anth 103 quiz 1


scientific and humanistic study of human beings

linguistic anthropology
biological anthropology
social / cultural anthropology

4 fields of anthropology

look at material remains people leave behind to try to interpret their cultural patterns and provide insights


how language relates to culture
what you speak effects what you think

linguistic anthropology

biological anthropology

human paleontology describes evolutionary development of our species


study of other primates that are biologically close to humans. Jane Goodall's work with chimps. focus on aspects of humans that are genetically inherited.

social cultural antrhopology

study of human thought behavior life ways. understand culture through origins and development.


description of society or culture (what anthropologists do) tool of discipline. gathering and interpreting information based on intensive, firsthand study.


insider perspective - attempts to capture what ideas and practices mean to members of a culture


outsider perspective- describes and analyzes culture according to principles from the western scientific tradition


social ideas came from


cultural ideals came from

franz boaz

brought social anthropology to the us in 1890s

edward tyler

1832 - 1917
quaker with no school
primitive culture
origins of religion
theory of social evolution

franz boaz

1858-1942 germany
1st anthropology professor "father of anthro"
micro approach
established ethnographic field work as necessary


knowledge is derived from experience

franz boaz key aspects

history is not an expression of natural laws but ideas
geist = every culture has its own unique spirit
culture contains its own principles
diffusion : ideas change cultures borrow things from each other

historical particularism

interested in a particular history of a culture and society

boaz and cultural relativism

insisted that anthropologists approach each culture on its own terms, in light of its own notions of worth and value


everything has its own spirit. all cultures are equal.


cant pull out one aspect of culture and study it on it's own


general notion to explain every one, everywhere.


elements of peoples cultures are determined by how people organize their activities to survive and persist in their environments.
how people make a living.

interpretive anthropology

focus on humanistic methods to analyze culture and discover its meaning. culture as an 'ensemble of text'


laws underlies societies


understand world through observation and find patterns


way the world looks varies on perspective


need to know how people think

bronislaw malinowski

stuck on the trobriand islands during wwii. his work emphasized the function of culture; extended period of field work as crucial. participated in the kula exchange

participant observation

fieldwork technique that involves gathering cultural data by observing people's behavior and participating in their lives.

goals of ethnogrpahy

grasp natives pov and relations to life

food shelter sex water

malinowskis hierarchy of needs

margaret mead

nature vs nurture
asked: is adolescence a universally traumatic and stressful time due to biological factors or is the experience of adolescence dependent on his cultural upbringing

ruth benedict

studied zuni in the southwest
zuni - wealth as sign of greed /individual fame is a sign of selfishness
solutions- share wealth with other members of the tribe /dare not do anything to bring fame

dominant culture

culture with the greatest wealth and power in a society that has subcultures. accumulation of wealth-social positions


group within society that shares norms and values that are different from those of a larger culture within the same society

norms (and values)

ideal cultural pattern that influences behavior in a particular society

(norms and) values

culturally defined idea of what is true, right, and beautiful. family / freedom.

cultural change

changes come from within a culture. change is the only constant.

cultural ecology

focus on adaptive aspect of culture. investigate how certain cultures evolve. how they changed with new social positions.


ability of humans to change their behavior with relative ease in response to environmental demands

post modernism

theory that focuses on issues of power / voice/ violence. argues culture is a context in which norms and values are contested and negotiated.

ethical fieldwork

anthropologists must : obtain consent of the people to be studied, protect from risk, respect their privacy and dignity

culture shock

feelings of alienation, loneliness, and isolation common to one who has been placed in a new place

feminist anthropology

questions gender bias in ethnography and cultural theory. women's perspectives were often ignored

project camelot

US military project that used anthropologists to achieve foreign policy goals - anthropologists seen as spies in host countries.