INR2002 - Inquizitive

That tobacco grown in the Virginia colony could be exported only to Britain is an example of which of the following?
- Pax Britannica
- Mercantilism
- liberalism
- sovereignty

- Mercantilism involved establishing monopolies that controlled trade and other economic activities. Mercantilist policies favored the mother country (the country that established colonies) over its colonies and its competitors.

In which of the following time periods was global trade relatively low?
- Between World Wars I and II
- Pax Britannica
- 1980-2000

Between World Wars I and II
- Political tension and economic depression meant international trade fell.
and Pax Britannica
- One of the features of the Pax Britannica was a lowering of trade barriers as new business classes saw economic opportunity in tra

In which of the following time periods was global trade relatively high?
- Between World Wars I and II
- Pax Britannica
- 1980-2000

-A period of recession in the late 1970s was followed by a turn to the market in many countries as high levels of international trade, finance, and investment held out the promise of lucrative global economic opportunities. Global trade remains h

Which of the following factors contributed to the process of decolonization in which former colonies achieved political independence from their colonizers?
- The Soviet Union obtained both atomic and hydrogen bombs
- The United States did not want to unde

The United States did not want to undermine its argument about . the evils of soviet domination
- During the Cold War, both superpowers sought the support of other countries around the world. It would have been a difficult sell for the United States if it

During [ 1 ] of 1949 to 1989, the [ 2 ] in the West and the [ 3 ] in the East routinely used military force to prevent other countries from falling into the other's sphere. The [ 4 ] undermined governments that were communist or seen as likely to become c

[ 1 ] - the Cold War
[ 2 ] - United States
[ 3 ] - Soviet Union
[ 4 ] - United States
[ 5 ] - Soviet Union
[ 6 ] - United States
[ 7 ] - Soviet Union

One of the consequences of World War I was the collapse of the four great empires of central, eastern, and southern Europe: the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the German Empire.
- Europe, 1914
- Europe, 1920
- Europe,

Europe, 1920

Prior to World War I, Europe was home to four great empires: the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the German Empire.
- Europe, 1914
- Europe, 1920
- Europe, 2017

Europe, 1914

(T/F) - The trend from the 1500s to today has been one of steadily increasing economic openness as countries have gradually reduced formal barriers to international trade and finance.

- Openness to trade has waxed and waned over time. The mercantilist era witnessed high barriers to trade as countries competed with one another for power in part by imposing high tariffs and utilizing monopolies. The era from 1815 to 1914 saw a redu