CB CH 10


a group of people who share similar values and tastes that are subsumed within a larger culture

role conflict

a situation involving conflicting expectations based on cultural role expectations


situation in which consumers choose membership in microcultures in an effort to stand out or define themselves from the crowd

sex roles

societal expectations for men and women among members of a cultural group

cognitive structuring

term that refers to the reliance on schema-based heuristics in making decisions

age-based microculture

term that describes the concept that people of the same age end up sharing many of the same values and develop similar consumer preferences

world teen culture

speculation that teenagers around the world are more similar to each other than to people from other generations in the same culture


a group of people who have lived the same major experiences in their lives


a situation in which consumers are marked in some way that indicates their place in society


used to describe immigrants as they face decisions and form preferences based on their old or new cultures

social class

a culturally defined group to which a consumer belongs based on resources like prestige, income, occupation, and education


mental and cognitive structures through which individuals perceive the world based largely on their standing in a social class


the finding that most marriages comprise people from similar classes

social stratification

the division of society into classes that have unequal access to scarce and valuable resources

status symbols

products or objects that are used to signal one's place in society

demographic analysis

a profile of a consumer group based on their demographics