Anthropology Flashcards

In nineteenth century evolutionary theory, the stages of __________ were proposed.

savagery, barbarism, and civilization

A disadvantage of participant-observation is that

only a small sample can be studied.

Leslie White argued that the driving force of cultural evolution was

the amount of energy available.

Why are binary oppositions significant to French Structuralism?

It is believed to be the primary mode of human thought.

The primary aim of ethnoscience is to:

understand a culture from the point of view of the people themselves.

Which statement best describes Feminist Anthropology?

It seeks to describe and explain the female perspective in cultural life

Cultural materialism

holds that material conditions determine human thoughts and behavior.

Postmodern anthropology

argues that culture should be understood from several perspectives.

Interpretive anthropology is part of which theoretical orientation?


Culture shock includes the following symptom(s):

a loss of self-esteem.

The theoretical analysis of interaction between culture and environment that argued that particular cultures evolved independently of others is called:

multilinear evolution.

Nineteenth century evolutionary theory was developed by:

Edward Tylor and Lewis Henry Morgan.

Franz Boas argued that the discipline of anthropology needed

the careful collection of empirical data on as many specific cultures as possible.

he two theorists (one in England and one in the U.S.) who gave the greatest importance to fieldwork were

Boas and Malinowski.

Margaret Mead, in her research in Samoa

concluded that the emotional turbulence of adolescents in the United States is culturally rather than biologically based.

Which of the following is a primary weakness of French Structuralism?

It is a theory that cannot be tested empirically.

Which theory most focuses on the unconscious level?

French structuralism

Biculturalism means:

a capacity to function effectively in two or more cultures.

Which of the following is not true of evolutionism?

Evolutionism takes an inductive approach to analyzing other societies.

The diffusionists focused their theory on:

different levels of cultural borrowing to explain cultural diversity

American historicism was developed by

Franz Boas.

Most anthropologists today

do not tie themselves to a single theoretical orientation

French structuralism concentrates on:

the identification of mental structures that undergird social behavior.

A theory is

a statement about how things are related.

Morgan proposed that the three stages of savagery were associated with

food collecting.

The functionalist concept of universal function means:

that every component of a culture has a use.

Leslie White, in his theory, focused on the harnessing of energy and

humans' use of technology to "capture energy.

Data gathered from personal interviews, observations, and oral histories is


Which theory operates on the assumption that cultures must be described in terms of native categories?


Which theory argues that any culture is partially composed of traits diffused from other cultures?

American historicism

Social networking greatly impacts communication on a global scale primarily because

Facebook allows one to stay in touch with others around the world.

A language that is "moribund" is one that

is spoken by only a handful of people.

The study of the sound structure of a language is called:


An example of a free morpheme is __________.


Cultural emphasis refers to

the group of words in a language that are considered more adaptively important in that culture.

The language(s) most efficient at expressing abstract ideas

does not exist; no single language is most efficient.

Opponents of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis argue that

language simply reflects, rather than determines, culture.

Nonverbal communication includes all of the following except

communication on a telephone.

The role of silence in language

varies culture to culture.

The highly complex set of rules that regulates the formation of morphemes into words that convey meaning is called


Which of the following is the best example of a synchronic study of language?

Comparative analysis of conjunctions in English and Spanish

Sociolinguistics helps one to understand

all of these.

The way that people hold their bodies often communicates information about all of the following except


Cultural emphasis refers to:

the relationship between vocabulary and culture.

Human language is found in all cultures

across the world.

The meanings attached to any given word in all languages are totally


An example of a bound morpheme is __________.


In gendered speech

one must use the same gendered nouns, pronouns, and adjectives in order to be understood.

A lingua franca refers to

a common language.

Understanding nonverbal communication

gives one a fuller picture of a culture's communication intents.

The way that people hold their bodies often communicates information about all of the following except:


Sociolinguistics concentrates on variations in language that

depend upon the social situations or contexts in which the speaker operates.

Language, according to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

establishes in our minds categories that affect our perception.

High touch cultures include _________ while low touch cultures include _________.

Jewish and Arab cultures; German and Scandinavian cultures


focus on how people actually speak in any given social situation.

An example of internal language, as from Old English to modern English demonstrates

Historical linguistics

Displacement, a feature of human communication, means:

the capacity to convey information about a thing or event that is hypothetical in nature.

Non-human primates and humans share which features of communication?

non-verbal forms of communication

What is a paleopathologist?

Study disease among ancient peoples

Horticulture refers to the type of farming that

relies predominantly on hand tools for household consumption. Correct!

Which two terms are synonymous with shifting cultivation?

slash and burn farming and swidden cultivation

A subsistence strategy may involve various elements. Which of the following lists is most accurate for defining the term, subsistence?

How people grow, harvest, prepare, transport, market, and eat food

A society's environment:

influences its food-getting strategy and sets broad limitations.

In today's world, hunters and gatherers are found:

on land very poorly suited for agriculture

The development of crop cultivation makes specialization of labor possible because

since farming is more efficient than food collecting, more people can be freed to engage in an activity other than food production

Which of the following is associated with the lowest population size?


The slash and burn method requires

an extensive land use system with a lengthy fallow period.

Nomadic pastoralism:

has no permanent villages.

The Neolithic Revolution:

gave humans a measure of control over their food supply.

Melville Herskovits, who worked among East African pastoralists, contends "the cattle complex" refers to cattle as:

status symbols, a food source, and for personal attachment.

People who practice horticulture

grow tree crops, seed crops, or root crops.

he Ju/'hoansi (!Kung San) inhabit:

the Kalahari Desert of southern Africa.

The Inuit of the Arctic region

rely on modern technology to aid in their food collecting strategies.

Which of the following has the highest degree of labor specialization?

Intensive agriculture

Industrialized agriculture is associated with all of the following except which?

It has led to the flow of capital from wealthier nations to poorer ones.

Transhumance pastoralism is a migratory pattern that:

involves seasonal movement of herds between upland and lowland pastures.

Specialization in agriculture may result in all of the following except

less specialization of labor


relies on animal power, mechanized technology, and non-mechanized technology for production.

According to your text, environmental consequences related to industrial agricultural often led to

a decrease in plant and animal diversity.

The food-getting strategy used by humans for most of their existence is:

hunting and gathering.

The carrying capacity of an environment:

is the uppermost level of productivity that is ecologically sound in an environment.

Domestication of plants may be a result of all of the following except:

people's inability to adapt to changes in the environment.