ANTHRO 161 Quiz 14

Fossils from __________ provide the best evidence for the multiregional model of human origins.

Asia and Australia

Compared to MSA stone tools, Upper Paleolithic tool technologies ____________________.

were more standardized

Stone tools assemblages from early African sites such as Mumba, Tanzania and Howieson's Poort, South Africa suggest ____________________.

that technologies evolved more slowly and over a longer period of time than originally thought

__________ models predict that modern humans should appear first in Africa


The presence of a long pubic ramus would suggest a genetic contribution by Neandertals to modern humans if ____________________.

a long pelvic ramus is not found in Homo erectus

The presence of anatomically modern Homo sapiens in Australia by 50,000 years ago suggests ____________________.

early modern humans used some form of water transportation

___________ is perhaps the most prolific form of symbolic behavior in the Upper Paleolithic.

personal ornamentation

_____________ models of human origins rely more heavily on gene flow than other models.


The source population for settlement of the Polynesian Islands seems to be ____________________.

a mixed Asian and New Guinean population

Comparisons of early European and north Asian skulls show evidence of regional continuity in early modern human populations.


Comparisons of Neandertal and human DNA have all shown that ____________________.

Neandertals probably contributed no genes to modern human populations

The earliest cranial remains of anatomically modern humans suggest _______ and post-cranial remains suggest________.

human-Neandertal mixing, no human-Neandertal mixing

Comparisons of tooth wear in Neandertals and early modern humans suggest that ____________________.

humans exploited a much more varied diet than Neandertals

Both mtDNA and Y chromosome studies support the hypothesis that ____________________.

that the most recent common ancestor can be traced to Africa at about 180,000 years ago

At the current time, the bulk of fossil and molecular evidence strongly supports ____________________.

neither the multiregional nor the replacement model of human origins

Which of the following does NOT distinguish anatomically modern Homo sapiens from archaic Homo sapiens and Neandertals?

greater cranial capacity

The earliest rock art known is in ____________________.


The earliest modern human fossils currently known come from ____________________.

Herto, Ethiopia

Analysis of nuclear gene alleles have tended to support all the conclusions of mtDNA and Y chromosome studies concerning the origins of early modern humans.


Identifying the most recent common ancestor of contemporary human populations is difficult because ____________________.

different phylogenetic trees can be constructed from the data
the most recent common ancestor may or may not be an anatomically modern human
dating must be done as a separate process and calibrated
all of the above-