anthro chapters 5-11

A historical term meant to belittle and vilify "mixed" marriages is:


Individual thoughts and actions and institutional patterns and policies that create unequal access to power, resources, and opportunities based on imagined differences among groups are referred to as:


What is described in the text as "an invisible package of unearned assets" that are the legacy of generations of racial discrimination?

white privilege

The way people actually look is the result of their genetic traits and the environment they live in. This is known as their:


What is another name for the "one drop rule" that is used for determining race?


Which term refers to laws implemented after the US Civil War to legally enforce segregation, particularly in the South, after the end of slavery?

Jim Crow

The process that preserves an organism through a chemical process that turns it partially or wholly into rock is called:


Around 15,000 yBP, modern Homo sapiens had left Asia and migrated to:

North and South America

Complex innovations that allow humans to cope with the environment are called

cultural adaptations

A group of related organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile, viable offspring are called a:


Gene migration is defined as:

exchange of genes between populations

A group of people who share an idea of cultural and ancestral connection and who see themselves as distinct from people in other groups is described as a(n):


How long has the Iraqi ethnicity existed in the Middle East?


The process though which new immigrants and their children enculturate into the dominant national culture but retain a distinct ethnic culture is referred to as:


What term was used in the past to describe a group of people but now refers to a country?


The invented sense of connection and shared traditions that underlies identification with a particular ethnic group or nation whose members likely will never meet refers to the concept of:

imagined community

The process by which minorities adopt the patterns and norms of the dominant culture and cease to exist as separate groups is known as:


Improved conditions across the globe indicate that the Millennial goal of achieving gender equality:

is in fact far from complete, even though conditions have improved somewhat

Among the eight UN Millennial Goals, one that highlights gender issues specifically is to:

promote gender equality and empower women

The restudy of women's role in the Trobriand Island exchanges indicated that:

women exchanged banana fiber skirts during funerary activities

Early feminist anthropological studies focused on identifying:

the underlying roots of universal male dominance

Ida Susser's approach to research on HIV prevention in South Africa exemplifies:

engaged anthropology

The preferred term for individuals of an alternate gender in Native American cultures is:


Rape of men and women was one of the most brutal and powerful ways that gender stratification was performed in:

the civil war of El Salvador

The phrases "boys will be boys" and "it's a girls' thing" reflect gender:


Under the rules of machismo, the machista is considered:

a manly man

Mati may engage in sexual relationships with:

men and women

Which of the following statements about the mati of Suriname is true?

Mati regard sexuality as a flexible behavior rather than a fixed identity

Margaret Mead's work in the islands of the western Pacific contributed which of the following to a greater understanding of human sexuality?

This work challenged the assumptions that U.S. attitudes about sexuality were universal traits fixed in human nature

Harvard-trained biologist and zoologist Alfred Kinsey's study on human sexuality revealed which of the following?

a continuum of sexual behavior

Heterosexuality in the United States:

is a relatively new invention, and not the historical norm

The lives of European women living in the colonies were restricted in all EXCEPT which of the following gender-specific ways?


Which of the following is a descent group that is constructed through the mother's side of the family?


Which of the following builds kinship ties between two people who are not typically immediate biological kin?


Families and kinship networks have the power to provide support and to nurture, as well as to ensure reproduction of which of the following?

the next generation

A patrilineal descent group traces kinships through which side of the family?


Which of the following phenomenon is currently placing stress on kinship systems worldwide?


Which of the following commonly creates socially recognized relationships that may involve physical and emotional intimacy, sexual pleasure, reproduction and raising of children, mutual support and companionship, and shared legal rights to property and in


The incest taboo universally prohibits sexual relations:

between parents and children and siblings

Which type of marriage between two individuals is negotiated in order to form economic and political alliances between larger kinship groups?


Which of the following statements about marriage is true?

Marriage occurs in every culture in some form, but its exact characteristics vary widely

Similar to membership in a family, citizenship in a nation-state derives mostly from:

birth and biology

Which of the following types of marriage specifically involves the union of one man to two or more women?


The marriage practice in which one woman is married to two or more men is considered


The form of reproductive technology that involves the creation of genetically identical copies of cells or whole organisms is called:


One way in which humans construct kinship groups is by tracking genealogical:


Early anthropologists considered which of the following groups as key to understanding each culture's economic, political, and religious dynamics?

descent groups

Leith Mullings argues that class cannot be studied in isolation but rather must be considered together with race and gender as interlocking systems of:


Which of the following is defined as the act of gift giving within a ranked society that serves as a form of sharing accumulated wealth and enhancing the chief's prestige?


Theorist Max Weber argued that analyzing emerging structures of stratification required an examination of which of the following?

power and prestige

Karl Marx examined social inequality by distinguishing between which two distinct classes of people?

bourgeoisie and proletariat

Which of the following members of a ranked society do not accumulate great wealth, despite their high prestige?


