study for anthro

Where have the fossil remains of Miocene Hominoids not been found?

North America

Before hominins made stone tools, they probably...

used sticks and or other perishable items

The current evidence indicates that hominins possessed the major structural changes necessary for habitual bipedalism by...

6 to 8 million years ago

The fossil skeleton known as "Lucy" belongs to which Australopithecus species?


The oldest possible hominin found to date has been given which name?

Sahelanthropus tchadensis

At about 2.5 million years ago, which of the following was true?

There were one or more species of the genus homo present in East Africa

There is agreement that all hominins found outside Africa are members of which genus?


Homo erectus represents a different kind of hominin than the more ancient African predecessors. One of the reasons is...

An increased body size and robustness

Until recently, Homo erectus sites outside of Africa all have shown dates younger than the earliest finds of species in Africa. This has led paleoanthropologists to assume that....

the hominins who migrated to Asia and Europe descended from earlier African ancestors

In general, the cranium of Homo erectus...

has a long, low shape with little forehead

The Nariokotome Homo erectus specimen (Turkana)...

would have reached an adult height of around 6 feet

The _____ epoch, during which Archaic Homo sapiens lived, has been called the "Ice Age".


Compared to Homo erectus, the cranium of the earliest premodern Homo sapiens exhibit...

a more rounded braincase

Africa sites with evidence of "Archaic" H. sapiens fossils date from ______ years ago.


Dated to approximately 500,000-400,000 years ago, the site of ______ has yielded a sample of 4,000 fossil fragments representing about twenty-eight premodern Homo sapiens individuals, more than 80% of all Middle Pleistocene hominin remains in the world.

Simo de los Huesos

The majority of Neandertal fossils have been found in...


Neandertal brain size...

was larger, on average, than that of modern humans

Neandertal crania are characterized by which of the following?

a projecting midface

There is some evidence to support the following claims about Neandertals, except....

they had language equivalent to modern humans

Supposed to grave goods found in Neandertal burials...

include bone and stone tools, along with animal bones

The sum of the genetic, fossil, and archaeological evidence suggests that Neandertals...

are closely related to modern humans

The first anatomically modern Homo sapiens (AMH) evolved in Africa around ____ years ago.


According to the complete replacement model, the transition from premodern to modern Homo sapiens....

only occurred once in Africa

H. Habilis is associated with __ stone tools, while H. erectus is associated with ___...

Oldowan; Acheulian

Evidence of the first true primates, like Darwinius masillae, dates to this time period:

Eocene (55-34 mya)

If you traveled back to 27 mya in Africa and came across a group of the early hominoids Proconsul major feeding in a tree, what would you NOT expect to see them doing?

hanging by their tails

Scientists believe that the Miocene hominoid Sivapithecus was an ancestor species of the modern ape____, due to shared traits such as oval-shaped eyes and triangular nasal region...


Aegyptopithecus is...

A likely candidate for the common ancestor of anthropoids (Haplorhines)

Amongst members of the genus Homo, only Anatomically Modern Humans (AMH) have...


Which theory below was NOT one we discussed regarding what happened to Neandertals?

Neandertals continue to live in Europe and Middle East alongside AMH today

Neandertal fossils have been found in all of the following locations, EXCEPT...


The best candidate for the ancestor of all modern apes and humans is...

Proconsul major

More than any other trait, ____ distinguishes hominins from the other ape-ancestors...


While there is circumstantial evidence that shows ____ made and used tools, _____ is the first hominin found in direct association with modified stone tools.

Australopithecus garhi; Homo habilis

True or False: The Ardipithecus ramidus (Ardi) hand, wrist, and foot bones are distinguishable from those of modern humans.


True or False: Remains of early genus Homo have been found in both East and South Africa.


True or False: With the appearance of anatomically modern homo sapiens, hominin biological evolution basically stopped.


True or False: The early primates known as Eosimias (e.g Darwinius masillae) had many signs of being early apes, including lack of tail and large body size.


True or False: Today, far fewer species of apes are living when compared to during the Miocene period (23-5 million years ago)


True or False: Homo erectus expanded from Africa to Asia, Europe, Australia, and North America.


According to Hammer in the article "human hybrids" what other hominin species have modern H. sapiens lived beside?

Neandertals and floreiensis

Advantages of Bipedalism

-free hands
-easier cooling off
-energy efficient

Disadvantages of Bipedalism

-predators will spot more easily
-slower movement when running
-if you hurt a lower body part, you can become less immobile. Harder to function.

What four skeletal structures would you look for to demonstrate that a creature walked bipedally?

-centralized foramen magnum
-angled inward femur bones
-smaller pelvis
-platform/arched foot