AWS Certified Architect (Ch. 1 - 2)

Which of the following describes a physical location around the world where AWS clusters data centers?
a. Endpoint
b. Collection
c. Fleet
d. Region


Each AWS region is composed of two or more locations that offer organizations the ability to operate production systems that are most highly available, fault tolerant, and scalable than would be possible using a single data center. What are these location


What is the deployment term for an environment that extends an existing on-premises infrastructure into the cloud to connect cloud resources to internal systems
a. All-in deployment
b. Hybrid deployment
c. On-premises deployment
d. Scatter deployment


Which AWS Cloud service allows organizations to gain system-wide visibility into resources to internal systems
a. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
b. Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS)
c. Amazon CloudWatch
d. AWS CloudFormation


Which of the following AWS Cloud services is a fully manged noSQL database service
a. Amazon simple Queue Service (SQS)
b. Amazon DynamoDB
c. Amazon ElastiCache
d. Amazon Relational Database Service (ARDS)


Your company experiences fluctuations in traffic patterns to their e-commerce website based on flash sales. What service can help your company dynamically match the required compute capacity to the spike in traffic during flash sales
a. Auto Scaling
b. Am


Your company provides an online photo sharing service. The development team is looking for ways to deliver image files with the lowest latency to end users so the website content is delivered with the best possible performance. What service can help speed


Your company runs an Amazon Elastic Compute cloud (Amazon EC2) instance periodically to perform a batch processing job on a large and growing file system. At the end of the batch job, you shut down the Amazon EC2 instance to save money but need to persist


What AWS Cloud service provides a logically isolated section of the AWS cloud where organizations can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that they define
A. Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF)
B. Amazon Route 53
C. Amazon Virtual Private Cl


Your company provides a mobile voting application for a popular TV show, and 5 to 25 million viewers all vote in 15-second timespan. What mechanisms can you us to decouple the voting application from your back-end services that tally the votes
a. AWS Clou


To have a record of who accessed your amazon S3 data and from where, you should do what?
a. Enable versioning on the bucket
b. Enable website hosting on the bucket
c. Enable server access logs on the bucket
d. Create an AWS Identity and Access Management


You have a popular web application that accesses data stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service(Amazon S3) bucket. You expect the access to be very read-intensive, with expected request rates up to 500 GETs per second from many clients. How can you incre


Elastic Load Balancing

highly available service that distributes traffic across Amazon EC2 instances and includes options that provide flexibility and control to incoming requests to Amazon EC2 instances

internet-facing load balancer

type of load balancer that takes requests from clients over the internet and distributes them to Amazon EC2 instances that are registered with a load balancer


process that checks for connection requests, configured for the elastic load balancer

Auto Scaling

service that allows you to scale your amazon EC2 capacity automatically by scaling out and scaling in according to criteria that you define

What are the four Auto Scaling Plans Called

Maintain Current Instance Levels
Manual Scaling
Scheduled Scaling
dynamic scaling

launch configuration

template that Auto Scaling uses to create new instances

what five things is the launch configuration composed of

Configuration Name
Amazon Machine Image
Amazon EC2 instance type
Security Group
instance key pair

Scaling policy

used by auto scaling with cloud watch alarms to determine when your auto scaling group should scale in or out


a logically isolated network in the AWS CLoud

what five Core elements do a VPC include

route tables
DHCP option sets
security groups
network ACLs

public subnet

a subent whose traffic is routed to an IGW

private subnet

a subent with no route to an IGW

VPN-only subnet

a subent with no route to an IGW, but has its traffic routed to a VPG


horizontally scaled, redundant and highly available Amazon VPC component that allows communication between instances in your Amazon VPC and the internet

public IP address

an AWS-owned IP that can be automatically assigned to instances launched within a subnet

Elastic IP address

an AWS-owned IP that you can allocate to your account and assign to instances or network interfaces on demand

Amazon VPC Endpoint

enables you to create a private connection between your Amazon VPC and another AWS service without requiring access over the internet or through a NAT instance. Support is within a region only

Amazon VPC peering

a networking connection between two VPCs that enable instances in either Amazon VPC to communicate with each other as if they are within the same network. Created through request/accept protocol.


represents a physical device or a software application on the customer's side of the VPN connection

To launch an instance what must you specify



defines the software on an instance at launch

instance type

Memory, vCPUs, etc. of an instance

Enhanced networking

allows you to get significantly higher PPS performance, lower network jitter, and lower latencies

VM Import/Export

allows you to import existing VMs to AWS as Amazon EC2 Instances or AMIs. also can be exported back to the virtual environment

What are the three ways to access an Amazon EC2 instance over the web

public IP addresses
Elastic IP addresses
Public DNS names

instance store data survives a OS reboot but not a termination


Security Groups

virtual firewalls controlling traffic in and out of your Amazon EC2 instance

Security groups are permit all by default

False AF BRUH!

Magnetic Volumes

provide an average performance of 100 IOPS and can be provisioned up to 1 TB. Good for cold infrequently accessed data

General purpose SSD

provide three IOPS/GB up to 10,000 IOPS, with smaller volumes able to burst 3000 IOPS. They can be provisioned up to 16 TB are are appropriate for dev/test environments, small databases, and so forth.

Provisioned IOPS SSD

can provide up to 20,000 consistent IOPS for volumes up to 16 TB. they are the best choice for workloads such as large databases executing many transactions

Amazon s3 cloud object storage

manages data at the application level as objects using a REST API built on HTTP

Block storage

manages data at the operating system level as numbered addressable blocks using protocols such as SCSI or fibre channels

File storage

manages data as shared files at the OS level usnig protocols such CIFS or NFS


simple flat folder that stores objects

lifecycle configuration

these rules define actions to transition objects from one storage class to another based on time

event notification

set at the bucket level and can trigger a message in Amazon SNS or AMazon SQS or an action in AWS LAmbda in response to an upload or a delete of an object

Amazon glacier

data is stored in archives, and those archives are stored in vaults