ANTH Chapter 3

Some observers attribute human-like feelings and attitudes to nonhuman primates because these primates closely resemble human beings in outward physical appearance. This practice is called
a. anthropocentrism
b. anthropomorphism
c. egocentrism
d. ethnocen


A biological classification of various kinds of organisms is a(n)
a. taxonomy.
b. grouping.
c. genera.
d. anthropomorphism.


The term used in textbook for physical shape and size of an organism or its body parts is its
a. size.
b. morphology.
c. shape.
d. taxonomy.


Organisms that seem to have developed similar adaptations at a similar level of complexity in similar environments are classified by as being in the same evolutionary
a. clade
b. grade
c. taxon
d. species


Wings on birds and bats are an example of
a. homoplasy
b. homology
c. anagenesis
d. cladogenesis


Genetic inheritance due to common ancestry is called
a. homology.
b. analogy.
c. natural selection.
d. descent with modification.


The circumstances in which two species with very different evolutionary histories develop similar physical features as a result of adapting to a similar environment is known as a(n)
a. homology.
b. homoplasy
c. natural selection.
d. descent with modificat


What a species eats, how it finds mates, raises its young, relates to companions, and protects itself from predators is known the species'
a. home base.
b. lifeway.
c. ecological niche.
d. constructed niche.

ecological niche

The sizes, shapes, and number of an animal's teeth are referred to as the animal's
a. buccal capacity.
b. dentition.
c. dental arcade.
d. tooth rows.


A tail which is able to grasp an object is considered
a. prehensile.
b. curly.
c. an exaptation.
d. an example of phenotypic plasticity.


Primates that are active at night are called
a. diurnal.
b. nocturnal.
c. undergraduates.
d. old-world monkeys.


Tarsiers are included with anthropoids in the primate suborder Haplorhini because
a. their upper lips are all attached to their gums by a web of skin
b. none of them have moist noses
c. the placenta of tarsiers is similar to the placenta of anthropoids

-none of them have moist noses
-the placenta of tarsiers is similar to the placenta of anthropoids

Which of the following terms refers to humans and their immediate ancestors?
a. Hominoid.
b. Humanoid.
c. Hominin
d. Anthropoid.


Which of the following is NOT an anthropoid?
a. chimpanzee
b. howler monkey
c. Arnold Schwarzenegger
d. none of the above; all are anthropoids

none of the above; all are anthropoids

When males and females of the same species show observable phenotypic differences in, for example, size, the species is said to show
a. gender distinctiveness
b. phenotypic magnitude
c. sexual differentiation
d. sexual dimorphism

sexual dimorphism

The bones of the head, excluding the jaw, are referred to as the
a. noguineus
b. mandible
c. cranium
d. calvarium


The mandible is the
a. lower ja
b. upper jaw
c. cheekbone
d. hole at the bottom of the skull

lower jaw

The form of vision in binocular animals which produces depth perception is known as:
a. dual
b. retrovision.
c. three-dimensional
d. Stereoscopic vision

Stereoscopic vision

Among gorillas,
a. only males transfer out of the group in which they were born
b. only females transfer out of the group in which they were born
c. both females and males transfer out of the group in which they were born
d. transfer out of the group in w

Both females and males transfer out of the group in which they were born

Adult male gorillas
a. are much larger than females
b. treat immature gorillas with tolerance
c. eat primarily meat
d. both a and b

-are much larger than females
-treat immature gorillas with tolerance

Which of the following primate groups apparently uses sexual behavior to manipulate relationships rather than to increase reproductive rates?
a. gibbons
b. gorillas
c. bonobos
d. chimpanzees


Recently, primatologists have become increasingly concerned with
a. a population explosion of non-human primates
b. disease vectors in primates affecting human beings
c. conservation activities to protect non-human primates
d. a decline in scientific fiel

conservation activities to protect non-human primates

Which of the following is NOT an ancestral characteristic of primates?
a. a collar bone
b. five digits on hands and feet
c. plantigrade locomotion
d. stereoscopic vision

stereoscopic vision

Which of the following is NOT an evolutionary trend in the primate order?
a. reduction in the number of digits on hands and feet
b. reduction of the projection of the face
c. reduction in the number of teeth
d. increase in brain size, relative to body siz

reduction in the number of digits on hands and feet

Which of the following is NOT a unique feature of primates?
a. stereoscopic vision
b. presence of nails rather than claws on at least some digits
c. opposable thumbs and great toes
d. pads at the tips of fingers and toes that are rich in nerve endings

stereoscopic vision

Cladists define a species as a group of organisms sharing a set of ?unique, derived? features that sets them apart form all other such groups. This way of defining species exemplifies
a. the biological species concept
b. the phylogenetic species concept

the phylogenetic species concept

The bones of an animal's body, not including its head, are called its
a. cranium
b. postcranial skeleton
c. holotype
d. taxon

postcranial skeleton

Which of the following has NOT been offered as an explanation for the anatomical attributes of the earliest primates?
a. life in the trees
b. feeding at night on insects at the ends of branches in the lower levels of the tropical forest
c. switching from

life on the ground

Which of the following features is found in modern lemurs, but NOT in their fossil ancestors?
a. four premolars
b. a tooth comb
c. generalized incisors and canines
d. forward-facing eyes

a tooth comb

Strepsirrhini include
a. lemurs and lorises
b. lemurs, lorises, and tarsiers
c. lorises and tarsiers
d. tarsiers and New World monkeys

lemurs and lorises

Haplorhini include
a. tarsiers and anthropoids
b. primates whose upper lips are not attached to their gums
c. lorises and anthropoids
d. Both a and b

