Anthropology 7-9

Patrilineal descent groups...

are the most common

The post-marital residence pattern characterized by the couple living with or near the parents of the bride is called



a woman with many husbands

Bride service is practiced...

to compensate a bride;s family in a society where material goods are not accumulated

societies in which parents can choose their children's kinship affiliation are classified as

ambilineal descent

In the US, the typical marital residence pattern is


Which of the following is not a reason kinship systems are important to every society?

They allow outsiders to identify individuals within a cultural and social setting.

Cross-culturally, most kinship systems

provide links between successive generations and ties across a single generation

The prohibition against sexual relations with certain categories of kin is called

the incest taboo

Individuals, except for siblings, have a unique kindred in a

bilateral descent system

Nuclear families are found in societies

in which there is a great amount of geographic mobility


legitimizes marriages and transfers rights over to the children to the father's family

A kinship diagram of a married couple, their children, and their children's children includes

3 generations, therefore three rows of kinship figures

EGO refers to the

person from whose POV we are tracing the relationship


widower marrying the sister of the dead wife


widow marrying the brother of the dead husband

All of the following are criteria used to distinguish between different kin categories EXCEPT

level of formal education

Incest avoidance can have positive social advantages by forcing people to marry outside of the immediate family, thereby...

creating relationships with people with whom they are likely to cooperate

Unilineal descent groups...

endure over time and clearly define who is a member and who is not

Cross cousins are defined as the children of..

your mother's brother, or father's sister

In all human societies, kinship is tied to the biological relationships created by human reproduction. However...

how different societies sort and categorize kinship relationships is as much a matter of culture as it is biology

Marrying outside the group


The rules that a culture uses to establish affiliations with one's parents is called


Which statement about the Chinese patrilineal family is false?

women give total allegiance to their husband's family

In a matrilineal society, a boy's father figure is his

mother's brother

Neolocal residence

living in a place of one's own

In matrilineal descent systems

property and political office pass from one man to another, but through a woman

In Western societies, mate selectionj is determined by

jointly the prospective bride and groom

Arranged marriages are found most often in what type of society?

societies which there is an elaborate social heirarchy

Which form of marriage compensation is a transfer of goods from the bride;s family to the groom's family?


Castes in India provide a good example of

caste endogamy

The term descent is used by anthropologists to refer to

the rules a culture uses to establish affiliations with one's parents

An aunt or uncle is an example of

fictive kin

A kinship diagram of a son, father, gpa, and great gpa would include

lineal relatives

Traditional Chinese families are good examples of

patrilineal kinship

unilineal descent groups

endure over time and clearly define who is and who is not a member

the rules that a culture uses to est. affiliation with one's parents is called


Zuni (New Mexico)

Zuni men are divided by serving the economic interests of their wives and the ceremonial needs of their sisters and mothers

The nuclear family is based on _________ ties and the extended family is based on _______ toes.

marital; blood.

