Structure of the Atom


A type of pure substance. It consists of a single type of atom. It cannot be divided into smaller units.

Pure substance

Matter that contains only 1 element or compound. It has definite physical and chemical properties


The smallest component of an element having the physical and chemical properties of the element


A type of pure substance. it consists of 2 or more atoms bonded together


matter that has been physically combined

Atomic number

The number of positive charges or protons in the nucleus of an atom of a given element

Atomic mass

The atomic mass of a chemical element is the average mass of an atom. Atomic mass=protons+neutrons

Chemical symbol

An abbreviation or short representation of a chemical element;the symbols in the periodic table


An particle of atoms consisting of a charge of negative electricity; mass=1/1836 amu


Elements forming one of the vertical columns of the periodic table.


One of two or more atoms having the same atomic number but different mass numbers due to more or less neutrons. There are 275 isotopes of the 81 stable elements.

Mass number

The sum of the number of neutrons and protons in an atomic nucleus


An elementary particle having no charge, Mass slightly greater than that of a proton.


The positively charged mass within an atom, composed of neutrons and protons, and possessing most of the mass but occupying only a small fraction of the volume of the atom


A stable, positively charged subatomic particle.

Subatomic particle

Particles that are smaller than an atom, including protons, neutrons and electrons.

Valence electrons

Electrons found on the outermost shell or orbit of an atom. These electrons are available for atomic bonding.

Atomic mass unit (AMU)

Mass of one atom of all elements