Master test Ch.8SkinPhysiology

Where are Merkel cells located?

stratum germinativum

Dying grain-like cells that move up towards the skin's surface are found in which layer?

stratum granulosum

This type of lesion evolves from a papule and contains bacterial fluid and pus:


Benign growths or moles have what shape?

regular and symmetrical

What is meant by the term "true skin"?


This ingredient that releases oxygen and is used to dry and exfoliate the skin is called:

benzoyl peroxide

Common malignant lesions that appear translucent, have irregular borders and tiny blood vessels running through them are known as:

basal cell carcinoma

A furuncle involves how many hair follicles?


Which of the following receptors report deep pressure and pain? Thermoreceptors, Ruffini's Corpuscles, Meissner's Corpuscles, or Pacinian Corpuscles.

Pacinian Corpuscles

Which of the following is composed of hard keratin? Skin, bones, fingernails, or epidermis.


An opening in the skin that contains the root of a hair within it is called a:

Hair follicle

What is the term used to identify the skin's natural aging process?

intrinsic aging

A skin condition or disorder influenced by weather changes is called a:

seasonal disease

The technical name for warts is:


An inflammation that causes severe itching, usually on undamaged skin, is known as which of the following conditions?


A pathogenic bacteria or vinus entering the body and multiplying to the point of interfering with the body's normal state causes a(n):


Which cells protect the layers of the skin found below the stratum corneum?


Sebum mixes with the secretions of the sweat glands, creating a layer of oil and moisture called the:

acid mantle

What type of exfoliation is a process that uses an abrasive action combined with a product?

mechanical exfoliation

What sudoriferous gland disorder is an acute burning, itching rash caused by heat?

miliaria rubra

A common pigmentation disorder in pregnant women is known as melasma or:


Of the following categories, which is NOT a condition of the skin? Acne, rashes, excretion, or pigmentation disorders.


Water mixed with salt and other chemicals that have built up in the body is called:


What is the deepest layer of the epidermis?

stratum germinativum

What is a highly contagious viral infection that causes an eruptive, blister-like clusters around the mouth, nose or genital area?

Herpes Simplex

Where are mast cells located?


Which of the following is a harmless sebaceous cyst or tumor? Wart, verruca, steatoma, or furuncle.


A solid formation above the skin, often caused by insect bites or an allergic reaction is called a(n):


What function of the integumentary system changes blood flow to maintain an internal body temperature of 98.6 degrees?


Which of the following malignant growths is an irregular, crusted, red papule that occurs in sun exposed areas of the skin? Melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, pre-malignant growths, or squamous cell carcinoma.

squamous cell carcinoma

A swelling of tissue or skin caused by an excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissue is called:


The ridges that provide the palms of the hands and soles of the feet with traction are called:


Which term refers to the study of the skin's structure, functions, diseases and treatments? Histology, optometry, physiology, or dermatology.


Smoking and alcohol are the factors causing what type of aging?


Which of the following rashes exhibits redness and scaly pinkish-yellow patches that have an oily appearance? Atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis.

seborrheic dermatitis

Microphage cells perform which of the following functions?

fight infections

What is the transparent layer of the epidermis that is thickest on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet?

stratum lucidum

Which term identifies the tiny passageways that allow sweat or oil to pass through the surface of the skin? Pores, organs, follicles, or muscle.


Sebaceous glands continually produce and secrete:


A non-contagious infection that produces hypopigmented areas found on the neck, chest, back and arms is known as:

tinea versicolor

Which of the following sensory cells report pressure and pain?

Krause's end bulbs

Of the following skin layer components, which is NOT one of the four main receptors for sensation in the dermal layer? Eccrine glands, Ruffini's corpuscles, Krause's End bulbs, or Meissner's Corpuscles.

Eccrine glands

What is the body's largest waste removal system?


Which of the following medical terms refers to a contagious fungal disease also known as ringworm? Tinea, warts, verruca, or Candida albicans.


Which of the following lesions is a dried mass that is the remnants of an oozing sore? Crust, scale, ulcer, or fissure.


What is the substance that binds, adds structural strength and mediates biochemical interactions between cells?

intercellular cement

Which of the following body components hold bones to other bones to form joints? Muscles, tendons, cartilage, or ligaments.


