Anthro Quiz 1&2

The four main subdisciplines of anthropology are cultural anthropology, archaeology, biological anthropology, and linguistics.


For anthropologists today, the term "primitive

is a misleading term that should be avoided.

Anthropology, as a discipline, has traditionally had the most in common with the field of


Madagascar is:

the place W. Griffin has conducted archaeological fieldwork

The generalizing, comparative, and theory-building part of cultural anthropology is known as: (and this term also occasionally stands in for the entire sub-field of cultural anthropology)


A project discussed in the chapter 1 lecture (and briefly in our textbook) that illustrates some of the weaknesses of relying solely on survey questionnaires was

Rathje's garbage project

Anthropology's focus on both culture and biology:

allows anthropology to address how culture influences biological traits and vice versa.

What distinction do Gezon and Kottak draw between culture and society?

People share society?organized life in groups?with other animals, but culture is distinctly human.

Anthropology is a holistic discipline in that it

studies human biological, cultural, and linguistic variation across both time and space.

An anthropologist is studying ethnic-religious conflict in contemporary Sri Lanka. She or he is most likely a(n)

cultural anthropologist

The use of anthropological findings, concepts, and methods to accomplish a desired end is known as

applied anthropology

In chapter 1 of our textbook we learned that President Barack Obama's mother was

a cultural anthropologist who worked primarily in Indonesia.

Anthropology is a humanistic science most particularly because:

it discovers, describes, and attempts to explain similarities and differences among humans, with concern for the full diversity of worldviews and voices.

Which of the following accurately distinguishes ethnography from ethnology?

ethnologists look beyond the particular cultural data that ethnographers describe and interpret to compare and contrast and make generalizations about society and culture.

Globalization has effectively ended ethnocentrism around the world.


Subcultures are

Ideas and behaviors shared by a group of people within a larger population.

Cultural relativism is the doctrine that:

each culture is a uniquely different integrated whole
we shouldn't use our own standards to judge conduct in other cultures
no one culture is better than any other
particular cultures are comprehensible only in their own terms

The anthropological concept of culture can include:

the ways people behave
the material things people make
the ideas people learn

Though this has changed in recent decades, traditionally anthropology (as compared to sociology) was

more qualitative than quantitative
undertaken more often in non-Western societies
more focused on small-scale societies

Although culture is one of the principal means by which humans adapt to their environment, some cultural traits may threaten a group's survival.


Which of the following statements about culture is not true?

Human groups differ in their capacities for culture.

Although rap music began in the United States, it is now popular all over the world. Which of the following mechanisms of cultural change is responsible for this?


What mechanism of cultural change is responsible for pidgin English?


Which of the following statements about culture is not true?

It is transmitted genetically.

What is ethnocentrism?

Viewing another culture in terms of your own culture and values

Anthropologists have noted that culture is often contested. This means that:

different groups in a society struggle over whose ideas, values, goals, and beliefs will prevail.

The series of processes that are making nations and people increasingly interlinked and mutually dependent is known as:


The name "Nacirema" is

the name anthropologist Horace Miner used to describe American culture

From Chagnon's article in the reader we learn that most Yanomamo when they first encountered this anthropologist

saw him as someone they might materially benefit from through trade or theft.

Some people in the world use scarification, wear bones in their noses, or fatten up young girls (as in Simmons' article) in part because

they (and their culture) think it looks good.

For anthropology, "ethnographies" are

the building blocks of cultural anthropology
he "end product" of fieldwork
a detailed examination (in print or film) of a single culture

The insistence on a comparative perspective in anthropology means that

anthropologists try to consider as wide a sampling of different cultures as possible in making claims about "humans.

Because general anthropology is holistic and comparative, research within the discipline involves:

all human populations, both living and dead.

Ethnology is

the comparative, generalizing aspect of cultural anthropology.

Which of the following is not a distinctive feature of four-field anthropology?

It has an exclusive focus on contemporary cultures.

Ethnography involves the collection of data that become the basis for an account of a particular community, society, or culture.


Four-field anthropology

was shaped largely by early American anthropologists' interests in Native Americans.

Ethnocentrism is:

using the values of one's own culture to make judgments about the moral worth of other cultures

Cultural relativism tends to foster

tolerance in anthropologists as they attempt to understand other cultural practices.

The process by which children learn culture is known as


What is the term for cultural change that results when two or more cultures have continuous firsthand contact?


The word cat is a symbol.


What people say they do or should do (as opposed to what they actually do) is known as

ideal culture.

The "psychic unity" of humans, a doctrine that most anthropologists accept, means that:

although individuals differ in their emotional and intellectual tendencies, all human populations have equivalent capacities for culture