Anthropology 2200

Genes are...


alternative forms of a gene are called...


If the sequence of bases on one strand of DNA is ATGCCGAT, the sequence on complementary strand will be...


The ________ states that each pair of homologous chromosomes separates during meiosis so that only one allele for a given trait will be present in each of the gametes produced...

principle of segregation

Transcription occurs in the ______ followed by translation, which occurs in the ________

nucleus; ribosome

During protein synthesis, what molecule carries DNA's genetic message from the cell nucleus to the ribosome?


If a sequence of DNA was GGA-CTC-CAA-TTT, what would be the base sequence of the complementary mRNA strand?


If a homozygous individual expressing the dominant phenotype for a trait is crossed with a heterozygous individual, what percentage of the resulting offspring, on average, would be expected to exhibit the recessive phenotype?


When the phenotypic expressions of a trait can be separated into a few discrete categories, that trait is said to:

exhibit discontinuous variation.

Polygenic traits:

result in phenotypes that exhibit a continuum of variation.

For evolution to result from natural selection, which of the following must occur?


Gene flow:


Genetic drift:

Is a random change in allele frequencies across several generations.

___________________ can produce new genetic variation within a population, while the other forces of evolution only operate on pre-existing variation.


A founder effect, in which a small subgroup of a larger population breaks off and becomes reproductively isolated, is an example of:

genetic drift

T/F All mutations result in negative consequences for the individual and their offspring.


In the theory of evolution, which of the four forces provides an explanation for organisms' adaptations to their environment?

natural selection

Mutations that have the greatest evolutionary consequences, as they will be passed to future generations, occur in...


T/F..The ABO blood type frequencies of the Dunkers differ significantly from those of modern German and American populations due to gene flow.


What are the major assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?


Human adaptability primarily refers to:

both cultural and biological adjustments to the environment.

A cline:


Human races are:

socially-constructed groups that contribute to individual identity.

According to Bergmann's and Allen's rules, the Inuit and other cold-adapted populations:

tend to have larger trunks and shorter limbs.

Research has shown that there is more variation between populations than within a population, validating the typological classification of humans into races.


What general concept do Bergmann's and Allen's rules illustrate in humans?

thermoregulatory adaptation

Which of the following is a plausible explanation for the clinal variation observed in regards to skin color in humans?


T/F...Adaptations primarily function to allow organisms to maintain internal homeostasis.


_____________ and ___________ adaptations are sometimes referred to as functional adaptations because they occur during an individual's lifetime and increase fitness within a particular environment.

Developmental; Physiological

What is the name of the erroneous mechanism outlined in the previous question?

Inheritance of acquired characteristics

T/F...Darwin was the first scientist to propose the idea of evolutionary change


Greyhounds, a dog breed, were produced by humans breeding the fastest males and fastest females from each generation. What is this called?

Artificial selection

Whose work led to Darwin's recognition of the struggle for existence in organisms due to competition for limited resources?

Thomas Malthus

T/F...Natural selection is a random process


Natural selection...


Which process can result in a difference of size, appearance, and/or behavior between opposite sexes of the same species?

Sexual selection

Messenger RNA produces proteins by linking with what at the ribosome?

Transfer RNA

The colonization of Pitcairn Island by the mutineers of the HMS Bounty is an example of...

Genetic Drift

Speciation is the result of

Reproductive Isolation

The only source of new alleles is


The expression of more than one trait with one gene is known as


The expressed "seen" portion of a gene is the


A breeding population with similar genes is a


Two organisms occupy the same ecological niche. They are the same species according to which definition?

Ecological Species

The following are all considered true in a Hardy-Weinberg Model...

A. The Gene flow is not occurring
B. Everyone has the same number of offspring
C. There is no mutation

The A and B alleles of the ABO blood group are


Having all offspring with type AB blood is only possible with a mating between a type A individual (AA) and a person of this type

Type B (BB)

He examined population growth, limited food supplies, and the concept of exponential growth, which Darwin implemented in his theory of evolution

Thomas Malthus

Modern farm animals and pet breeds are examples of

Artificial Selection

Immunity to malaria is expressed in this genotype


Most importantly, Darwin's theory contained:


Bottleneck and Founder's Effect are other names for this evolutionary process

Genetic Drift

The giraffe passing on a longer neck by stretching her own is an example of this type of evolution


Outside of America, this science, the study of human cultural remains (e.g. artifacts), is not a part of anthropology


These are living and extinct bipedal primates that include all human-like beings


A group of organisms that can produce viable offspring with one another but not with other groups represents a...


Four forces of evolution

Natural Selection
Genetic Drift
Gene Flow

In the case of the Galapagos Finches, this process occurred, allowing them to spread out and occupy many different niches in the environment

Adaptive radiation

This figure, a geologist, put forth the notion of uniformitarianism as an explanation for the age of the earth.

Charles Lyell

This portion of an animal cell has its own DNA and is considered the powerhouse of the cell


This nitrogen base is not found in DNA


Briefly explain the difference between directional and stabilizing selection as discussed in class.

Directional is moving towards one way or the other, there is no evidence of favoritism. Stabilizing is the opposite, it's moving back towards the selection being completely even.

If I represents the expected genotype frequencies and II represents the observed frequencies, is this population in Hardy-Weinburg Equilibrium? If these two generations are not in equilibrium, what might explain this and where does the difference seem to

Not equilibrium because the numbers change which means there is evidence of natural selection, that AS is the favorable genotype.