Actual Cultural Anthro




The opinion that one's own way of life is natural or correct and is the only true way of being fully human

Cultural Relativism

Understanding another culture in its own terms sympathetically enough so that the culture appears to be a coherent and meaningful design for living

Human Agency

The exercise of at least some control over their lives by human beings. Done by making interpretations, formulating goals, and setting out in pursuit of them; the degree of control an individual has over his/her life

Argentina's Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo

Example of Human Agency
Moms of children who wer edisposed of by government rose up together, appeared on thursdays with pictures of missing children, marched around plaza with white head covering, shamed government

Luke Lassiter

Case study of Kiowa Christianity
Issues of cultural change and cultural authenticity

Kiowa Christianity

Sang christian hymns in native language, their language brought them closer to god than english, kept the language alive, who christianized whom?

Human Rights and Cultural Relativism


FGM Controversy

Part of Islam? Control over women? Women feel pure and whole when theyve gotten it done?

Symbolism of infibulated female body


Janice Boddy

FGM, Hofriyat village Northern Sudan
Symbolism of infibulated female body
Simply slaves to society?

Sally Engle Merry

Human Rights Law and the Demonization of Culture
Call from reported about Pakistan rape, you don't have to be a slave of your own culture, "anything can be justified in terms of extreme cultural relativism

Human Rights Law and the Demonization of Culture

Perceptions of anthropologist and misunderstandings about cultural relativity, moral relativism

Mrs Goundo's Daughter

The tragedy of Female Genital Cutting

Participant Observation

..., In ethnography, the technique of learning a people's culture through social participation and personal observation within the community being studied, as well as interviews and discussion with individual members of the group over an extended period o

Culture Shock

The disorientation that people experience when they come in contact with a fundamentally different culture and can no longer depend on their taken-for-granted assumptions about life

Multi-sited fieldwork

Ethnographic research on cultural processes that are not contained by social, religious, or national boundaries, in which the ethnographer follows the process from site to side, often doing fieldwork at sites and with persons who traditionally were never


Critically thinking about the way one thinks; reflecting on one's own experience

Going Native


Violating Apartheid


Inter-cultural communication



An anthropologist's written or filmed description of a particular culture


Perspective on the human condition in which the whole is understood to be greater than the sum of its parts.


Insiders perspective


Outsiders perspective

Dialect of Fieldwork

the process of building a bridge of understanding between anthropologists and informants so that each can begin to understand the other

New Ethnography

Mutually collaborative, intersubjective meanings

Cultural Capital

cultural knowledge and cultural competencies that people need to function effectively in society, Ray lacked this and therefore couldn't function in society

Ruptures in communication

Can create stronger understanding of the culture if resolved, but can end fieldwork if unresolved

Cultural Appropriation/Borrowing

Borrowing symbols or traditions from another culture

Marion Benedict

Fact vs Fiction: An Ethnographic Paradox Set in the Seychelles

William Klausner

Going Native, impossible because you didn't grow up there

Jane Mulcock

Ethnography in Awkward Spaces: An Anthropology of Cultural Borrowing, neopaganism

Phillippe Bourgois

Violating Apartheid in the US-in search of respect, the drug NY harlem chapter we read, his presense was a violation of social norms

Dr Alexander's

Ethnographic fieldwork in chile:Resiliancy in Hostile Environments: A Comunidad Agricola in Chile's Norte Chico.
Different pictures of communitas during periods of drought and rain; no private property, migrant work in northern copper mines when there is

15th Century

Voyages of Discovery
Origin of World Capitalist System

Mid 16th Century

Competing views of native peoples
great debate in spanish court
Montaigne "On Cannibals

Great Debate

de las Casas vs Sepulveda
Indians as "natural slaves"
mid 16th century

Montaigne "On Cannibals

Noble Savage/Ecologically noble savage
The idea that indians were perfectly in harmony with the environment and not effecting it at all; false

19th Century

Unilateral Cultural evolution
Armchair anthropology
living ancestors
Society analogous to a living organism

Psychic unity

The idea that all humankind shares the same mentality; all human minds are the same regardless of time or place; associated with unilineal evolutionists;(monogenesis)

Pathway of Unilateral Cultural Evolution


Edward Tylor


20th Century

Franz Boas importance in American Anthropology
Salvage ethnography
Emphasis on fieldwork
Holistic perspective- origins of 4 field approach
Cultures as unique products of their own history and environment

Alfred Kroeber

Ishi the last Yashi

Edward Sapir

Linguistic Anthropology

Indirect rule

When the colonists ruled through the chief instead of replacing him with one of their own; easier to control one and make him control the rest

Classification of Political Structures


Alex de Waal

The Genocidal State: Hutu Extremism and the Origins of the Final Solution in Rwanda

Neil Whitehead and Brian Ferguson

Deceptive Stereotypes about Tribal Warfare
effected by sickness and warfare by contact

Steven Rubenstein

Shuar Migrants and Shrunken Heads Face to Face in a NY Museum
indians made more because they wanted to trade within the new economic system, not because the heads were an integral part of their culture; lost tradutional value
modern indians see it as a re

Cognative evolution

edward b taylor
how culture solves problems, answers questions, emphasis on evolution of religion

Cultural Evolutionisn

More progressive than unilateral evolutionism, idea that primitives aren't biologically different, they are simply in a different stage of evolutionary cultural development, slightly incorrect regarding the stage of evolution; based on conclusions gathere

British social anthropology

origins in colonial setting
indirect rule
classification of political structures

classification of political structures


Hamatic hypothesis

Idea from the bible taken by the germans that the tutsi has a strain of the aryan race and therefore is better than the hutu and the twa