America: Pathways to the Present - Chapter 26, Section 1 + 2

Satellite Nation

A country dominated politically and economically by another nation, especially by the Soviet Union during the Cold War

Iron Curtain

Term coined by Winston Churchill to describe the division between communist and non-Communist life

Cold War

The competition that developed after World War II between the US and the Soviet Union for power and influence in the world, lasting until the collapse of the Soviet Union


American policy of resisting further expansion of communism around the world

Truman Doctrine

Truman's 1947 speech before a joint session of Congress, calling the United States to take a leadership role in the world and declaring that the United States would support nations threatened by communism

-To rebuild the Soviet Union and protect its interests
-It would serve as a buffer zone against attacks, they wanted to be safe

Why did Stalin want satellite nations?

-The Soviet Union had taken control of eastern Europe and we're trying to gain more countries
-There was a divide in Europe; half communist (Eastern) half capitalist (Western)

Why was the term iron curtain a good description of the Soviet presence in Eastern Europe?

-A Cold War is more of a political and economical disagreement
-A hot war is a more direct military engagement

What is the difference between a cold war and a "hot" war?

-Containment was about resisting Communist expansion and Trumans doctrine was about helping nations threatened by communism so they both are for the expansion of communism to end

How do the policy of containment and the Truman Doctrine complement one another?

All member nations all belong to the general assembly

How is the United Nations set up?


How many countries are on the security council at any given time?

-Great Britain
-United States
-Soviet Union

What are the five permanent members of the Security Council?

-East Germany

What are the nine countries where the Soviet Union enforced political control?

Marshall Plan

Program of American economic assistance to western Europe, announced in 1947

Berlin Airlift

Moving supplies into West Berlin by American and British planes during the Soviet blockade in 1948 to 1949

Hollywood Ten

Group of people in the film industry who were jailed for refusing to answer congressional questions regarding communist influence in Hollywood

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

1949 alliance of nations that agreed to ban together in the event of war and to support and protect nations involved

Collective security

The principle of mutual military assistance among nations

Warsaw Pact

Military alliance between the Soviet Union and the nations of Eastern Europe formed in 1955

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

Established in 1938 to investigate disloyalty in the United States


List that circulated among employers, beginning in 1947, containing the names of persons who should not be hired

McCarran-Walter Act

Passed by congress in 1952, this law reaffirmed the quota system that had been established for each country in 1924

-To strengthen European democracies and their economies
-They did this to help countries so that those countries stuck with American views and not communism

Why was the Marshall Plan instituted?

-It saved the people in West Berlin by making food, fuel, and other supplies accessible when the Soviets put a ban on shipment to the city through East Germany

What was the importance of the Berlin airlift?

-They agreed that an attack against one of them shall be considered as an attack against all of them

How did NATO demonstrate the principle of collective security?

-America was scared to trust anyone they blamed people of the slightest things scared that their country would fall under communist rule

What did HUAC hearings and the McCarran-Walter Act show about American attitudes?