Anthropology Exam 2 Submission

The measurement of head size is known as


The arboreal adaptation model does not attributes primate characteristics to

-Living on the ground
-giving birth to live young
-Preying on insects

Jane Goodall revolutionized the study of nonhuman primates by?

-Spending long periods of time in the field

Which are key traits in determining racial groups

-Skin color
-Eye form
-Head shape

Most modern studies of primate behavior

-Are conducted in the wild

Unlike some other mammals, primates tend to be


In general, primates are defined by

-Large brains
-grasping hands
-a high degree of learned behavior

Primates rely moe on this sense than any other


The study of nonhuman primates to access information about human evolution is limited by

-The fact that there are so few species of nonhuman primates living

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of arboreal living

-Greater danger of falling

Humans tend to cope with the environment with

-cultural adaptations
-genetic adaptations

Gradualism asserts that

-Species slowly transform in new species

Old world Monkeys can be found in


People with darker skin cannot synthesize ________ as efficiently as people with lighter skin

-Vitamin D

Which is NOT true about orangutans

-They are highly social

The primatologist that is known for studying mountain gorillas is

-Dian Frossey


-Run and leap among branches

Which of the following is a human response to extreme heat


According to the arboreal adaptation

-Most primates rely on a visual understanding of their surroundings

Most New World lemurs are


Which of the following can be found on Madagascar?


Which of the following is true of most primate females

-They emigrate after puberty

Natural selection works on the _____ of an individual organism


Gibbons live in monogamous pair bonds and are therefore

-not dimorphic with respect to size

which Primate is largest


Most primates have ________ at the ends of their digits


Recent studies of gorillas have revealed

-a surprising amount of genetic diversity

Primates brains are

-More complex than most mammals

Most primatologists spend how much time observing primates in their natural habitat

-a year or two

sociobiology hold that there is a relationship between

-behavior and natural selection

The following is NOT true about Birute Galdikas

-She studied gorillas in the wild
-she studied gorillas in captivity
-she studied gorillas both in the wild and in captivity

When populations or individuals migrate, their genes may experience ________

-A mutation

Today, biological anthropologists prefer to use the term ________ rather than race


What is the most important component of skin color


Primates achieve stereoscopic vision by having

-forward facing eyes

founder effects occurs when

-A subset of a larger population becomes isolated

Most New World apes are


Racism can be defined as

-Prejudice against a person based on his or her racial heritage

Nearly all endangered non human primates live

-in developing countries

Homo sapiens is divided into local populations that differ by one or more phenotypic traits, In other words, it is a ________

-Polytypic species

A change in the frequency of a gene in a population over time due to entirely random factors is called

-Genetic drift

Which of the following is NOT a common focus of primate field studies

-Behavioral experiments

According to the idea of inclusive fitness, an animal

-is also concerned with the reproductive success of ones kin

Female primates may choose to mate with dominant males because dominant males

-are often healthier

The ______ a population, the greater the potential effect of genetic drift on gene frequency

-More diverse

Socioecology hold that there is a relationship between

-behavior and environment

Among adult humans, lactose intolerance is


The strepsirhines include


which is true of primates

-they grow up slower than most other mammals

which is the most closely related to humans