In ranked societies, positions of high prestige such as that of a chief are largely:


The income gaps between the highest earners and the lowest earners in the United States have:

increased substantially during the past five decades due to changes in the tax code and stagnating salaries

The movement of one's class position-whether upward or downward-in stratified societies is called:

social mobility

Which of the following is the term used to describe a framework for analyzing many factors that determine how class is lived rather than examining class in isolation?


Which of the following is another key to the social reproduction of class and was defined by Bourdieu as the knowledge, habits, and tastes learned from parents and family that people use to gain access to scarce and valuable resources in society?

cultural capital

In the United States, an individual's life chances are:

stratified by class as well as race and gender

Which of the following statements is true?

Class is rarely discussed in the United States and consequently is largely off the radar screen regarding public discourse

Which of the following is a type of status that is inherited or assigned at birth and is passed down from generation to generation with rigidly enforced boundaries among caste groups?


The total value of what someone owns-including stocks, bonds, and real estate-minus any debt, such as a mortgage, student educational loans, or credit card debt, is considered:


Which of the following statements is true?

Each society develops its own patterns of stratification that differentiate people into groups or classes

Matthew Gutmann's research in Mexico indicates that:

masculine identity is in flux and negotiable

By studying the "fag discourse" in US schools, anthropologists have learned that:

girls can improve their status by performing masculine behavior

An uneven distribution of power and access to resources, opportunities, rights, and privileges in which gender shapes who has access to a group's resources, opportunities, rights and privileges is known as gender:


Medical data indicate that ___________ of individuals are born without the biological traits that make them easily classified biologically as male or female

less than 2 percent

Anne Fausto-sterling's analysis of biological sexual identity identifies:

four sexes, including hijras

In Kano, Nigeria, Rudolf Gaudio found that the code term for men who have sex with other men is:

masu harka

_____________ are key cultural institutions through which we learn what it means to be heterosexual


Masu harka and yan daudu see homosexual behavior as:

compatible with marrying women and having families, and as compatible with their Muslim faith

Mapping the global scope of diverse human sexual beliefs and behaviors is called the:

ethnocartography of human sexuality

Individuals learn basic patterns of human behavior from their families in a process termed:


Which of the following types of marriage consists of one individual married to one other individual only (most commonly one man married to one woman)?


A patrilineal descent group traces kinships through which side of the family?


__________ is a gift exchange practice that helps stabilize a marriage by establishing a vested interest for both the groom's and bride's extended families in the success of the marriage


Which of the following types of descent groups traces kinship through both the mother and the father?


Kinship includes:

biological descent and marriage alliances, but also practices such as fostering and fictive kin

Which of the following statements about kinship is true?

kinship is the system that determines who is related to whom in a given society

individuals in descent groups whose primary relationships are determined in the United States via "blood" relations are generally called which of the following types of relatives?


Nation-states draw heavily on ideas of which of the following in order to create a sense of connection among very different people found within their national borders?

kinship and family

the practice of exchanging a gift from the groom and his family to the bride's family in order to formalize and legalize the marriage is called:


New kinship groups created through affinal relationships are:

linked through affinity and alliance, not through shared biology or common descent

ida susser's initial research focused on:

the student movement at Kent State University (Ohio)

Through the Zar Cult of Sudan, women:

resisted subordination by speaking out while in a trance state

Individuals whose culture identifies them as "neither man nor women" in India are called:


Studies of physical differences indicate that:

human male and female bodies are more similar than different

the "wedding industry" is which of the following?

the network of commercial activities and social institutions that market weddings in the United States

All the women in Patty Kelly's research in a brothel in Chiapas, Mexico, used the brothel as a way to do all of the following, EXCEPT:

work out unresolved childhood issues

Which of the following is NOT a motivation that cultural anthropologist Denise Brennan lists for young, rural, poor Dominican women to migrate to towns like Sosua?

to have a vacation

Which of the following does NOT fit in the definition of sexuality in the text?

the public display of wealth to gain community status

Clans that do not permit marriages within the group are considered:


Early anthropologists identified how many primary systems used to classify relatives in the parental generation, including the bifurcate merging system?


Both matrilineal and patrilineal patterns of descent build kinship groups through either one genealogical line (the mother's side) or the other (the father's side), which reflects which type of descent?


Which of the following terms is defined as the system of meaning and power that cultures create to determine who is related to whom and to define their mutual expectations, rights, and responsibilities?


Enculturation that takes place within a family shapes individuals' lives:

outside of the household, including ways they think about gender roles, the division of labor, religious practices, warfare, politics, migration, and nationalism

Looking cross-culturally, anthropologists argue that:

definitions of marriage vary across cultures and over time

Which type of assisted reproductive technology involves the implantation of a woman's egg that has been fertilized in a laboratory?

in vitro fertilization

Ambilineal descent groups such as Samoans, Maori, and Hawaiians are sometimes referred to as:

cognatic descent groups

The concept of kinship groups based chiefly on biological assumptions and the nuclear family consisting of solely a mother, a father, and their children is:

a Euro-American ideal

Which of the following cultures has generally NOT constructed large social networks based on descent and kinship connections?

