Chapter 7 Names & Terms


person who felt that mechanization was taking jobs from the working class. this type of person protested mechanization by smashing machines

john wesley

social and religious reformer who tried to bring christianity and education to the working poor. he was the founder of methodism


denomination in christianity that believed in the importance of having a personal relationship with god. early methodists took this message of hope into the slums to help alleviate the suffering of the poor


movement of people to the cities. factors that caused rapid urbanization in england were: changes in farming (enclosure), soaring population growth, and a demand for more workers

Thomas Malthus

leading economist in the early Industrial Revolution. he argued that the population was growing faster than the food supply. he predicted that there would always be famine, disease, war, and poverty as long as the population grew. he suggested lower class

Iron Law of Wages

economic theory presented by david ricardo. he argued that if wages went up, people would have more children, which would lead to more workers and lower wages. people would remain poor. he suggested that lower classes have fewer children

Jeremy Bentham

leading utilitarian thinker from the early industrial age. he argued that the government must pass some laws that protected the workin class from exploitation. he also argued that women and all working class people should be granted suffrage


socialists that tried to create "perfect" communities during the Industrial Revolutions. in these communities there was no private property and all work and profits were shared equally. most communities failed

Communist Manifesto

Book written by Karl Marx. it suggested that there would be a social revolution in which the proletariat (working class) would overthrow the bourgeoisie (middle class factory owners) and then set up a classless, socialist community. this book was the blue

Thomas Newcomen

This man invented the steam engine

james watt

this man improved the steam engine to the point that it became vital part of the Industrial Revolution. his engine powered the industrial revolution

Abraham Darby

this man began using coal to smelt iron and developed a process to remove the impurities from iron that coal created. his family was the leader of the iron industry in Britain

robert fulton

this man created the first steam boat


places that brought together workers and machines to produce large quantities of goods


privately built roads where travelers had to pay a fee to use them

enclosure movement

process of taking over and fencing off land formerly shared by peasant farmers

Charles Townshend

encouraged to plant turnips in fields as you rotated the crops because turnips replenished minerals to the soil

jethro tull

invented the seed drill

Robert Bakewell

developed and encouraged the technique of selective breeding to make better farm animals

john kay

invited the flying shuttle, the first machine to weave cloth

James Hargreaves

invented the spinning jenny, an early machine for spinning wool or cotton into thread

Richard Arkwright

Invented the water frame, an early machine for spinning wool or cotton into thread

Karl Marx

known as the "Father of Communism". he called for a worldwide revolution of the working class

David Ricardo

developed the iron law of wages

Eli Whitney

Inventor of the cotton gin. this machine picked seeds from cotton, thus making cotton production profitable


process of separating iron form iron ore