Anthropology 13-16

Which is most likely to be preserved by fossilization?

bones and teeth

___ can be defined as variant forms of an element?


Strata are

layers of rock

Compared to adapiforms, omomyoids

are usually more nocturnal

What is the genus assigned to the largest primate that ever lived?


Mammals thrived and proliferated during the ___ era


____ is the earliest known platyrrhine to date


The half-life for radiocarbon decay is ___ years


While the femur of a quadruped is straight, the femur of a biped is

angled inward to the knee

Bipeds have a(n) ___ spine

s-shaped curve

The Toumai fossil, or Sahelanthropus tchadensis, was discovered in


Among the earliest developments in the hominid family is

bipedal locomotion

The ____ is the hole in the occiptal bone through which the spinal cord connects to the brain

foramen magnum

The kind of bipedalism practiced by a living chimpanzee is called

occasional bipedalism

The pre-australopithecines lived around

7 mya to 4.4 mya

The main propulsive force of a biped's foot comes from the

big toe

Which of the following traits characterizes the quadrupedal ape?

divergent hallux


are generally small to medium in size (similar to modern lemurs). They have forward-facing eyes, postorbital bars, grasping hands and feet, nails instead of claws, and larger brains than other mammals


During the Eocene (56 to 34 mya). See them throughout North Americ and Eurasia. Are definite primates with forward-facing eyes, postorbital bars, grasping hands and feet, nails instead of claws, and large brains


has several general anthropoid traits, such as full bony enclosure of the orbit and a fused mandible

Branisella ..

found in Bolivia and dates to around 26 mya. It shares several dental traits with living New World Monkeys, such as the presence of three premolars in each mouth quadrant.


Was found in Africa from 2 to 17 mya. It has dental traits that suggest a frugivorous diet, and its postrcranial traits indicate it was probably an arboreal quadruped.


lived around 12 to 8 mya and had ape-like canines and Y-5 molars. Both their brain and body size were comparable to that of a modern chimpanzee, and they may have had some adaptations for suspensory locomotion

Law of Superposition

uses this principle to argue that material from lower (deeper) geological layers must be older than material from higher (shallower) geological layers.


is the study of the deposition of layers (or strata).

Comparative Stratigraphy

assumes that things found in the same strata will be from the same time period because they were deposited together

Occasional Bipedalism

is bipedal locomotion that ispracticed sometimes.

Habitual bipedalism

is bipedal locomotion that is practiced regularly (or habitually).

Obligate Bipedalism

bipedal locomotion that is practiced all the time


have an S-shaped vertebral column with curevs in the thoracic and lumbar areas. They have large lumbar vertebrae

Non bipeds

the vertebral column is straighter with only a single curve that gradually forms a long, convex dorsal surface.

Sahelanthropus tchadensis

The FIRST of the PRE-AUSTRALOPITHECINES. It lived around 7 to 6 mya


The second pre-australopithecines. was found in Tugen Hills of Kenya and dates to around 6 mya.

Australopithecus anamensis (Man of the Lake)

lived around 4.0 mya in eastern africa. Had a number of primitive ape-like traits such as very large canines, parallel upper tooth rows, and asymmetrical lower premolars with outer cusps that were much larger than the inner cusps

Australopithecus afarensis

lived around 3.6 to 3.0 mya in eastern africa.

Most famous specimen of Au. afarensis is


Australopithecus africanus

lived around 3.0 to 2.0 mya.

Australopithecus aethiopicus

is the earliest robust australopithecine form known, and it shows the classic cranial and dental traits. Had a diet that required heavy chewing.

Homo Habilis (Handy Man)

was the first member of our own genus. Had a much smaller chewin complex and a larger brain size.

Oldowan technology

this earliest stone tool technology is characterized by chopper and flake tools


a large heavy stone tool with a sharp edge where small pieces of rock have been removed


a small piece of rock that has been removed from a larger rock and can be used as is or further modified into a specialized tool

Homo erectus

lived from about 1.8 mya to 300kya during the late pleistocene, in Africa and Asia. Lived in Europe. These individuals had pronounced brow ridges, relatively orthognathic (flat) faces.

Acheulean technology

the second and more widespread stone tool technology that was characterized by handaxes

Homo erectus is important because..

it was the first one to leave africa


is a stone tool that has had flakes of stone removed from two sides


is a biface tool that is shaped like a pear (or teardrop) with one end that is larger and rounded and another end that is more narrow and pointed.

Homo heidelbergensis

lived in Europe and Africa. Several traits in common with homo erectus. They had long and low crania nd large brow ridges

Homo heidelbergensis unique traits

had a larger cranial capacity. They had a diverse diet that included meat fro big game animals

Mousterian technology

a stone tool technology that used the Levallois technique to produce a variety of specialized flake tools

Levallois technique

a process used to produce regularly shaped flakes that can then be further modified into different tools.

Homo neanderthalensis

perhaps the most famous of our extinct fossils. lived around 130 to 30 kya in Europe nd western Asia. Had incredible large capacities

Occipital bun (H. neanderthalensis)

a large, round projection located on the occipital bone

Homo neanderthalensis facts

may have had the ability to produce language. Evidence of purposefully arranged burials for their dead.

Homo Sapiens

slightly more robust than humans today. They had small orthognathic (flat) faces with small brow ridges. They also had small front and back teeth and a pronounced chin on the front of the mandible

Homo Sapiens diet

included a wider range of prey than those of other species. They hunted and ate medium-sized game animals, such as ancient deer species, as well as smaller game, such as birds and fish.

Homo Sapiens burial

were more ritualistic than neanderthal, and they regularly interred their dead with special tools, jewelry, and other grave goods

Upper Paleolithic technology (Homo Sapiens)

a complex stone tool technology characterized by tools made from special stone flakes called blades and also included tools made from antler and bone

Homo Floresiensis

occupied the Indonesian island of Flores. These individuals had small teeth and orthognathic (flat) faces, similar to other late Homo species, but they had somewhat more primitive locomotor adaptations, such as long arms and flat feet