United States

Artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, and cloning are four forms of which of the following types of technologies?


Which of the following are the two primary forms of gift exchange that formalize and legalize marriages, while establishing a relationship tie or alliance between kinship groups?

bridewealth and dowry

A type of descent group that is based on a claim to a founding ancestor but lacks genealogical documentation is a:


First cousin marriages (between the children of two siblings) are legally prohibited:

in some states in the United States of America

Max Weber referred to the opportunities that individuals have to improve their quality of life and realize their life goals as:

life chances

According to Max Weber, the reputation, influence, and deference bestowed on certain people because of their membership in certain groups are called:


Pierre Bourdieu worked to understand the relationship between class, culture, and power by examining which of the following phenomenon in schools?

social reproduction

Anthropologists such as Setha Low have demonstrated that class is largely invisible in the United States due to which of the following actions carried out by portions of the population?

voluntary isolation

According to Karl Marx, the bourgeoisie consisted of a capitalist class of individuals who owned the means of:


Working-class people who lacked land to grow their own food, tools to make their own products, and capital to build workshops and therefore had to sell their labor were considered which of the following classes of people, according to Karl Marx?


Systems of class stratify individuals' life chances and affect their possibilities for upward social:


Patterns of reciprocity:

still exist, even in contemporary societies that base economic relations on the exchange of money for services.

Archaeological evidence suggests that hierarchy, violence, and aggression:

emerged relatively recently in human history

The unequal distribution of a society's resources within a class system typically:

involves moving surpluses steadily upward into the hands of the elite

Karl Marx argued that the proletariat were unable to develop a political awareness of their class position because:

they were continually occupied with the struggle to make ends meet

Which of the following is a pattern of relationship in which group members equally share resources and responsibilities over time based on mutual exchange?


For a chief in a ranked society, his or her rank and status are reinforced through reciprocity and:


Theorist Pierre Bourdieu found that which of the following systems did not provide opportunities for social class mobility, but instead helped reproduce the social class relations that already existed?


Proponents of poverty as a structural problem trace its roots to dysfunctional aspects of the:

economic system

A marginalized group outside of India's primary castes who are typically assigned the most spiritually polluting work and are deemed "untouchable" by the general population are the:


Globalization has produced unprecedented opportunities for the creation of wealth:

but it has also produced widespread poverty worldwide

For Bourdieu, which of the following concepts is defined as a set of common perceptions that shape expectations and aspirations and guide an individual in assessing his or her life chances and the potential for social mobility?


Karl Marx argued that capitalists increased their wealth by extracting the surplus labor value from which of the following?


Which of the following is a type of society that is based on the sharing of resources to ensure group success with a relative absence of hierarchy and violence within or among groups?


Which of the following is defined as a closed system of social stratification in which members are organized into hierarchically ranked groups with unequal access to rewards and privileges based on ascribed status?


As a ritual ceremony, the potlatch serves to establish social status not by wealth and power but by the prestige earned via a person's capacity for which of the following?


In addition to the role of the media and voluntary isolation among portions of the population, which of the following also contributes to the invisibility of class and inequality in the United States?

consumer culture

Of all the systems of stratification and power in a society, which of the following is commonly the most difficult to see clearly and to discuss openly?


Categories found within a class system serve as a basis for unequal access to which of the following?


Which of the following consists of wages earned from work, plus dividends and interest on investments along with rents and royalties?


Karl Marx argued that the proletariat were unable to develop a political awareness of their class position because

they were continually occupied with the struggle to make ends meet

Which of the following is a type of status that is established and changeable during a person's lifetime?


Countries such as Norway, Sweden, and Denmark are among those that have explicitly worked to narrow stratification through high taxation of wealth and which of the following efforts?

generous social benefits

A famous redistribution ceremony that is commonly practiced among Native American groups such as the Kwakiutl of the Pacific Northwest is called:


Which of the following is a system of power based on wealth, income, and status that creates an unequal distribution of a society's resources?


Cousins who are children of a father's brother or a mother's sister are considered which type of cousin?

parallel cousins

Most people in the world practice which type of descent as their primary strategy to track kin group membership?


The process through which a sense of gender becomes normative and seems natural is called:


The United States requires that individuals identify legally as:

either male or female

Anthropologist Patty Kelly found that men who visited the brothel in Chiapas were mostly:

local working-class men

________________ is a social scientist who wrote about the link between sexuality and power, describing the ways that sexuality is an arena in which appropriate behavior is defined, relations of power are worked out, and inequality and stratification are

Michel Foucault

All of the women in Patty Kelly's research in a brothel in Chiapas, Mexico, used the brothel as a way to do all of the following, EXCEPT:

work out unresolved childhood issues