Smoking and alcohol


twice the percent of alcohol in a container- 100 proof= 50% alcohol


depressing, helps you relax, and slows you down


the physical and mental changes produced by drinking alcohol. Nausea, vomiting, dehydration, loss of judgment/ self control, reduced reaction time, black out


deadly disease that replaces healthy liver tissue with scar tissue most often caused by alcohol abuse or Hepatitis virus

Alcohol poisoning

alcohol overdose, brain and heart stop.
Symptoms- extreme vomiting, loss of consciousness, slow breathing

Binge Drinking

the act of drinking five or more drinks in one sitting. Drinking a fatal amount of alcohol before the effects of severe intoxication set in.


uncomfortable physical effects brought on by alcohol use
symptoms: headache, nausea, upset stomach, dizziness, dehydration, sensitivity to noise and sound


helping an addict avoid the negative consequences of his/her behavior

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

set of physical and mental defects that affect a fetus that has been exposed to alcohol because of the mother's consumption of alcohol during pregnancy.

Physical Dependence

the body needs the drug to function- person will go through withdrawal symptoms

Psychological dependence

mental need for the drug- person believes they need it to function


when you need more and more of the drug to feel it's effects


medicine for allergies, blocks histamines make you itch, sneeze, eyes water, nose run (your immune system sees pollen, animal hair as a threat so it releases histamines)


uncomfortable physical and psychological symptoms when a physically depressed user stops using the drug

Antagonistic interaction

when taking 2 drugs at the same time, one drug cancels the effect of the other

Synergistic interaction

when you take 2 drugs at the same time, their combined effect become lethal causing overdose and death


stimulant found in tobacco products- addictive


tiny hairs that line the bronchial tubes, keep lungs clean by bringing up mucous that collected smoke particles


alveoli damaged by tobacco smoke- difficulty breathing


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (combination of respiratory disease Emphysema Bronchitis)


air sacs in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place


trachea branches into tubes (bronchus) or one bronchi that carry air to the lungs

Stoma or Tracheostomy Tube

Larynx has been removed usually because of cancer. The person will now breathe through this new airway. Which is a hole in the neck that allows a person to breathe

What happens to the throat when a person smokes?

Particles irritate the throat causing a cough and cancer. The irritation also thickens the throat's membranes making it difficult to breathe and swallow

Name the colorless, odorless gas found in cigarette smoke and explain its harmful effects on the body.

Carbon monoxide- it blocks oxygen from entering the bloodstream

Why can't the body of a smoker fight off infections as well as a non-smoker?

Immune system is suppressed- lung disease occur because body cannot remove cancer cells

What is the financial cost to smoking?

2,920 dollars a year (8 dollars a pack)
You waste a ton of your money because of smoking, because you become so addicted and you smoke so much that you keep needing to buy more and more (family members cause smoking for siblings and children)

How does smoking lead to atherosclerosis? List 3 cardiovascular problems associated with smoking.

Constricts blood vessels
Hardens blood vessels walls
Makes cholesterol stick to walls of arteries faster
Nicotine speeds up the heart

List 5 other diseases associated with smoking (Long term effects)

Heart cancer, Lung cancer, Chronic Bronchitis, emphysema, esophageal cancer, and stomach cancer

Main chemicals found in tobacco smoke.

Carcinogens (chemicals that cause cancer)
Carbon Monoxide

List 5 short term effects of nicotine.

Stimulates brain reward- addiction
Increases heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, sugar level
Narrows blood vessels
Reduces oxygen

Name 3 carcinogenic chemicals found in tobacco smoke.

Tar- cyanide, formaldehyde, lead, vinyl chloride

What year did the Surgeon General declare that smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, and other
respiratory diseases?

1964. In 1965 they put labels on cartons, 1971 banned advertising TV, radio