Anthropology Test Questions Chapter 6

better explain the historical emergence of development patterns throughout the world

World systems theory helped anthropologists

the reduction or elimination or tariffs to promote trade

A key feature of financial globalization is

it highlights how people impose local meanings on objects

The research that anthropologist Karen Tranberg Hansen has done on secondhand clothing in Zambia is interesting because

the more open a country is to foreign trade, the better the economy will be

Promoters of globalization highlight which of the following?


The recent rise of autonomy movements among Hawaiian separatists and Zapatistas in Mexico are examples of

accumulate prestige

The most important goal of the Congolese sapeur is to

global Integration creates an opportunity for local cultures to express themselves

One of the main reasons localization interests anthropologists is that

they explain the apparent decline of cultural diversity

A central feature
of cultural convergence theories is that

the first are analysts of development; the second seek ways to influence development programs from within

A key difference between anthropologists of development and development anthropologists is


Which of the following best describes the methodology of multi-sited ethnography?

it explains why conflict is growing in the world

Which of the following is
not true about hybridization theories?

it lends itself readily to ethnographic methodology

A world systems theory is important for all of the
following reasons except


Anthropologists use
_______________ to juxtapose phenomena that were once thought
worlds apart.

on their own terms

People around the world often think of development as undermining self
-determination but
will often accept it when it is_______________


Many arguments over global integration are about
_____________, but anthropologists are
just as interested in cultural nuances such as inequality, confrontation, domination, and


often exist not in spite of but because of global interconnection


Globalization is exciting to anthropologists right now because they have never studied
interconnectivity before.


The authors think that cultural diversity persists in the world because cultures have been isolated from each other for so long but that diversity is bound to disappear as cultures intermingle more.


A key marker of development anthropology's success is when local perspectives and voices are paid attention to in development projects.


Globalization and localization are complementary dynamics

all of the above

A multi-sited ethnographer studying Mexican migrants in the United States would be most likely to conduct fieldwork

the unexpected social patterns that emerge from intermingling between athletes, fans, and officials from different countries

In a study on the Olympics a hybridization theorist would likely focus on

the overarching importance of listening to the priorities of the neighbors

If a development anthropologist were to get involved in a project in your city that is revitalizing a poor neighborhood, they would probably emphasize

being subjected to alien cultural influences

A believer in cultural imperialism would explain that people who watch American television in remote places like a Walpiri camp in the Australian outback are

a historical study of indigenous resistance to colonialism

World systems theory would be most suited to which of the following research projects?

the layout of the factory in which they are built

A commodity chain analysis applied to motorcars would be interested in all of the following