Osborn Exam: Multiple Choice Topics

cities, government, religion, social structure, writing, and art

what are the characteristics of a civilization?

prospering in the ancient world and suffering and poverty in the medieval world

how did patterns of civilization differ between the ancient and medieval world?

gaining more money from exporting; countries around the world will know you as a trading power and it will increase your political power

how can trade lead to economic prosperity and political power?

creations of art are an extension of a person's personal beliefs

how can ideas be reflected in art, sculpture, and architecture?

-corrupt government
-unfair laws

what conditions can encourage the desire for reform?

it can encourage people to think about things differently

how can reform influence society and beliefs?

knowing more countries; able to provide a better life for your country's people

what are the effects of political and economic expansion?

like-minded society; fair government; kind-hearted political leader

what factors help unify an empire?

people: having to get used to a new group of people with a different way of life; they might have contradicting beliefs; might cause conflict

how can the creation of a new empire impact the people and culture of a region?

because they encourage people to have a different mindset towards certain subjects and that causes them to want to do something about it

why do new ideas often spark change?

answered above

how do new ways of thinking affect the way people respond to their surroundings?

want for a change of things such as government, economy, social aspects, etc.

what causes revolution?

it can possibly change laws, rules, leaders, ideas, etc, and people have to come to be adjusted to them

how does revolution change society?

it can make someone's life easier

how can innovation affect ways of life?


how does revolution bring about political and economic change?

producing things faster equals faster income

how can industrialization affect a country's economy?


how are political and social structures influenced by economic changes?