ANTH B1 InQuizitive Chapter 4. Genes and Their Evolution: Population Genetics

Match the type of mutation to its definition.

frameshift mutation
The change in a gene due to the insertion or deletion of one or more nitrogen bases, which causes the subsequent triplets to be rearranged and the codons to be read incorrectly during translation.
transposable element
Mobile pieces of

Match each statement to the corresponding condition.

The population is in equilibrium.
The frequency of alleles does not change from one generation to the next.
The population is not in
The frequency of alleles changes from one generation to the next.

Match the pattern of natural selection to the description of how it acts.

directional selection
Selection for one allele over the other alleles.
disruptive selection
Selection for both extremes of the phenotypic distribution.
stabilizing selection
Selection against the extremes of the phenotypic distribution.

A (gene pool) is a local population of organisms that have similar genes, interbreed, and produce offspring.


Which of the following statements is true?

Some gene frequencies remain the same, while others change over time.

----------- refers to the changes in allele frequencies that occur from one generation to the next.


In regards to sickle-cell anemia, the (AA) genotype is beneficial because it allows for resistance to malarial infection without risk of death.


Coin tosses can demonstrate the effects of genetic drift. Imagine that heads and tails are two alleles in a population. Consider each coin toss to represent a member of the population. Which of the following statements describes the effect that you see he

Smaller populations have a greater chance of having one allele expressed disproportionately.

Perhaps the best evidence ever documented of natural selection operating on a heritable trait concerns a type of moth, Biston betularia, found in England. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, these moths were --------.

white peppered with black

Gene flow ------ the genetic variation between two populations.


In a small population, genetic drift operates over a --------.

relatively short period of time

According to the Hardy-Weinberg tables presented below, what happened to the phenotypic frequencies of the moths between the industrialization period and the post-industrialization period?

The phenotypic frequency of melanic (black) moths drastically decreased.

Click on the moth variant that was selected for during the Industrial Revolution, when pollution began to kill the lichen that previously covered all of the trees.


Genetic drift occurs more often in exogamous human groups.


Which of the following must be true in order for a specific allele in a population to remain in a state of equilibrium?

Correct Answer(s)
No mutation, natural selection, or gene flow occur in relation to a specific allele.
The population is large.
Mating is random.
Incorrect Answer(s)
Only a few members of the population produce the majority of the offspring.
Mutation occu

Is this image an example of microevolution or macroevolution? Drag and drop your answer to the image.


Which of the following is/are true regarding the table presented below?

Correct Answer(s)
The melanic (black) phenotype had two possible genotypes.
The nonmelanic (white peppered with black) phenotype was only present in 10% of the population.
The melanic (black) phenotype had a higher frequency than the nonmelanic (white pep

The following image depicts four selection scenarios on the trait of body size. Click on the scenario that is most likely to result in speciation over time.


All human populations have the same genetic frequencies.


Is this image an example of microevolution or macroevolution? Drag and drop your answer to the image.


The principle used to determine whether an allele is experiencing evolution is called the --------- law of equilibrium.


Which of the following can lead to reproductive isolation?

Correct Answer(s)
a mountain range
a large body of water
separated landmasses
Incorrect Answer(s)
continuous habitat

The following image depicts four selection scenarios on the trait of body size. Click on the scenario that shows the outcome that directional selection will have on the average of the population over time.


Which of the following statements about the founder effect is/are correct?

Correct Answer(s)
A founder population is small, usually less than a few hundred members.
The genetic ratios in a founder population are not representative of the parent population.
A founder population's genetic ratios diverge from the parent population'

The generation following the one in the illustration has offspring with genetic frequencies of 5% AA, 65% aa, and 30% Aa. Is the newer population in equilibrium or not in equilibrium with the original population? Drag and drop your answer to the illustrat

Not in equilibrium

The following figure depicts the results of a study exploring how matrilocal and patrilocal social structures impact genetic diversity. The six different color bars each represent a different population for which mtDNA or Y-Chromosome DNA diversity was me

Correct Answer(s)
The results support that the out-migration of females and the out-migration of males produce different patterns of genetic diversity.
Patrilocal societies exhibit less variation in Y chromosome DNA because males only reproduce with indiv

Populations that are geographically situated next to one another always experience gene flow.


Which of the following are examples of hemoglobinopathies (blood diseases related to hemoglobin) that provide a strong selective advantage in areas where malaria is prevalent?

Correct Answer(s)
sickle-cell anemia
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency

Huntington's chorea is a genetic abnormality that causes degeneration of parts of the brain that control body movement and abilities such as speech production, triggering involuntary jerky movements of the arms and legs as well as dementia. A person needs

People pass the gene on before they know that they have the disease.

Genetic drift occurred in the (Germans.)


What does fitness measure?

the number of offspring that an individual has

Most mutations are due to random changes in the DNA (spontaneous), rather than due to exposure to toxic environmental circumstances (induced).


(Natural selection) is the only source of new genetic variation in a population.
