Procedure 1104

After performing ___ _________ __ _________ CPR, the candidate is required to to utilize the AED as he/she would at the scene of an actual cardiac arrest.

5 cycles of 1-rescuer adult

After performing 5 cycles of 1-rescuer adult CPR, the candidate is required to utilize the ______ as he/she would at the scene of an actual cardiac arrest.


The scenario ends after what?

The first shock is administered and CPR is resumed.

After arriving on scene, the candidate should what?

Assess the patient and determine that the patient is unresponsive

After check for responsiveness, the candidate should next do what?

Assess the patient for signs of breathing

If it is determined that the patient is apneic or has signs of abnormal breathing, such as gasping or agonal respirations, what should the candidate do?

Assess the carotid pulse

Carotid pulse check should take at least _____ _______ but no more than _____ _________.

5 seconds, 10 seconds

As soon as pulselessness is verified, what should the candidate do?

Immediately begin chest compressions

What should the candidate do after determining that the patient is in cardiac arrest and CPR has been initiated?

Request additional EMS assistance.

Each candidate is required to perform ____ _________________ of 1-rescuer CPR.

2 minutes

After 5 cycles or 2 minutes of CPR, the candidate should assess the patient for no more than ___ _________.

10 seconds

After 5 cycles of 2 minutes of CPR, and pulselessness is still present, what should the candidate do?

The candidate should direct a second rescuer to resume chest compressions.

After a second rescuer continues compressions, what should the candidate do?

Retreive the AED, power it on, and follow all prompts and attach it to the manikin.

The candidate should make sure that ________ ___ ________ ___ __________ while the AED analyzes the rhythm.

No one is touching the patient

Each candidate is required to operate the AED correctly so that it delivers ______ ________ for verification purposes.

One shock

As soon as a shock has been deliverd from the AED, the candidate should do what?

Direct a rescuer to immediately resume chest compressions.