Cult. Anthro Chp. 5

The first writing system emerged about six thousand years ago in the ancient Middle East for the purpose of


Kanzi, an 8-year-old bonobo ape similar to a chimpanzee but genetically and behaviorally closer to humans, was able to communicate with symbols when he was very young with a grammatical complexity similar to that of

a 2-year-old child

The island of Papua New Guinea once had at least 841 spoken languages, many of which are now

endangered, and some have no living speakers

Which of the following statements concerning human language is not true?

It rarely reflects social differences.

Recent research on the origins of language suggests that a key mutation might have something to do with it. Comparing chimp and human genomes, it appears that

the speech-friendly form of FOXP2 took hold in humans around 150,000 years ago, thus conferring selective advantages (linguistic and cultural abilities) that allowed those who had it to spread it at the expense of those who did not

The study of communication through body movements, stances, gestures, and expressions is


Which of the following is commonly used to communicate status differences in Madagascar?

lowering one's head

Words that have different meanings but differ in just one sound, such as "cat" and "bat," are known as

minimal pairs

The study of speech sounds in general, what people actually say in various languages, is known as


The study of the significant sound contrasts of a given language is known as


Pit" and "bit" are two English words that are differentiated by a single sound contrast: /p/ versus /b/. This means that /p/ and /b/ are

phonemes in English

Who argued that the human brain contains a limited set of rules for organizing language, known as universal grammar?

Noam Chomsky

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis states that

the grammatical categories of particular languages lead their speakers to think about things in different ways.

Semantics refers to

a language's meaning system.

In their cross-cultural study of color terms, Berlin and Kay found that

basic color terms evolved in a more or less set order

All people style shift�that is, they

vary their speech in different social contexts

Which of the following statements concerning Black English Vernacular is not true?

It is inferior to SE in terms of its ability to communicate complex ideas.

Bourdieu refers to the widespread acceptance of the authority and correctness of the prestige dialect�even by people who do not use it�as

symbolic domination

Languages that have descended from the same language are called

daughter languages.

Language is based on arbitrary, learned associations between words and the things they stand for


Although only humans can speak, other primates have the same complex capacity as humans to make vocal sounds.


Black English Vernacular (BEV) is a separate language.


A close relationship between two languages indicates that their speakers are closely related biologically


The world's linguistic diversity has been cut in half in the past 500 years, and half of the remaining languages are predicted to disappear during this century.


studies of communication among nonhuman primates reveal that:

like humans, though to a lesser degree, apes possess the linguistic ability of productivity

washoe and lucy's effort to teach sign language to other chimpanzees is an example of

cultural transmission

recent research on the origin of language suggests that

a mutation in humans that occurred around 150,000 years ago may have conferred selective advantages (linguistic and cultural abilities) to those who had it

The study of communication through body movements, stances, gestures, and facial expressions is called:


the area of analysis of a spoken language that refers to all of a language's morphemes and their meanings is


the sapir-whorf hypothesis states that:

different languages produce different ways of thinking

studies of the differences in the use of color terms between female and male Americans suggest that:

changes in culture produce changes in language and thought

which of the following statements about sociolinguistics is false:

it has found that speakers retain their speech patterns even as the social context changes

which of the following statements about Black English Vernacular (BEV) is true?

upwardly mobile BEC-speaking students typically consider standard english to be society's prestige dialect and learn it

historical linguistics studies all of the following except:

short term language change