-tarsiers and anthropoids
-primates whose upper lips are not attached to their gums

Which of the following statements about New World monkeys is correct?
a. New World monkeys are the only clade of anthropoids found on the island of
b. New World monkeys and New World Apes are the only primate clades found in South

New World monkeys are the only clade of anthropoids found in Central and South

Which of the following statements about spider monkeys is correct?
a. Spider monkeys are Old World monkeys.
b. Spider monkeys are the New World monkeys whose adaptations most resemble those of
Old World apes.
c. Spider monkeys show evidence of hybridizati

Spider monkeys are the New World monkeys whose adaptations most resemble those of
Old World apes.

Taxonomists have a hard time sorting out the phylogenetic connections among colobines in Africa and Asia because
a. there are very few species to compare
b. they have a very incomplete fossil record
c. their genetic data has been very hard to collect
d. i

it appears that much hybridization has occurred among them in the past

Which of the following statements about macaques is correct?
a. They have the smallest number of species in general of all New World monkeys.
b. They have the smallest range of all New World monkeys.
c. They have been especially successful living in habit

They have been especially successful living in habitats disturbed by human populations.

Many leading taxonomists have grouped chimpanzees and humans into the same family, Hominidae, because
a. chimpanzees and humans both lack tails
b. fossil evidence shows that chimpanzees and humans shared a common ancestor 2
million years ago
c. chimpanzee

chimpanzees and humans share over 98% of their DNA

Some biological anthropologists ?object ?to classifying chimpanzees and humans into the same family, Hominidae, because
a. they believe that using genetics alone to determine taxonomy ignores important
evolutionary information
b. they believe that classif

-they believe that using genetics alone to determine taxonomy ignores important
evolutionary information
-they believe that classifying chimpanzees and humans together ignores the wide
adaptive differences between them
-they believe that using genetics cr

According to the textbook, which of the following attributes is the hallmark of primate adaptations?
a. possession of a tail
b. possession of grasping hands
c. stereoscopic vision
d. flexibility


The specialty in primatology that takes into consideration the welfare not just of primates but also of the ecosystems and human communities with which they are inextricably connected
is called
a. paleoprimatology
b. ecoprimatology
c. ethnoprimatology


Based on current ethnoprimatological research, which of the following statements is correct?
a. Humans and other primates have long coexisted successfully in many global settings.
b. Human activities now threaten the survival of many primate species in th

-Humans and other primates have long coexisted successfully in many global settings.
-Human activities now threaten the survival of many primate species in the wild.
-Of all primates, great apes seem to face the greatest threats to their survival from hum

Based on current ethnoprimatological research, which primate groups are ?least threatened by human activities?
a. Chimpanzees and gorillas
b. Macaques and baboons
c. Chimpanzees and baboons
d. All primate groups are equally threatened by human activities;

Macaques and baboons

The Fayum Depression in Egypt is a
a. key site for the most complete fossils of plesiadapiforms dating from the Paleocene
b. key site for fossils showing the appearance of the first anthropoids during the Miocene
c. rich source of prosimian fossils dating

rich source of fossil evidence of anthropoidean evolution in the Oligocene

The largest of the Oligocene fossil anthropoids is called
a. Plesiadapis
b. Prosimius
c. Aegyptopithecus zeuxis
d. Proconsul

Aegyptopithecus zeuxis

Bilophodont molars are now believed to be
a. found among all apes and human beings
b. primitive for all Old World anthropoids
c. later developments among Old World monkeys
d. uniquely derived traits of New World monkeys

later developments among Old World monkeys

Y-5 molars are found in which of the following primate groups?
a. apes
b. humans
c. New World monkeys
d. a and b


During the Miocene epoch, evolution of ______ took off.
a. lemurs
b. catarrhines
c. platyrrhines
d. hominoids


The first hominoids appeared in
a. Africa
b. Asia
c. South America
d. Europe


Which of the following features correctly describes ?Proconsul heseltoni??
a. It is very apelike in the morphology of its cranium.
b. It is very apelike in its shoulder and elbow joints.
c. Its trunk and the bones of its arm and hand resemble those of mod

-It is very apelike in the morphology of its cranium.
-It is very apelike in its shoulder and elbow joints.
-Its trunk and the bones of its arm and hand resemble those of modern monkeys.

The fossils of ?Proconsul? have been found in
a. Africa
b. Asia
c. Europe
d. all of the above


Which of the following statements about the fossil record related to the last common ancestor of the African apes and human beings is correct?
a. the fossil record for the period when this split occurred is unusually rich and detailed
b. very few African

very few African hominoid fossils of any kind from the late Miocene (10-5 mya) or early
Pliocene (5-2.5 mya) have been found