Intro to Cultural Anthropology (Exam 2)

Division of labor

The patterned ways in which productive tasks are divided up along the lines of gender sex skill and knowledge interest and other criteria


Adaptation based on harvesting only wild/undomesticated plants and animals

Cultivation (agriculture)

Adaptation based primarily on the planting tending or harvesting of domesticated plants/crops

Herding (pastoralism)

Adaptation based on the control and being of domesticated livestock, which are taken to naturally occurring pastureland


The productive technology that barneys the energy of fossil fuels to satisfy human martial needs and wants


A small foraging group with flexible composition that migrates seasonally


Process by which people control the distribution abundance and biological features of certain plants and animals in order to increase their usefulness to humans (supports higher populations)


A method of cultivation in which hand tools peered by human muscles are used (eg shifting cultivation/slash and burn, dry land gardening)(also supports bigger and more permanent settlements, allocation/claim of land)

Intensive agriculture

A system of cultivation in which plus are planted annually or semiannually, usually uses irrigation, natural fertilizers, and (in old world) plows powered b by animals (moor productive than horticulture)


A result of intensive agriculture which food or other good produced by a worker is in excess of the amount needed for his or her own consumption add well as the need or his or her dependents


(Result of intensive agriculture) a firm of complex society in which many people live in cities


In a civilization, rural people who are integrated into a larger society politically and economically (grow food and hove little political power)


A form of seasonal mobility usually referring to pastoral peoples who move their livestock to seasonally lush pastureland


The widespread pastoral pattern of migration to different elevations in response to seasonal differences in tempurature and pastureland

Globalization of production

The process in which companies located in one country relocate their production facilities to other countries to reduce costs and be more competitive


Traditionally these Kenyan people herded their cattle between the plains and the well-watered mountain land. As tourism makes inroads on their already scarce land, they are trying to adapt without losing their heritage.


the source from which food and other items necessary to exist are obtained


connection between parents and children that create basic relationships among relations

fraternal polyandry

several brothers share one wife

Bilateral descent

a kinship system in which individuals trace their kinship relationships equally through both parents

Postmarital residence pattern

where a newly married couple goes to live after marriage

Neolocal residence

a residence form in which a couple establishes a separate household apart from both the husbands and wifes parents

kinship chart


all the bilateral relatives of an individual

Patrilocal residence

a residence form in which a couple lives with or near the husband's parents

Matrilocal residence

a residence form in which a couple lives with or near the wife's parents


the custom in which a prospective groom and his relatives are required to transfer goods to the relatives go the bride to validate the marriage

Bride service

the custom in which a man spends a period of time workmen for the family of his wife (to be)

Unilineal descent

descent through "one" line; includes both patrilineal and matrilineal descent

Extended household

a group of related nuclear families that live together in a single household

Nuclear family

a family unit consisting of only parents and children


adaptation based primarily on the planting tending and harvesting of domesticated plants/crops

Shifting cultivation

an agricultural system in which plots of land are cultivated temporarily, then abandoned and allowed to revert to their natural vegetation while the cultivator moves on to another plot


the highest class in certain societies, especially those holding hereditary titles or offices

Pastoralism (herding)

adaptation based on the control and breeding of domesticated livestock which are taken to naturally occurring pastureland

Patrilineal descent

a kinship system in which individuals trace their primary kinship relationships though their fathers


a unilinear descent group larger than an extended family whose members can actually trace how they are related

Corporate descent groups

lineages act as social economic political and ritual unit beyond individual members


a named unilinear descent group, whose members believe themselves to be related (even if they can't trace it)

Incest taboo

prohibition against sexual intercourse between certain kinds of relatives

Matrilineal descent

a kinship system in which individuals trace their kinship relationships through through mothers


relationship between a man and his sister's children, particularly her sons, that prevails in many societies


a socially or ritually recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them, between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws

Exogamous rules

marriage rules that prohibit individuals from marrying a member of their own social group or category

Endogamous rules

marriage rules that require individuals from marrying a member of their own social group or category


the practice in which each individual is allowed to have only one spouse at a time

Serial monogamy

men or women can marry another partner but only after ceasing to be married to the previous partner


the custom in which the family of the women transfers property or wealth to her and or her husband upon marriage


biological difference between males and females (chromosomes, genitalia, secondary sex characteristics, hormone levels, etc)

Intersexed (hermaphrodite)

individuals who are not clearly male or female


characteristic that cultures attribute to males and females

(Multiple gender identities) third gender

concept that individuals are categorized (by their will or by social consensus) as neither man nor woman, as well as the social category present in those societies ; typically associated with spiritual powers; same-sex sexual relations usually not the mai

gender crossing

usually involves transvestism (dressing as a member of opposite gender) and cross-gender occupation or work activities


term used in South Asia - in particular, in India - to refer to an individual who is transsexual or transgender

berdache ("man-woman")

modern umbrella term used by some indigenous North Americans to describe or label gender-variant individuals in their communities

Sexual division of labor

patterned ways in which production activities and tasks are assigned to women vs men in a particular culture

Gender stratification

the degree of inequality between males and females based on culturally defined difference between sexes


a system of society or government ruled by a woman or women


a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line


way that members of particular cultures interpret or make sense of biological relationships

Kin group

a group of people who culturally consider themselves to be relative cooperate in certain activities ands hare a sense of identity as kinfolk


the transfer of goods for other goods between tow or more individuals or groups

Marcel Mauss

wrote an analyses of gift exchange in different cultures around the world in "The Gift"; also analyzed topics such as magic, sacrifice

Generalized reciprocity

the giving of goods without expectation of a return of a gift of equal value at any definite future time

Balanced reciprocity

the exchange of goods considered to have roughly equal value; social purposes usually motivate the exchange


marriage system which an individual may have more than one spouse


a form of plural marriage, in which a man is allowed more than one wife


a form of plural marriage, in which a woman takes two or more husbands at the same time


goods (typically include food) rendered to an authority such as a chief


essentially universal medium of exchange that serves as a standard and store of value, essential to market exchange


exchange by means of buying and selling using money at prices determined by forces of supply and demand

Market globalization

process by which capital technology products and services cross national boundaries at prices largely determined by global supply and demand

Dadi's Family

documentary on specific family in the Haryana region of Northern India; the film explores the concept of family and the roles that a woman play in life. The roles are daughter, mother, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law and sister.


study of production distribution and consumption of goods and resources

Gift giving

various forms can be described as a type of change know as reciprocity; usually material and symbolic

Negative reciprocity

exchange motivated by a desire to obtain product in which each party tries to get the best deal (typically includes bartering and negotiation)

Social distance

the distance between different groups of society and is opposed to locational distance


collection of products or money by a central authority followed by distribution to the groups members (e.g. taxes, potluck)

original affluent society

term used by Bruce M. Knauft to describe the way the gebusi, as hunter-gathers, had abundant leisure time (not a constant struggle for survival)


function as corporate descent groups in gebusi society


widows ideally marry decides husband's "brother" (in Gebusi society)

preferential sister exchange

Neither patriclan "loses" a woman without getting one back