Anthropology: Ch. 3

sex cells.

Somatic cells include all of the following except

appear to function in similar ways across diverse groups of organisms.



________ are organisms lacking any internal compartments.


Chromosome number is reduced during

is determined by genes at several loci in conjunction with environmental factors.

The expression of polygenic traits

carry genetic information that influences the same trait.

Homologous chromosomes

four gametes.

Meiosis results in the production of

3.7 bya.

Prokaryotes first appeared

each contains half a copy of an organism's DNA.

Somatic cells are characterized by all of the following except

highly individualized repetitive stretches of nuclear DNA.

Microsatellites are

passed from mother to offspring.

Mitochondrial DNA is

is the template for every aspect of an organism.



Most human nuclear DNA is coded to produce ________ .


Individuals whose blood type is A and who carry both dominant and recessive genes at this locus have a genotype of

mammals have differing number of chromosomes.

Within the kingdom Animalia

because of nondisjunction, which yields an extra chromosome.

Down syndrome can occur

is usually masked in the phenotype.

The presence of a recessive allele

uracil instead of thymine.

RNA differs from DNA in that it uses

it is biological code for the production of hormones and enzymes, it serves as a template for protein production, & it provides the code to produce structural proteins.

DNA is important for protein synthesis because


The two alleles that result in the expressed phenotype for hemoglobin are equally expressed. This is an example of

22 autosomal chromosome pairs and one pair of sex chromosomes

What makes up a human karyotype?

In order for traits to respond to natural selection

In order for traits to respond to natural selection

applies to the law of independent assortment.

In his work on pea plants, Mendel found that plant height was inherited independently of the type or color of the seed coat. This finding

the Y chromosome is present in males only.

In mammals, the male parent's gametes determine the sex of his offspring because

type AB blood.

An individual that is homozygous at the locus that determines ABO blood type may have any of the following except

is the proportion of its variation that is genetic.

A trait's heritability

two identical daughter cells

DNA replication produces

adenine and thymine.

The following are complementary bases in DNA

Mendel's law of segregation.

In his experiments with garden peas, Mendel found that one physical unit is inherited from the father and one from the mother. This provided evidence fo

chains of amino acids.

Proteins consist of

it is the "recipe" for all biological characteristics and functions.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) differs from ribonucleic acid (RNA) in that

controlled by multiple alleles.

Human ABO blood types are

the genome.

The complete set of genes in an individual cell is called

prior to cell division.

DNA replication takes place

responsible for the development and location of key body parts.

Homeotic (Hox) genes are:


Nucleotide bases in nuclear DNA include all of the following except

not likely to recombine during crossovers.

Haplotypes are

regulatory gene

The gene responsible for lactose persistence among adults in Europe is a

seeks complementary triplet strands of mRNA codons, contains codons that correspond to specific amino acids, & brings amino acids together to form polypeptide chains.

Transfer RNA

occurs in the nucleus.



Gametes are