1: What is Anthropology?- Pearson Cultural Anthropology

How does a holistic perspective influence the way anthropologists conduct cultural research?

Anthropologists explore the ways that cultural elements are connected.

By employing a comparative perspective, anthropologists are able to accomplish which of the following?

Determine universal cultural patterns as well as document cultural diversity.

Which of the following summarizes what anthropologist mean by symbolic culture?

the thoughts and ideas people have and how they convey them to others

You are writing a thesis on the costumes and jewelry women wear for puberty initiations in a West African society. Which of the following is your primary focus of study?

an aspect of the society's material culture

How is anthropology uniquely positioned to add insights into the processes of globalization

The comparative perspective of anthropology offers a window into how cultures change over time.

What is ethnology?

the comparison of ethnographic data in order to generate theories that explain cultural processes

Which of the following correctly summarizes two of the opposing views surrounding female genital mutilation (FGM)?

Opponents feel it should be stopped because it causes long-term health issues, while proponents say it conveys positive messages about womanhood.

Which of the following is a cultural practice that has has an impact on the spread of malaria in West Africa?

Clearing land for farming created breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

An archaeological excavation revealed an ancient site with a mix of large, elaborately constructed buildings and smaller, simpler dwellings. In addition, the site included burials in which some people were interred with jewelry and pottery while others we

Members of the society had differential access to wealth and power.

Which of the following summarizes the role of ethnocentrism in terms of how missionaries and government officials approached the potlatch rituals of the Pacific Northwest?

They could not recognize the cultural value of the potlatch because they thought the right thing to do was to accumulate wealth.

A forensic anthropologist would work on which of the following projects?

establishing whether or not a deceased individual was the victim or war crimes

Why were applied archaeologists working near Lake Titicaca interested in recreating ancient farming methods?

They wanted to help local farmers increase their productivity

Which of the following is an example of a project that would fall under the category of applied anthropology?

interviewing members of a community in order to figure out the best way to provide access to medical care while respecting local healing traditions

Construction on a new highway that will run through an ancient religious site is about to begin. In order to assess the impact of the construction project and salvage the sit, a person working in which of the following fields should be called in?

cultural resource management (CRM)

Which of the following is the best summary statement about applied anthropology?

It draws from and intersects with the four major subfields of anthropology.

Employing anthropology's holistic perspective can offer a better understanding of which of the following?

how gender expectations are connected to economic patterns

Which of the following best summarizes what is meant by globalization?

People are joined through networks of power, communication, and exchange across many geographical areas.

Which of the following approaches to studying Balinese basketry would Marcus take to acknowledge the integration of symbolic and material culture?

examining how the basket is used and constructed in relation to local forms of exchange, food production, and gender expectations

Which of the following statements about anthropology's comparative perspective is true?

It facilitates a better understanding of one's own culture as well as culture change over time.

Why is the work of linguistic anthropologists who are documenting indigenous languages considered critical?

Many indigenous languages are on the verge of extinction.

Why are lactase-deficiency, skin color, and lung capacity of interest to biological anthropologists?

They are examples of human biological diversity related to the intersection of biology, the environment, and culture.

Which of the following statements accepts cultural relativism while rejecting ethical relativism?

Cultures should be understood on their own terms, but not used to excuse violence and other harmful practices.

Which of the following summarizes the basic difference between the methods used by archaeologists and cultural anthropologists?

Archaeologists rely on an analysis of material culture and physical remains, while cultural . anthropologists conduct primary research with living people.

A good example of applying anthropological understanding and perspectives in a nonacademic setting is which of the following?

a biological anthropologist using the methods of forensic anthropology to assist a police department in solving a crime

Which of the following correctly matches the type of applied anthropologist with an appropriate sector of employment?

cultural anthropologist and business corporation

Which of the following would be an example of how an applied cultural anthropologist might be involved in a legal dispute between a government and an indigenous community over land rights?

The anthropologist might offer court testimony concerning the social importance of ancestral lands to the indigenous community.

Which of the following differentiates the work of anthropologist from that of sociologists?

an emphasis on the way culture influences behavior

Which of the following best describes what "fieldwork" encompasses for a cultural anthropologist?

living for an extended period of time among a group of people in order to document their beliefs and behaviors

Which of the following assumptions made by early cultural anthropologists has been discarded by contemporary researchers?

Anthropologists should focus their research on small societies that have been isolated from Western influences because they serve as a "natural laboratory" for investigating the human condition.

How does linguistic anthropology differ from the general field of linguistics?

It focuses on the social and cultural dimensions of language.