Anthro Final Quiz 12

In the study of human evolution, scientists define modern in terms of

A series of distinctive anatomical traits that contrast woth archaic traits from earlier hominins

Broken Hill, Dali, and Atapuerca are sites where specimens of ___________ have been discovered

Archaic Homo Sapiens

Archaic Homo sapiens

Shows a mixture of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens traits

The last Neandertals date to

32,000 yBP

Analyses of modern human genetic variation indicate that Homo sapiens may have evolved approximately

200,000 yBP

Anatomically modern human fossils were discovered in the European Upper Paleolithic site of

Cro-Magnon, France

The multi regional continuity hypothesis supposes that

The transition to modernity took place regionally and without involving replacement

In Atapeura 5, early archaic Homo sapiens and Neandertals specimen show heavy wear on the incisors and canines, indicating

The use of the front teeth for gripping materials

Neandertals cold adapted traits include

A projecting midface

The Levallois method of stone tool production is associated with the


Painted perforated shells are evidence that Neandertals

Used body ornaments

All fossils of archaic Homo sapiens and earlier Homo erectus show

Both a and b

The Herto skulls from Ethiopia

Have a combination of archaic and modern features

The earliest archaeological evidence of humans in Australia is from __________, dating to ____________

Lake Mungo, 40,000 yBP

A Hominid fossil that has a long, low skull, projecting face and occipital bone, and large nasal aperture is likely to be classified as having __________ characteristics


Allen's and Bergmann's rules are perfect examples of natural selection effects on anatomical adaptations to environments in mammals. These include the limb and trunk proportions of

Neandertals, modern human populations, and most mammals

The transition to fully modern Homo sapiens was completed globally by about

25,000 yBP

The out-of-Africa model asserts

A single origin of modern people and eventual replacement of archaic Homo sapiens throughout Africa, Asia, and europe

Modern humans have

A high vertical forehead, a round and tall skull, and small browridges

To date, the majority of Neandertal fossils have been found in

Europe and western asia

The European archeological period that is marked by a great increase in technology and various kinds of art starting about 35,000 yBP is called the

Upper Paleolithic period

The best fossil evidence to suggest that Neandertals could produce a language like that of modern humans comes from which bones collected at Kebara, Israel

The hyoid

Compared to modern Homo sapiens, archaic Homo sapiens has

Both b and c

The discovery of modern/archaic hybrid fossils supports which model of modern human origins?


The fossils called Homo floresiensis were dated to

18,000 yBP

Human beings first arrived in the americas approximately

15,000 yBP

A distinctive trait of people from East Asia and the americas is

Shovel-shaped incisors

The morphology of the Paleoindian skull from Kennewick that it

Looks quite different from modern native Americans skulls

SubSaharan Africans show the largest genetic diversity of any human population. This is likely to have resulted from the

Accumulations of genetic mutations over time

The most distinctive traits about the cold adaptation complex of Neandertals are

The body and the length of the arms and legs

According to Joe Apler(Rething Neandertals) which if the following did the Neandertals not share with the earlier human species, Homo erectus?

Smaller brain size than that of modern humans

According to Joe Apler(Rething Neandertals) Neandertals should be considered successful in the sense that

All of the above

According to Joe Apler(Rething Neandertals) when the glaciers moved in and edible plants became scarcer, the Neandertals

Relied more heavily on large, hoofed animals for food

According to Joe Apler(Rething Neandertals) which of the following is true

All of the above

According to Jill Neimark, which of the following represents a concensus regarding Flo (Homo floresiensis)? She was

A direct descendant of Homo erectus

As reported in "Meet Our New Human Family" the greatest shock regarding Flo (H. floresiensis) has to do with her

Small brain, given the sophistication of the associated tools

According to Jill Neimark in "Meet the New Human Family" anthropoligists today view the human lineage as

A thickly branched bush comprised of many hominins each adapted to its own time and place