life is called


Using astro biology, scientists are searching for environments in space other than Earth where humans and other than earth where humans and other earth life might be able to ___________


Life exists in many extreme environments on earth as long as they have liquid _________, ______________, and _________________

Liquid water, organic molecules, and source of energy

Evidence from Space probes suggest that several planets and many moons have ___________or ice on our near their surfaces

Water vapor

Studyng other planets helps scientists understand how the sun and other planets affect __________, how earth is formed, and how earth supports_______________

earth, life

Scientists are looking for other earthlike planets in the universe to try to figure out of extraterrestrial life might exist of if life on earth is likely to be __________


Most of the 300 planets scientist have discovered so far outside the solar system are larger than earth and probably could not support ______water or ___________

liquid, life

NASA has launched a space -________ called Kepler to study an area of the sky containing about 100,00_______to look for earth like planets orbiting other stars

telescope, stars

NASA and other space agencies around the world have satellites that orbit Earth and help scientists understand Earths______and ___________

climate and weather

A major goal to expand human space travel is

within the solar system

Probes will be sent to the sun to understadn

the hazards of solar radiation

Probes will be sent to the moon to help plan

the best location for a future lunar outpost

Understanding the geologic forces on the inner planets help scientists learn

whether they can support life

International efforts involving many countries will send missions to

the distant outer planets

Gravity assists can be used to shorten

the time it takes space craft to reach the outer edges of the solar system

The first destination for human space travel is

the moon and mars

Building a lunar outpost will

enable scientists to do research on the moon

searching for resources on mars that can support life will

prepare for a visit in several more decades

investigating the conditions for life on earth helps

predict the chances of life elsewhere in the solar system

Locating water vapor or ice on planets or moons might

suggest the possibility of extraterrestrial life