In the superficial layers of the epidermis, all cells are:


Which of the following types of acne is mild and consists of open and closed comedones scattered around the face or back? Grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, or grade 4.

Grade 1

Soft keratin makes up which of the following body component(s)?


Which layer of the epidermis is also called the basal layer?

stratum germinativum

A hereditary rash or inflammation characterized by dry, sensitive, iritated skin is called a(n):

atopic dermatitis

What are eccrine glends primarily responsible for?


What is the connective tissue that prevents the rubbing of tissue against joints?


Which of the following epidermal layers have intercellular connections that provide strength and support between cells? Stratum corneum, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, or stratum germinativum.

stratum spinosum

The body structures composed of two or more different types of tissue are called:


Which of the following is an inheritable skin disease that produces an excess of thick, scaly, silvery skin patches surrounded by a red area? Hives, herpes simplex, psoriasis, or seborrheic dermatitis.


Which of the following does NOT describe a layer of the skin? Dermis, keratin, epidermis, or subcutaneous layer.


The integumentary system is made up of which of the following components?

skin and its layers

What is another name for baby acne?


Which of the following tissue types connect muscles to bones? Tendons, cartilage, collagen, or ligaments.


Of the following, which is NOT a pigmentation disorder? nevus, lentigo, anhidrosis, or leukoderma.


According to the Fitzpatrick phototype scale, which skin type almost always burns and tans minimally?

type II

What do sudoriferous glands produce?


Sebaceous glands originate from which of the following skin areas?


Predicting the probable course and outcome of a condition, disorder or disease is known as a:


Which pigmentation disorder is commonly known as a birthmark?


The toughest layer of the epidermis is called:

stratum corneum

What is the name of a substance that causes an allergy?


An open secondary lesion visible on the skin's surface that may result in the loss of portions of the dermis is a(n):


All of the following are factors that affect the average rate of cell turnover EXCEPT: age, height, treatments, or skin conditions.


What protein substance that, when broken down, forms bundles that strengthen and give structure to the skin?


Keratin is a form of which of the following substances?


The study of the skin's functions is referred to as:

skin physiology

What gives skin its color?


What is a chronic inflammatory condition in which the small capillaries become dilated and inflamed?


An overproduction of perspiration caused by excessive heat or general body weakness is known as:


Which of the following cell types carry lymph? fibroblast, lymphocytes, microphages, or macrophages.


Dry, scaly skin caused by reduced sebum production is known as xerosis or:


Which layer of the skin is located below the dermis and composed primarily of adipose (fatty) tissue?


What is a change in the structure of the skin tissue called?


A secondary lesion that identifies the shedding of dead skin cells on the uppermost layer of the epidermis is a(n):


What cells cover and protect the inside of the body?


A health condition that is created or influenced by the employment environment is considered a(n):

occupational disorder

All of the following are the functions of the skin EXCEPT: secretion, protection, absorption, or excoriation.


A male hormone found in both men and women that influences the amount of sebum produced is called:


Which of the following types of cells connect the dermis to the epidermis? basal, adipose, langerhans, or hemidesmosomes.


This term describes a disease that is active internally throughout the body system:

systemic disease

Apocrine glands are located on all of the following body parts EXCEPT: the nipples, the genitals, under the arms, or the soles of the feet.

the soles of the feet

Which of the following cells are located in the dermis and respond to allergies by releasing histamines? mast, merkel, fibroblast, or langerhans.


All of the following are considered to be appendages (extensions) of the skin EXCEPT: hair and nails, endocrine glands, sebaceous glands, or sudoriferous glands.

endocrine glands

Which of the following is another name for a vesicle? cyst, pustule, papule, or blister.


A complex mixture of fatty acids that keeps the skin soft, supple and pliable is called:


Eccrine glands are abundant in all of the following areas EXCEPT: forehead, under the arms, soles of the feet, or palms of the hands.

under the arms

The process of product absorption into the skin is referred to as:

transdermal penetration

Acne can be caused by all of the following EXCEPT: genetics, emotional stress, hormonal changes, or eating too much chocolate.

eating too much chocolate

What is the largest organ of the body?


Candida albicans is a common skin infection caused by:


An open follicle plugged with a black surface plug that has been oxidized is called a:


A fibrous protein which prevents skin from sagging is called:
