Q: If a new plant is introduced into a diverse, mature ecosystem and it has no natural enemies -

A: it will cause the number of native plant species to decrease.

Q: An ecosystem that has great biodiversity -

A: decreases the competition between organisms in the ecosystem.

Q: Variety of organisms within an ecosystem is good because -

A: the variety of organisms increases biodiversity and sustainability.

Q: What is the relationship between biodiversity & sustainability?

A: If biodiversity increases, so does sustainability. If biodiversity decreases, so does sustainability.

Q: Coral reefs and rainforests are unique ecosystems because -

A: they contain more diverse organisms and are more stable due to the large biodiversity within.

Q: The winter white fur coat of Arctic Hares is an adaptation that -

A: allows bunnies to blend into the cold, snowy environment.

Q: Birds around the world have different shaped beaks because -

A: the shape is adapted to match the type of food available within their environment.

Q: Animals have special adaptations that attract mates, like crickets chirping and frogs croaking. What process is this an example of -

A: Natural Selection

Q: Environments change due to factors such as catastrophic events and climate change. Organisms that have the best chance of survival are organisms that -

A: have traits best suited for their new/changed environment.

Q: Ranchers selectively breed animals that maximize their environment, like cattle. Ranchers prefer cattle with no horns because -

A: they are adapted to prevent injury to other cows which allows for more cattle to be produced for meat.

Q: When animals and plants are intentionally bred by humans, specifically for traits that are beneficial to man, such as - larger, stronger dogs; disease resistant corn; and pets that are not deaf... this is referred to as -

A: Selective Breeding

Q. Plants that can survive in sandy soil are most likely adapted for_____

A. Dry climate