Anthropology 2200 (Final)

What was the first adaptation in modern human evolution?


Habitual bipeds

Use only when useful

Obligate bipeds

Use it all the time

What other primate has a similar intermembral index to humans? (longer legs than arms)

Vertical leapers

What is the Foramen Magnum?

Where the spinal cord connects to the brain

Shape of the human spine?

S shaped

What shape is a newborn's spine?

C shaped

What is the shape of a human pelvis?

Bowl shaped

What is the shape of non-human primates pelvis?


Why do humans have a bowl shaped pelvis?

Human weight is distributed across the pelvis

How do human femurs differ from other primates?

The femur is angled

4 morphologies of the foot

- Non-opposable hallux
- Platform like talus
- Large heel
- 2 foot arches

What dental patterns are used to determine diet?

Microwear patterns

Do humans have thin or thicker enamel?


What is significant about human canines?

They are smaller with no diastema

3 reasons why human canines reduced in size


What shape is the human dental arcade?


What type of face do humans have?


How have muscle attachment sites changed in humans?

They have reduced

(True or False) Bone mass has increased in modern humans?


What is used to study brain capabilities in fossilized remains?

Brain endocasts

What change allowed humans frontal lobe to increase?

Reduced post-orbital constriction

What percentage of energy demands does the brain have?


2 signs that humans began burying their dead


What might have been a reason for humans to bury their dead?


Warmth, predator protection, and sociality are advantages of what?


How long ago did humans split from chimps?


Who discovered fossilized human remains in 1891?

Eugene Dubois

How did Eugene Dubois revolutionize this field?

By shifting the focus to finding human remains

Who was ostracized by other scientists and convinced that he did not find human remains?

Eugene Dubois

3 earliest Hominis?


Which early hominin had the following traits:
- Smaller teeth, thicker enamel
- Short face
- Decreased prognathism
- Large brow ridge
- Slightly centralized foramen magnum

Sahelanthropus tchadenis

Which early hominin has unique features not seen in other ape or human fossils?

Sahelanthropus tchadenis

Where was the Sahelanthropus tchadensis found?

Sahel, Chad

Which early hominin had the following traits:
- Earliest post-cranial remains
- Ape-like canines
- A mix of arboreal quadropedalism & bipedalism

Orrorin tugenensisn

Where was the Orrorin tugenensis found?

Tugen Hills, North Kenya